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Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information Policy Development Process


  • Translation: translations of text into another language
  • Transliteration: writing a word by using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet

Upcoming Important Dates

Adoption of the Working Group’s Charter and Call for Volunteers to join the Working Group – expected following the 31 October GNSO Council Meeting.


On 13 June 2013, the GNSO Council initiated a Policy Development Process (PDP) on the translation and transliteration of contact information. Since then a group of volunteers has been convened to draft the Charter for the subsequent Working Group, which is expected to address the following issues:


The forthcoming WG will be open to all interested parties. Additional opportunities for input will occur through the outreach from the WG to the different SO/ACs for substantive input as well as later on following the publication of the Initial Report for public comment.

Additional Information

ALAC Related Documents

  • n/a - No Statement were previously made on this topic.