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(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)


Dial-out Participants: 

EN: Judith Hellerstein, Loris Taylor,   Matthew Rantanen, Maureen Hilyard

Apologies: Gunela Astbrink, Glenn McKnight

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Mario Aleman, Siranush Vardanyan, Yeşim Nazlar

Call Management: Mario AlemanYeşim Nazlar


Action Items: EN

AC Chat:     EN    

Recording:  EN

Transcription: EN EN


A G E N D A  

  1. Roll Call - staff (2mins)
  2. Review of Action Items May 19 call  Staff Staff (2-3 Minutes)
  3. Welcome and Aim of Meeting, Quick Review of last meeting - Judith (5-7 mins)

  4. Review of Application from FY17 and see what updates might be needed - Judith or Heidi (5-7 mins) 
    1. See: Pilot Tribal Ambassadors Proposal for ICANN 57 
  5. Promotion and outreach strategy for fellowship - Judith/ Loris (10 mins)
  6. Do we need an application form to choose the mentors?  If not how will these be chosen -  (5 mins)
  7. Updating the Evaluation Committee to encompass the new regions - Judith  (5 mins)
  8. Next Steps -  Judith (5 mins)
  9. Other Business - Judith (5 mins)
