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While for-profit companies, private-public partnerships and hybrid entities can be eligible, the WG agrees that this support program must not be used as a substitute for conventional business risk; and the applicants set out in 3.3 are not eligible for support. It should be used to enable new gTLDs that could -- without this program -- be unimaginable.

(SUGGEST THIS GO TO 3.3)The WG wished to maintain flexibility in the type of organizational structure that could apply, however there was agreement that the following shouldnot be eligible:

  • Governments, para-statal agencies and government-owned companies
  • Groups applying for TLDs based on geographical names (ie, “city TLDs”)
  • Companies proposing a corporate name or brand as the applied-for TLD string


Wiki Markup

-Purely Governmental or para-statal applicants were listed as those applicants Not entitled to receive support as approved by full consensus of the WG and documented in the Milestone Report. However, at the ICANN San Francisco meeting the WG received a request from the GAC WG to consider including Government applications from Developing Countries for support. The WG will work to obtain a mutually acceptable definition and criteria to fit Government applications with the GAC WG, but recognizes the difficulty in measuring a government’s “need” and concern of the appropriateness of offering support for one government over another if resources are limited. The GAC WG has offered to review the JAS criteria and provide its recommendations on a formulation of a solution for possible support to Developing Country Government applications.

(SUGGEST THIS GO TO 3.3)The WG wished to maintain flexibility in the type of organizational structure that could apply, however there was agreement that the following shouldnot be eligible:

  • Governments, para-statal agencies and government-owned companies
  • Groups applying for TLDs based on geographical names (ie, “city TLDs”)
  • Companies proposing a corporate name or brand as the applied-for TLD string

We are aware that the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee has requested reconsideration for the WG's limit on governmental applications. However, the GAC has not provided any real rationale for this request, nor has it offered any participation of its own in the WG.c

3.3 Who’s not eligible – (take everything from the earlier report with the exception of the reference to Governments, or leave it out entirely). Applicants not entitled to receive support (S. 2.9 of the Milestone Report) :

Applicants are not eligible if there are factors that would hinder the Applicant from availing itself of the WG support. It would be self-defeating to support an applicant who, by virtue of other disabilities, may not be able to avail themselves of any support granted e.g. if the applicant is already

  • bankrupt, is the
  • subject of pending litigation or criminal investigation etc.

(Please note this should form part of our Financial Audit which is Step 3 of the process)We are aware that the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee has requested reconsideration for the WG's limit on governmental applications. However, the GAC has not provided any real rationale for this request, nor has it offered any participation of its own in the WG.

Application formula

The WG proposes that the following formula be applied to the above-stated criteria:
In order to be eligible for support under this program, an application MUST:

  • Demonstrate financial need (as determined in 3.1) as well as a sustainability plan
  • Demonstrate need by and service to a community (as determined by 3.3 or 3.4 or 3.5)
  • Certify that its corporate structure is not ineligible according to 3.22c

Part 4 - What benefits do qualified applicants receive?
