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JAS WG Final Report

The JAS WG Final Report can be found here: 

Final_Report_JASWG (Sept 2011)_English

Final_Report_JASWG (Sept 2011)_French

Final_Report_JASWG (Sept 2011)_Spanish

Earlier drafts can be found by clicking here.


Summary Analysis for the Second Milestone Report: JAS WG 2d Milestone Report_ Comments Summary 2d Draft 8 4 11.pdf

Applicant Support Process Discussion (created by staff): Applicant Support Process Discussion Draft (2).pdf

Process Flow (created JAS WG): Applicant Support Process Discussion Draft (2).pdf

WG members' comments on draft Final Report

Please click here to get to the wiki pages on which WG members are asked to place their comments on various sections of the Final Report.

Proposed Draft Final Report review schedule:

  • The dates below take into account that the Draft Final Report has to be ready and sent to the GNSO by Sept 2 and to ALAC by Sept 20, particularly the upcoming Sept 2 deadline.
  •  The open issues or comments (column 3) is something Wendy can track.  
  • Some topics might take more or less time and schedule can adjusted accordingly. Also, depending on how much detail and scope the WG chooses to add to the report, the schedule might need to be adjusted, prioritized.
  • WG members are kindly asked to read in advance each section of the Draft Final Report in advance and provide comments, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting, particularly if unable to attend.
  • Seth Greene, from staff, has the version control.

Meeting Date

Discussion topic

Open issues, comments

August 2

  1. Agree in terminology
  2. Agree on Final report structure and review rules
  3. Standards of agreement to be used throughout the Final Report

1. Terminomogy: WG agreed on several terms. Staff suggested few alternatives via e-mail. Seth creating glossary definitions. If more terms come up, staff will bring to the WG.
2. Report Structure. Chairs agreed to use the proposed structure incluing addenda. This is the same used for the first Milestone Report. Review Rules: Chairs agreed to follow the proposed agenda schedule.
3. Standard of Agreement: Chairs agreed to use the standards of agreement, which are the same used for the first Milestone Report. Staff needs more clarity from the JAS WG on the final consensus.

August 5

  1. Applicant Eligibility Requirements
  2. Clarifications
  3. Financial Need
  4. Ineligibility criteria

Please see the draft Final Report pages 12 to 17.

August 9

  • Proposed support to eligible applicants

August 12

  • In-kind support

August 16

  • Capacity building

August 19

  • Evaluation process (including process flow)

August 23

  • Support Application Review Panel

August 26

  • Funds and Foundation

August 30

  • FAQ and Glossary, address any pending issues
  • Final Review and approval


During the International ICANN Meeting in Nairobi, ICANN’s Board recognized the importance of an inclusive New gTLD Program and issued a Resolution (#20) requesting ICANN stakeholders…

" develop a sustainable approach to providing support to applicants requiring assistance in applying for and operating new gTLDs."

In direct response to this Board Resolution, the Generic Names Supporting Organizations (GNSO) Council proposed a Joint Working Group composed of members of ICANN's Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs), to look into ways to develop support for new gTLDs applicants. The Working Group, also known as the JAS WG or WG (referred hereafter as WG), was formed in late April 2010. See below Key Milestones and links to respective documents.

List of members, Statements of Interest and respective affiliations: JAS WG Member_Mar2011.doc

What is Going on NOW?

The JAS WG has its Charter renewed by GNSO and ALAC. The working group has been divided into several subgroups to address different areas of the work. The subgroups each has its working page and they are:

  • Subgroup 1  Qualifications (was A B) - How to prioritize criteria for financial need + define mechanisms
  • Subgroup 2  Financial Donors (was C G) - Funding and Foundations
  • Subgroup 3  In-kind services (was D E F) - How to provide assistance for applicants; coordinating the assistance
  • Subgroup 4  ????? (H) - how to phase - phase fees, waive fees
  • Subgroup 5  IDN support  (was J)

MP3 Recordings of the WG meetings


Key Milestones to Date



29 Apr 2010

First conference call. Preparations for Chairs election, Charter drafting, work planning.

10 May 2010

Adoption of WG Charter by participating SOs and ACs.

5 May to 9 Jun 2010

Weekly conference calls. Drafting of Recommendation by WT1 and WT2.

Jun 14 2010

Posted a blog entitled “Call for Input: Support for New gTLD Applicants”

16-21 Jun 2010

DRAFT UNDER DISCUSSION (last review - Oct 12, 2010) pdf

CURRENT ADDENDA, With Public Comments Summary & Analysis

Excerpt sent to Board on 18 September 2010 (for special New gTLD Program Retreat)


JAS WG Charter

Chartered objectives for the Working Group:

Preamble: The Joint SO/AC Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support shall evaluate and propose recommendations regarding specific support to new gTLD applicants in justified cases. The working group expects to identify suitable criteria for provision of such support, to identify suitable support forms and to identify potential providers of such support. However, there is no presumption that the outcome will imply any particular governing structure. Accordingly, if the recommendations indicate that the preferred solutions are of a voluntary nature, the criteria and other provisions arrived at in line with the objectives below will solely serve as advice to the parties concerned. The objectives are not listed in any priority order. An overall consideration is that the outcomes of the WG should not lead to delays of the New gTLD process.

Objective 1: To identify suitable criteria that new gTLD applicants must fulfill to qualify for dedicated support. The criteria may be different for different types of support identified in line with Objective 2 and 3 below.

Objective 2: To identify how the application fee can be reduced and/or subsidized to accommodate applicants that fulfill appropriate criteria to qualify for this benefit, in keeping with the principle of full cost recovery of the application process costs.

Objective 3: To identify what kinds of support (e.g. technical assistance, organizational assistance, financial assistance, fee reduction) and support timelines (e.g. support for the application period only, continuous support) are appropriate for new gTLD applicants fulfilling identified criteria.

Objective 4: To identify potential providers of the identified kinds of support as well as appropriate mechanisms to enable support provisioning.

(Objective 5: To identify conditions and mechanisms required to minimize the risk of inappropriate access to support. Agreed within WG)

Operating Procedures for the Working Group

The Working Group will operate according to the interim working group guidelines set out in the Draft Working guidelines of 5 Feb 2010




29 April

First conference call. Preparations for chair election and charter. Work planning

10 May

Adoption of charter by participating SOs and ACs

5 May - 9 June

Weekly conference calls. Drafting of recommendation.

15 June

Posting of "snapshot" on WG's plans and & progress for public comment

21-25 June

Community discussions during ICANN Brussels Meeting

10 July - 10 August

Weekly conference calls resumed, development of final recommendation based on public comments received.

13 August

Final recommendation posted.






23 Jun - 23 Aug 2010

Posting of "snapshot" on WG's plans & progress for public comment in Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic and Russian.

21-25 June 2010

ICANN Brussels Meeting -  Community discussions Public Session: “Reducing Barriers to  New gTLD Creation in Developing Regions” http://brussels38

Members and their SoIs



Final Document Development

Wiki Markup
\[Original Template for Final Doc\[alacsoacnewgtldwg:[^Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.docx||||\||] \|doc\]\|^Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.doc\]

Wiki Markup
\[V2.1 include comments and snapshot text\[alacsoacnewgtldwg:[^Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.1.doc||||\||] \|pdf\]\|^Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.1.pdf\]

Work Deferred

alacsoacnewgtldwg:Draft Final Report for discussion on 17 August 2010|SO-AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group^Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.5.doc||||\




10 Jul 2010

Bi-weekly conference calls for the development of Milestone Report taking into account public comments received and Board Sept 2010 Board Resolution.

11 Nov 2010

Milestone Report posted for consideration by the Board, Chartering Organizations and at-large Community. See Public Forum here: 


alacsoacnewgtldwg:Initial summary|SO-AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group^Applicant%20Support%20SNAPSHOT%20Comments%20Summary_draft%208.04.10.doc||||\

Work Team Efforts

WT1 - Work team on reviewing application fee structure*

Volunteers: Tony Harris, Rafik Dammak, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Richard Tindal, Elaine Pruis, Andrew Mack

WT1 - working text






+  [



WT2 - Work team "Who and what" on identifying applicants in need of support*

WT2 - working Text

Volunteers: Andrew Mack, Carlos Aguirre, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Elaine Pruis, Rafik Dammak





9 Dec 2010

Cartagena ICANN Meeting Session: “Assisting gTLD Applicants from Developing Economies”:

Dec 2010 – Feb 2011

Charter renewal process by Chartering Organizations (ALAC and GNSO)

Jan 2011

Resume conference call. Preparations for new Chairs elections, Charter situation review, work planning – 4 subgroups formed.

Feb 2011

Posting of Summary Analysis of Milestone report Public Comments(English)


Which applicants may need support?
Based on country origin?
LDC (Least Developed Countries) at
LDC criteria at
LLDC (Landlocked Developing Countries) at
LLDC description at
SIDS (Small Island Developing States) at
SIDS description at
Based on legal form?
Non-profit organizations - structure overview at
Non-governmental organizations - structure overview at
Based on orientation, goals?

Document from Andrew Mack: ^WT2%20proposals%20Andrew%2020100607.doc||||\
Document from Elaine Pruis (letter): ^JAS_WG_RequestForSupport_V1.doc||||\

June Announcement (=link to it)

Posting on the ICANN website Comments area

Blog posting - call for input and comments

alacsoacnewgtldwg:Draft slides for 23 june Workshop|SO-AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group^Res20Session%20100621-2.ppt||||\

session questions and comments, from transcript

alacsoacnewgtldwg:African statement, Brussels, June 2010|SO-AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group^Support%20for%20new%20gTLD%20applicants_African%20statement.pdf||||\




New community Wiki space available to JAS WG.

Mar 2011

Posting of Summary Analysis of Milestone Report Public Comments in Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic and Russian.

Mar 2011

ICANN Silicon Valley Meeting:
-          Face to Face Meeting during (Thursday, March 17 14:00-15:30; Victorian room)
-          Status update to GNSO and ALAC during

May 2011

7th - Second Milestone Report was received by the ALAC and the GNSO
9th - At-Large staff, on behalf of the ALAC, initially forwarded this Report to the Board
7th to 13th  - Comments on the Report were collected from the At-Large Community.  These comments are the basis for the Statement of the ALAC on the Joint Applicant Support Second Milestone Report.
14th - The ALAC ratification process for the Second Milestone Report and the ALAC Statement begins.  
19th to 20th – Board retreat Istanbul.
19th - GNSO met and decided to postpone the vote until June 9th meeting. No consensus was reached as to send a letter to the Board.

Other activities:
JAS WG discussion to answers to GNSO, RyC questions.
JAS WG preparing cost questions to submit to staff

June 2011

3rd - ALAC sent invitation to GAC and BOARD to join JAS WG on June 7th to clarify MR2. GNSO chair also notified by Olivier.
6th - GAC/Board/JASWG meeting postponed to June 14
9th - GNSO meeting on JAS WG MR2
14th - GAC/Board/JASWG Conference call

19th - 24th Singapore ICANN Meeting - JASWG Session scheduled for June 23, Thursday from 11:00am to 12:30pm (VIP Lounge) Title: "JAS WG proposal for support for New gTLD Applicants from Developing Countries"

July 2011

5th -- JAS WG meeting with Kurt Pritz regarding WG’s request for additional staff support.  Four additional staff members assigned to help with meeting notes, drafting the Final Report and instructions manual and creating support process flowchart.

(Planned)September 2011

22nd -- GNSO meeting  (for this meeting, Final Report must be submitted by 14 September)
27th -- ALAC meeting (for this meeting, Final Report must be submitted by 15 September)




23rd through 28th -- ICANN Dakar Meeting, during which JAS WG will hold face-to-face session
