Page History
- Category: gTLD gTLDs
- Topic: Action regarding .TEL sTLD
- Board meeting date: 21 March 2005
- Resolution number: 05.14
- URL for Board minutes/resolution:
- Status: Completed
Kurt Pritz introduced the proposed resolution. After a lengthy additional discussion, Hagen Hultzsch moved, and Paul Twomey seconded, that the Board adopt the following resolution:
Resolved \ [05.14\] the Board hereby directs the President to provide the board with more information from the technical evaluators and applicants regarding the technical aspects of the .TEL sTLD application. Wiki Markup
This resolution was unanimously approved by the Board 15-0, with no abstentions.
- Provide Board with more information regarding technical aspects of .TEL sTLD.
- Responsible entity: President
- Due date: None provided
- Completion date: June 2005
Other Related Resolutions
- Resolution 01.74 - Board directs President to form and chair New TLD Evaluation Process Planning Task Force (NTEPPTF):
- Resolution 02.97, 02.97A - Board accepts NTEPPTF report and directs President to produce plan for action for approval by Board at October 2002 meeting in Shanghai, China:
- Resolutions 02.150, 02.151, and 02.152: Board authorizes President to implement NTEPPTF recommendations in Action Plan, requests GNSO to provide recommendation on structure of generic tol level namespace, and directs President to develop draft Request for Proposals:
- Resolution 03.112 and 03.113 - Board invites public comment on draft request for proposals for sTLDs; requests President to provide to Board detailed plan and schedule for development of appropriate long-term policy for introduction of new gTLDs:
- Resolutions 03.166, 03.167, and 03.168 - Board calls for the development of process and policy for streamlining introduction of new gTLDs as specified in ICANNs MoU with the U.S. Department of Commerce:
- Resolutions 03.169, 03.170, and 03.171 - Board resolves to negotiate agreement reflecting commercial and technical terms upon completion of sTLD selection, resolves that selection process and implementation for sTLDs will be evaluated, and directs President to finalize and post open Request for Proposals for limited number of new sTLDs:
- Resolution 05.44 and 05.45 - Authorizing President and General Counsel to enter negotiations relating to proposed commercial and technical terms of .TEL sTLD with applicant:
- Resolution 06.27 - Approval of proposed agreement with Telnic concerning .TEL sTLD:
- Resolution 07.46 - Authorizing President and General Counsel to enter amendment of .TEL Registry Agreement to accept the proposed change in fee structure:
- Resolution __.2007, __.2007 - Approval of .TEL amendment to amend Whois provisions of Registry Agreement to comply with UK and EU data protection laws:
- Other resolutions TBD