Page History
Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Home
- These pages will be updated throughout the lifetime of this PDP (and beyond in fact), as all relevant development and documents resulting from the WG's work effort will be posted. Have we forgotten something? Just click here and email it to us!
- This WG is being run using ICANN's multistakeholder model.
- Reports will be written based on input received by the WG and displayed here.
- If you belong to a stakeholder group and would like to provide additional content, please email who will provide any interested members with the relevant information and instructions of how to join the group. Membership is not a prerequisite to submit a comment or additional continent. So send that too to email with T&T at the start of the Subj. line.
June 12, 2015 Final report published
Final Report of the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Working Group
June 23, 2015 Final report's recommendations adopted unanimously by GNSO Council
Many thanks to all WG members and staff involved!
Chris & Rudi