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          Time                                                              TOPIC DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Session Leader      Presenter(s)
09:0009:30Purpose of Collecting and maintaining gTLD registration data PDP & Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services
What is it about:
PDP Status Update and Expert Working Group Update
The Board directed the preparation of an Issue Report on the purpose of collecting and maintaining gTLD registration data, and on solutions to improve accuracy and access to gTLD registration data, as part of a Board-initiated GNSO policy development process
Presenter: TBC


 Jonathan Robinson


Update from the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC)

What is it about:  This is an opportunity for the SSAC to provide an update to the GNSO Council on its activities and discuss those of particular interest to the GNSO.  One such issue may be an SSAC document that will provide a taxonomy on domain name registration data validation.  This document is due to be published prior to the ICANN Beijing meeting.

Background:  The SSAC advises the ICANN Board on issues involving the security and stability of the DNS.  It provides regular updates to the GNSO and ICANN community at ICANN meetings and via its activity reports.

Presenters: Patrik Fältström, SSAC Chair and Jim Galvin, SSAC Vice Chair, Policy Staff member: Julie Hedlund

Session Leader: Jonathan 

 Jim Galvin
Julie Hedlund
10:0011:00CEO Dicsussion with GNSO Jonathan RobinsonFadi Chehadé


GNSO-GAC (BGRI Working Group) 


Jonathan RobinsonHeather Dryden
13:0014:30GNSO-Board Jonathan Robinson 
14:3015:00Break / Travel   
15:0016:30gTLD Update (1. RA / RAA, 2. Auction timing, 3. "Hourglass" of PDT/contract signingJonathan RobinsonChristine Willett/Akram Atallah
16:3017:00Break  3017:0018:00

IDN (Rec 2 / VIP update / policy & contractual issues)

Presenter: Ching Chiao Staff member: Steve Sheng

staff memberSession leader Jonathan RobinsonChing Chiao

