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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0
  • Category: (replace this text with one of the following categories: Administration/Budget, ccTLD, gTLD, IP, ICANN Structure, International Agreement)Topic: (replace this text with a keywords from title) ICANN Structures
  • Topic: At Large Study Committee Report
  • Board meeting date: 15 November 2001
  • Resolution number: 01.124, 01.125, 01.126, 01.127, 01.128, 01.129, 01.130, 01.131
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution:
  • Status: (replace this text with: Completed, Ongoing, Suspended)

Board accepts the At Large Membership Study Committee final report and invites comment from the Internet community; directs the President to begin planning At Large election; and resolves to reach decisions on the process at the annual meeting in Ghana.Summary
(replace this text with the a one-sentence summary of the resolution)

Whereas the At Large Study Committee was chartered in January 2001 to undertake a comprehensive study of the concept, structure, and processes relating to an ICANN At-Large membership;


Whereas the ICANN community is also grateful for the willingness of the volunteer members of the ALSC to continue to work with the ICANN staff and community on the complex issues relating to the practical implementation of its recommendations in the event some or all of them are eventually adopted by the Board;

Wiki MarkupResolved \ [01.124\] that the Board, on behalf of the Internet community, expresses its deep appreciation for the significant contributions of Carl Bildt, Chuck Costello, Pierre Dandjinou, Esther Dyson, Olivier Iteanu, Ching-Yi Liu, Thomas Niles, Oscar Robles, and Pindar Wong through their continuing service on the ALSC, and in particular to Denise Michel for her invaluable service as the Executive Director of the ALSC;unmigrated-wiki-markup

Further resolved \ [01.125\] that the Board accepts the [ALSC Final Report and Recommendations|], dated November 5, 2001, as a basis for further discussion by the Board and the ICANN community;

Wiki MarkupFurther resolved \ [01.126\] that the Board invites comments on the ALSC Final Report from the Internet community as a whole, including the DNSO Names Council, the ASO Address Council and the PSO Protocol Council, and requests that any such comments be submitted within 45 days from the date of this Resolution;unmigrated-wiki-markup

Further resolved \ [01.127\] that the Board concurs with the ALSC's conclusion that Individual Internet users have a significant stake in ICANN's activities, should have the opportunity to participate in ICANN, and that representation should accompany participation for informed, sustained involvement of interested individuals in ICANN policy and decision-making;

Wiki MarkupFurther resolved \ [01.128\] that the Board intends to come to decisions on these issues on the schedule set forth in the ICANN Bylaws, so that any Directors selected through an At Large process will be seated at the conclusion of the ICANN Annual Meeting in 2002;

Wiki MarkupFurther resolved \ [01.129\] that the Board appreciates the willingness of the ALSC members to continue their voluntary service, in order to investigate further the various practical implementation issues that would be required should the Board adopt some or all of the ALSC recommendations, including the establishment of local and/or regional entities that could serve as a basis for bringing together individuals interested in participating in the ICANN process, and thus the term of the ALSC is hereby extended until the end of the ICANN meeting in Accra, Ghana;unmigrated-wiki-markup

Further resolved \ [01.130\] that the President and CEO is directed, in consultation with the ALSC and periodically reporting to the Board, to begin the contingency planning for carrying out an At Large election process in 2002, mindful of the recommendations contained in the ALSC Final Report, so as to ensure that option is practically available should the Board adopt some or all of those recommendations that would require such elections, and to work closely with the ALSC in its continuing efforts, especially investigating the practical ability to establish local or regional entities that can serve as vehicles for interested individual participation in the ICANN process; andunmigrated-wiki-markup

Further resolved \ [01.131\] that the Board will discuss and consider the recommendations contained in the ALSC Final Report, and any further learning produced by the further work of the ALSC and the staff, and any comments received from the community and the various ICANN councils, and intends to reach decisions at the ICANN meeting in Accra, Ghana in March 2002, so that the timelines set forth in the ICANN Bylaws can be met.

Implementation Actions

  • Provide comments on the ALSC Final Report (replace this text with specific Action Item)
    • Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
    • Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
    • Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented, if different from due date)
  • (replace this text with specific Action Item)
    • Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
    • Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
    • Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented, if different from due date)

Other Related Resolutions

  • (replace this text with links to related resolutions)

Additional Information


    • : Community
    • Date Due: 30 December 2001
    • Completion Date: 2001
  • Begin contingency planning for carrying out an At Large election process in 2002.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN staff
    • Due date: 2002
    • Completion date: 2002
  • Discuss and consider the recommendations contained in the ALSC Final Report and reach decisions by the ICANN meeting in March 2002.
    • Responsible entity: Board
    • Due date: ICANN meeting in Accra, Ghana in March 2002
    • Completion date: March 2002

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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