Page History
Board approves the dates of meetings to be held in 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Whereas, ICANN intends to hold Meetings in 2014, 2015 and 2016 as per its policy.
Whereas, the dates proposed in this paper were published for public comment for a period of 15 days ending 8 March 2011.
Whereas, staff has completed a thorough review of the public comments received, and has used those comments to develop a recommended schedule of dates for ICANN meetings as follows:
23 - 28 March 2014 No. 49 | Europe (Tentative)
22 - 27 June 2014 No. 50 | North America (Tentative)
12 - 17 October 2014 No. 51 | Asia Pacific (Tentative)
8 - 13 February 2015 No. 52 | Africa (Tentative)
21 - 26 June 2015 No. 53 | Latin America (Tentative)
18 - 23 October 2015 No. 54 | Europe (Tentative)
28 Feb - 4 Mar 2016 No. 55 | North America (Tentative)
19 - 24 June 2016 No. 56 | Asia Pacific (Tentative)
30 Oct - 4 Nov 2016 No. 57 | Africa (Tentative)
Resolved (2011.03.18.11), the Board accepts the dates of meetings to be held in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Implementation Actions
- None.
While ICANN continues to examine the overall structure of the Meetings and conferences it conducts, including the number, type and geographic rotation, it is important to identify and publish proposed dates for ICANN Meetings through 2016. Publishing the Meeting dates is important to prevent conflicts with other community events, as well as to allow ICANN Meeting participants to plan for their attendance.
The proposed dates were selected based on careful avoidance of important holidays, celebrations, and observances around the globe. Similarly, every effort was made to identify and prevent scheduling conflicts with other community events. Staff recommendations were then developed for review by members of the ICANN Public Participation Committee, and subsequently published for a 15-day public comment period. Though commenters noted that conflicts remained for two of the June meeting dates, there are no sufficient alternative dates available for those meetings.
There will be no financial impact on ICANN in announcing the dates of upcoming ICANN Meetings. There is no impact on the security or the stability of the DNS due to announcement of the dates.
Other Related Resolutions
- Public comment for meeting dates is available at:
- Information on ICANN's public meetings are available at
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.