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Ashley Heineman (GAC), Mark Švančárek (BC) (15:15 session)


Laureen Kapin (GAC), Steve DelBianco (BC) (15:15 session)



 SSAD Questions under Discussion:


  1. Q11: Brian, Margie, Thomas, and Volker to work together on reformulating Q11 based on the small group’s discussion around a staggered approach to disclosure, i.e., first, disclosure of list of domain names, rather than disclosure of all contact information associated with the domain names.

  1. Right to be Forgotten: Legal Committee to review the Google Right to be Forgotten case and come prepared to discuss whether this case is relevant to the EPDP Team’s Phase 2 work; if yes, Legal Committee to formulate draft question to Bird & Bird.

Legal Memo Summaries:

  1. Legal Committee to review and edit the clean drafts of the Phase 2 legal memo summaries in advance of the next Legal Committee meeting on Tuesday, 19 November at 14:00 UTC. Please find links to the memos below:

    1. Questions 1/2 (controllership/liability)
    2. Question 3 (automation):

    1. Question 4 (disclosure to LEA outside of the controller’s jurisdiction):

Priority 2 Legal Questions


  1. By Friday, 15 November, Legal Committee to reread the questions submitted for Priority 2 items. In reading the questions, Legal Committee to:
    1. Determine if, based on the EPDP Team’s work to date, the question is still relevant and should be considered by the Legal Committee. If YES,
    2. Update the applicable Priority 2 worksheet to include a rationale as to why this question is relevant and should be posed to outside counsel.

Please find a link to the Priority 2 Worksheet links. Please note that within each worksheet, Support Staff has (i) indicated who is responsible for adding a rationale to each question and (ii) added cited text where applicable.

  1. In advance of the next Legal Committee Meeting on Tuesday, 19 November, Legal Committee to review the Priority 2 questions for Accuracy and WHOIS ARS and City Field Redaction.