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Notes/ Action Items
Action Items
ACTION ITEM: WG members to review/comment on the Losing FOA Working Document [] in preparation for the meeting on Tuesday, 17 August. Also see the project workplan [] for action items.
Notes: Transfer Policy Review Phase 1 - Meeting #12 – Tuesday, 03 August at 16:00 UTC Proposed Agenda
3. Continued discussion of AuthInfo Codes (15 minutes): Focus relevant SO/AC/SG/C written input: See -- AuthInfo Codes working document [] and Early Input:
4. Discussion of Losing FOA (60 minutes): See – Losing FOA Working Document []: Charter Questions:
Note: In answering this question, the Staff Support Team has included feedback from the Registrar/Registrant Survey that was issued as part of the Transfer Policy Policy Status Report. Additionally, the Support Staff Team has included a non-exhaustive list of sub-questions for the WG to consider. Discussion:
--- Additional questions for consideration (from the working document):
Note: As a starting point, the CPH Tech Ops Group “agreed that the requirement to notify the Registrant about a transfer request should be mandatory. As general business practices of Registrars and individual transfer scenarios vary, the group concluded that such notification does not have to be an email, but rather may incorporate other means of more modern communication.” Early Written Input received from the BC on this charter question: Good starting point.
Early Written Input received from the BC on this charter question: Transfer locks should be removable by the registrant.
5. AOB (5 minutes)