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02:41:46    Lavish Mawuena Mensah:    Thank you Yesem
02:42:36    Glenn McKnight:    Also Jon please should speak slow and be brief in the interjections
02:45:46    Lavish Mawuena Mensah:    Replying to "Thank you Yesem"

02:51:55    Frank Anati:    Hi, everyone. Frank Anati from Ghana 
02:52:14    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Hello all, thank you for joining
02:52:45    Lavish Mawuena Mensah:    Reacted to "Hello all, thank y..." with 
02:52:46    Frank Anati:    Replying to "Hello all, thank you..." 

 Thanks Chantelle
02:53:04    Lavish Mawuena Mensah:    Reacted to "Hi, everyone. Fran..." with 
03:02:09    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Reacted to "Thanks Chantelle" with ☺️
03:06:44    Sivasubramanian M:    Before asking my question, a clarification requested from those in chat: Does the applicant support program require the new applicant to disclose the app support string even to the app support team minutes before the regular applicants reveal their strings directly or indirectly?
03:06:58    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Thank you Siva, I’ll add you to the Queue
03:08:21    Justine Chew:    Thanks Becky, the term I should have used is "bid credit" instead of "multiplier bid", so a bid credit that has a multiplier effect.
03:09:04    Sivasubramanian M:    Thank you Chantelle.  In the meantime I hope this clarification comes from those in chat
03:12:20    Justine Chew:    @Siva, Lars can correct me ….. my understanding is that in the applicants and their strings are revealed at the same time which is some time after the application window closes and before the comment process opens.
03:15:16    Lars Hoffmann - ICANN org:    @siva - I joined the zoom room too late. So I did not see the original question. It is correct that in the last round, strings and applicants were revealed at the same time after the application window closed.
03:16:31    Sivasubramanian M:    Yes
03:18:14    Sivasubramanian M:    And in the last round, before the window closed, there was a security issue of the application system having been compromised with the reported possibility of some strings seen by the 'hackers'
03:18:26    Lars Hoffmann - ICANN org:    With regard to ASP - an ASP candidate does not need to reveal their string to apply for and potentially receive applicant support.
03:18:34    Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:    innovation <> speculation?
03:19:35    Justine Chew:    +1 Lars, and that's because an ASP candidate is (pre-)evaluated based on 3 criteria that are unrelated to the string that they seek.
03:19:40    Sivasubramanian M:    And, ahead of framing the safeguards, the early application hopefuls announced their strings and displayed their strings in banners and posters in ICANN booths during 2010-12
03:21:25    Paul McGrady (NCPH):    @Olivier - that was the question which is why we discussed the bona fide intention to use.
03:22:17    Justine Chew:    @Siva, there isn't any prohibition to that. What matters is whether they get submit their applications AND if those applications can proceed through the application & evaluation process.
03:22:39    Sivasubramanian M:    Some clever DNS actors - don't know who they were - they offered T Shirts to icann participants who were willing to say what gTLD string that they would desire, if they had a chance, some said .com, some said .net, some said .org, they all receive a T Shirt printed live with the string of their imagination.
03:23:49    Sivasubramanian M:    The booth operator got the idea for the new gTLD string, an imaginative, valuable, creative idea for a new string for the price of a cheap T Shirt
03:24:24    Paul McGrady (NCPH):    I see that Jim Prendergast is in the room.  Jim worked hard on this topic in SubPro and hope he will take the microphone at some point to share his views which did not often align with mine.
03:24:58    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    In the queue, currently, we have Seb and Marita
03:25:37    Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:    Reacted to "@Olivier - that was ..." with 
03:26:09    JESSICA DADZIE ASARE:    Good Afternoon everyone
03:26:10    Sivasubramanian M:    And those serious who happened to have indulged in promoting the string with banners and posters attracted contention without any consideration to the fact that they thought if a string and promoted it even as the new gTLD program app process was being finalized
03:26:20    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Hi Jessica, welcome
03:27:39    Sivasubramanian M:    On the rules of subpro , a PDP I stayed away from, here is a scenario:
03:29:43    JESSICA DADZIE ASARE:    Thank you
03:30:20    Sivasubramanian M:    If we were totally new to ICANN, and totally unaware of the value of a new string, and if I thought about .triliondollars, and if I apply for my string as a regular applicant, my string goes through without attracting attention and the inevitable contention (1)
03:32:32    Lavish Mawuena Mensah:    Wow... Thanks Monte for the education... Auction 101
Very insightful!
03:32:48    Sivasubramanian M:    If I required (scenario) app support, I would need help in preparing the application, so I will have to seek orobono help, but how would I qualify for support without telling the process or probono that my app support request is meritorious without telling them that I want to apply for .trilliondollars?
03:33:00    Sivasubramanian M:    That was (2)
03:33:13    Abraham Selby:    Greetings everyone, I am Abraham Selby from Ghana
03:33:21    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Hi Abraham, welcome
03:34:08    Justine Chew:    Replying to "If I required (scena..."

I would suggest a non-disclosure agreement
03:34:45    Becky Burr:    Noted and understood @Sebastian
03:34:51    Sivasubramanian M:    And, if as a support applicant (scenario) if I require my application brought to the process ahead of regular applicants, I would definitely attract contention in a situation where I would not at all have contention otherwise for an uncontested string.
03:35:00    Sivasubramanian M:    That was (3)
03:36:05    Abraham Selby:    Its great to be here on this discussion we can connect via
03:36:30    Sivasubramanian M:    (4) If these differences exist between regular applicants and support applicants, now the string is given away for the price of applicant support.
03:36:59    Sivasubramanian M:    A better value than a cheap T Shirt indeed
03:37:10    Sivasubramanian M:    That was (5)
03:38:02    Justine Chew:    Subsequent Procedures did not recommend the possibility of request for a change of strings sought except for if the strings in contention relate VERY closely to a brand name.
03:38:49    Sivasubramanian M:    @Justine, if these possibilities or some other risk if FORCED contention is unwittingly engineered into the rules, would even a 1000000 factor instead of the factor of 4 suffice? Even that not. That is (6)
03:41:17    Justine Chew:    @Marita, if more than one community-based applicants in a contention set chooses to participate in the Community Priority Evaluation (CPE) and they all prevail, then they would still go to an auction.
03:41:56    Becky Burr:    @Jim Prendergast - can we enforce a prohibition on private auctions?
03:42:14    Sivasubramanian M:    ... risk of...( in 6)
03:42:57    Justine Chew:    @Siva, the factor for the bid credit has not been determined, but I hear you.
03:43:20    Sivasubramanian M:    Just a point Justine.
03:46:11    Greg Shatan (NARALO):    It might be possible to prohibit private auctions contractually.  Question is -- Would ICANN be willing to enforce that prohibition?
03:49:39    Sivasubramanian M:    Thank you for the reply. Rules may not requir, but in the protocol process, the applicant would be invariably be drawn into revealing the string, by the normal course of interaction, or, in some cases, by gaming
03:50:11    Becky Burr:    @jim - flat prohibition on private resolution would likely reduce, but not eliminate the behavior, no?
03:50:32    Sivasubramanian M:    NDC would only help the mighty
03:51:41    Jim Prendergast:    Replying to "@Jim Prendergast - c..."

yes  by requiring all contention sets be settled via ICANN Auction of Last Resort or via Vickrey Auction.
03:52:04    Edmon Chung:    actually I am wondering also, if the terms and conditions do not allow it, then sure, applicants can find "creative ways" to work around it... but if they are "found out" they would be disqualified... in that case, some of the applicants in the contention set may be much less willing to go into private auction?
03:52:56    Kristy Buckley - ICANN Org:    Expression of Interest Survey for pro bono services:
03:53:14    Bill Jouris:    Replying to "@Jim Prendergast - c..."

We could just refuse to recognize any party which bought a TLD via a private auction.  That is, only the original bidder in the ICANN auction would be allowed to operate the TLD.  Crude, but probably effective.
03:53:16    Paul McGrady (NCPH):    Replying to "@Jim Prendergast - c..."

It is an interesting question on whether or not it is within ICANN's mission to weigh into the marketplace in such a manner.  The Board has a lot to think about.  I don't envy them.
03:55:37    monte cahn:    Replying to "@Jim Prendergast - c..."

If all contention sets are resolved via ICANN last resort, there is no need for private auctions and the issues and concerns we are discussing. In other words, all contentions sets would have to go trough Icann via a sealed bid process.
03:55:56    Lavish Mawuena Mensah:    Thanks Kristy!
03:56:12    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Reacted to "Expression of Intere..." with 
03:56:20    Lavish Mawuena Mensah:    Reacted to "Expression of Inte..." with 
03:57:17    Sivasubramanian M:    I have seen "We buy new gTLDs banners in ICANN, IGF booths @marita
03:57:19    Ben McIlwain:    Prohibitions on sales within a certain amount of time don't really work anyway, as you could buy a bunch of TLDs with a bunch of different LLCs and then have that LLC itself be acquired as a way of effectively selling the TLD.
03:58:30    Sivasubramanian M:    +1 Ben
03:58:53    Lavish Mawuena Mensah:    +1 JZ
03:58:57    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Thank you all for joining. Please visit the At-Large ICANN77 workspace for other sessions and information:
03:59:01    Frank Anati:    Great discussion
03:59:12    Frank Anati:    Reacted to "Thank you all for jo..." with 
03:59:22    Raitme Citterio:    Thanks for de amazing discussión
03:59:29    Raitme Citterio:    Reacted to "Thank you all for jo..." with 
03:59:31    Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:    excellent session
03:59:34    Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org:    Thank you for your participation. This meeting is adjourned.
03:59:38    Lavish Mawuena Mensah: