Page History
- Statement Guideline ( Eduardo)
- Roles and Responsibilities (Lesley)
1. Welcome and Roll call
Agenda agreed
2. Workplan with teams (update/take stock) & Overview of updates ( included)
3. Wiki space for use by GRC ( Kim/Bart, see:
Comments of the group to be send to Kim
Who will keep the wiki up to date? Initially it will be the secretariat, but also give ability to keep team leaders
Comments: Change title first 3 documents in document section
Refine names of documents included
Kim to check permissions wiki space ( part of pages)
If possible provide permission to team leads
4. Progress teams
o ccNSO Meeting Guideline & Update Program WG charter
Add not an offical
Informal, non-binding "sense of the mood"
Change colours as described in document ( if at all)
Record handing out
ccTLD preferences during ccNSO meetings
Action Bart to clarify section 4.1
o Statement Guideline ( Eduardo)
Guideline as it stands one major issue: the meaning of the term “significant support”
Resolve on the basis of no-objection I.e include mechanism in Guideline on how to deal with objections against final draft.
Related question is also whether the ccNSO Council could provide a statement by themselves if there is objection from members?
Eduardo: wait for comments or start drafting?
Potential mechanism could be to include mechanisms to allow for minority views ( objection). Note objection of a small minority should not introduce a de-facto veto for a statement.
Action: Eduardo and Bart to propose mechanisms to deal with objections
o Roles and Responsibilities (Lesley)
Add langauge to guideline
Staff: add latest version as starting point/document
5. AOB
No remarks
Chat Transcript:
Bart Boswinkel:Hi all