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Please find the meeting information below for the GNSO Drafting Team to Further Develop Guidelines and Principles for the GNSO’s Roles and Obligations as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community call on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 at 21:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

14:00 PDT, 17:00 EDT, 23:00 Paris CEST, (Thursday) 02:00 Karachi PKT, (Thursday) 06:00 Tokyo JST, (Thursday) 07:00 Melbourne AEST

For other times:



  1. Review Agenda/Updates to Statements of Interest
  2. Update on Coordination with ccNSO GRC re: 18.12 Guidelines for GNSO-ccNSO Joint Consultation on Initiation of a Special IFR
  3. Finalize Discussion: Section 1.3 Approval Action Community Forum: []
  4. Begin Discussion: Section 2.2 Petition Process for Specified Actions and Section 2.3 Rejection Action Community Forum: 
  5. AOB



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar



Apologies:  Erica Varlese, Maxim Alzoba


Notes/ Action Items

Actions Items:

  1. Section 18.12 Special IFRs: Guidelines for GNSO-ccNSO Consultation on Initiating a Special IFR: 
    1. DT members to review and provide comments on the CLEAN version of the draft document at: ASAP but not later than 16 August.
    2. Staff and David McCauley to coordinate on sending a reminder to the DT and GRC.
  2. Section 1.3 Approval Action Community Forum:  
    1. Staff to work with Heather Forrest and Steve DelBianco on revised language relating to section 1.4 of the Bylaws.
    2. Staff to work with Heather Forrest with respect to revised language relating to the timeline.
    3. DT members to review the final draft with the last call at the meeting on 07 August.
  3. Section 2.2 Petition Process for Specified Actions and Section 2.3 Rejection Action Community: 
    1. Staff should incorporate a timeline for both processes and make sure that the relevant sections of 2.3 are consistent with 1.3.
    2. DT members should review the revised draft guidelines in preparation for the meeting on 07 August.


  1. Section 18.12 Special IFRs: Guidelines for GNSO-ccNSO Consultation on Initiating a Special IFR:

-- DT and GRC had a productive meeting on Monday, 15 July to discuss revisions to the guidelines addressing questions from the GRC.

-- Staff worked with Heather Forrest and David McCauley to revise the document and sent it to the GRC and DT on 18 July.

-- Staff will work with David McCauley on the timing of a reminder to the GRC and DT to request input no later than 16 August.

2. Section 1.3 Approval Action Community Forum:

-- 4.1 Representative to the EC Administration -- that is correct, the Chair may not always be in this position.  Leave it as “Representative to the EC Administration” rather than “Chair”.

-- 4.3.1: “In no event later than” could be said simply as “within".  Although the first construction is more consistent with the Bylaws.  ACTION: Heather and Steve to review.

-- 4.3.2: Abstentions: count as abstentions in this section, not as a no, with respect to the count.  The relevant section of the Bylaws is excerpted, but include a note about approval at the beginning of the document: “Note that per Bylaws section 1.4(b)(i)-(iii) of Decision Whether to Approve an Approval Action, an action is approved if it is (A) supported by three or more Decisional Participants and (B) not objected to by more than one Decisional Participant.”  ACTION: Staff to insert text for Heather and Steve to review.

-- On the Timeline for GNSO Council Decision, T-21 -- Schedule Special Meeting of the GNSO Council to occur within 14 days -- check GNSO Operating Procedures 3.3.1 Advance Notice of Meetings.  ACTION: Heather to review.

-- Final call is the next DT meeting on 07 August.

3. Section 2.2 Petition Process for Specified Actions and Section 2.3 Rejection Action Community:

-- When we did these bylaws in 2016 we wanted to allow each AC/SO decisional participant to decide it’s own procedures to arrive at its decision.

-- From Heather Forrest to Everyone: (05:51 PM) 
@Steve - for GNSO does that also mean decision-making within the SG/Cs?

-- Steve’s suggestion -- should be stakeholder groups OR constituencies.

-- Staff should incorporate a timeline for both processes and make sure that the relevant sections of 2.3 are consistent with 1.3.

-- DT members should review and be prepared for a discussion during the meeting on 07 August.