Maria Otanes
Saved on Sep 02, 2015
Saved on Sep 09, 2015
I. Draft SOW: Discuss Mission and Scope
II. Group methodology: Staff and IAG roles and responsibilities
III. Scheduling future calls
IV. AOB/Next call
1. Discuss the scope and mission of the charter
2. Charter Question 1:
• Process: Should the Procedure be revised to allow for invocation prior to contracting?
o If adopted, how would that alter the contracting process?
o What parties would be most appropriate to include at this early stage of the Procedure?
3. Scheduling next call
• First Wednesday in March (4 March 2015)
4. AOB
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call-290115.doc
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call-290115.pdf
1. Review draft changes to Mission & Scope
2. Review output from last meeting
3. Discuss last question: How should public comment be incorporated into the Procedure?
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call-040315.doc
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call-040315.pdf
13:00-14:30 UTC
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call-010415.doc
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call-010415.pdf
Discussion document_April1.pdf
ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law.pdf
Consensus Policy Recommendation.pdf
ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law GOOGLE DOC
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call – 10 June 2015.doc
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call – 10 June 2015.pdf
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call – 13 July 15.doc
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call – 13 July 15.pdf
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call – 5 August 2015.doc
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call – 5 August 2015.pdf
Proposed Agenda
Draft trigger based on contracted party request. Keep? Modify? Drop?
Finalize body of draft report
Minority statements?
Next steps and timing
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call - 2 September 2015.doc
TAF_IAG-WHOIS Conflicts call - 2 September 2015.pdf
Alternative Trigger for Discussion Contracted Party Request.pdf
IAG Draft Report v3 (clean).pdf