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25 - 26 September 2015 (2 full day meetings)


530 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica CA 90405 United States



Click here

In-Person Attendees:

listed in order of confirmed

MembersParticipants/ObserversLegal CounselApologiesAdvisors
  1. Eberhard Lisse
  2. Sébastien Bachollet 
  3. Tijani Ben Jemaa
  4. Olga Cavalli
  5. Alan Greenberg
  6. Cheryl Langdon-Orr
  7. James Bladel
  8. Finn Petersen (alternate for Julia)
  9. Bruce Tonkin
Finn Petersen
  1. Pär Brumark
  2. Thomas Rickert
  3. Leon Sanchez
  4. Jordan Carter
  5. Robin Gross
  6. Nigel Roberts (alternate for Mathieu)
  7. Steven Deerhake (alternate for Giovanni)
  8. Suzanne Radell 
  9. Samantha Eisner

 Giovanni Seppia


  1. Anne Aikman-Scalese (
  1. P)
  1. Konstantinos Komaitis (
  1. O)
  2. Kavouss Arasteh (
  1. P)
  2. Avri Doria (P)
  3. Eric Brunner-Williams (
  1. P)
  2. Brett Schaefer (alternate for Paul R) (P)
  3. Tom Dale (P)
  4. Jorge Cancio (P)
  5. Jonathan Zuck (P)
  6. Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva (P)
  7. Mark Carvell (P)
  8. Ken Salaets (P)
  9. Kieren McCarthy (P)
  10. Phil Buckingham (pending) (P)
  11. Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez (pending) (P)
  12. Seun Ojediji (P)
  13. Qusai AlShatti (P)
  14. Larry Strickling (NTIA)
  15. Greg Shatan (P)
  16. Fiona Alexander (NTIA)
  17. Arun Sukumar (P)
  18. Gregory Dibiase (O)
  1. Rosemary Fei
  2. Holly Gregory

Paul Rosenzweig

Greg Shatan

Julie Hammer

Nigel Roberts

Seun Ojedeji

Jan Aart Scholte

Willie Currie

Nell Minow

Mathieu Weill

We invite you to confirm your in-person presence by sending an RSVP  to <> by *_Tuesday, 15 September­ COB.

* Please note that only the 26 members, the ATRT Expert, and the ICG Liaisons are eligible for travel funding.

Participants are welcome to attend the F2F meeting at their own expense.

Legal counsel and Advisors will be invited to join the CCWG in Los Angeles.

Members unable to attend the meeting in-person may appoint an alternate. Alternates will be eligible for travel funding if they are a current participant of the CCWG-Accountability and are approved bytheir SO/AC to serve as an alternate.

  1. Stephanie Petit 
  1. Ira Magaziner

Apologies: Paul Rosenzweig; Julie Hammer; Jan Aart Scholte; Willie Currie; Nell Minow; Mathieu Weill; Giovanni Seppia; Becky Burr; Lyman Chapin; David McAuley; Alice Munyua; Izumi Okutani, Matthew Shears

Reading List: always, remote participation will be available for this meeting.