Page History
- Category: Board
- Topic: Review of Recommendations from Board's Reconsideration Committee
- Board meeting date: 31 March 2006
- Resolution number: 06.19, 06.20
- URL for Board minutes/resolution:
- Status: Completed
The Board adopted adopts the recommendations of the Reconsideration Committee that the Board take no action on reconsideration request RC 06-1 or reconsideration request RC or RC 06-2.
Whereas, on 28 February 2006, the Board approved a set of agreements to settle the legal disputes between VeriSign, Inc. and ICANN.
Whereas, in requests for reconsideration RC 06-1 and 06-2, various parties requested reconsideration of that Board decision;
Whereas, the Reconsideration Committee has reviewed the reconsideration requests and has submitted its recommendations to the Board, as posted at <> and <>.
RESOLVED (06.19), that the Reconsideration Committee's Recommendation RC 06-1 is adopted for the reasons stated in that recommendation.
- None
- Responsible entity: None
- Due date: None specifiedNone
- Completion date: Not applicable None
Other Related Resolutions
- Requests for Reconsideration 06-1 and 06-2 were filed in response to Board Resolution 06.07, adopted 28 February 2006, where the Board approved approves of proposed agreements to settle the legal disputes between VeriSign, Inc. and ICANN.
- Other Resolutions resolutions TBD.
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
- ICANN's Reconsideration Policy, set forth in Article IV, §2 of the ICANN Bylaws, is available hereat:
- Request 06-1 for Reconsideration filed by Network Solutions, LLC, et al. on 10 March 2006, is available hereat:
- Amended Request 06-1, filed on 16 March 2006, is available hereat:
- Request 06-2 for Reconsideration filed by Danny Younger on 30 March 2006, is available hereat:
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.