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Action Items: EN 

Transcript: EN, FR

Recording: ENFR 

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN


Dial out Participants: 

FR: Aïcha Abbad, Gabdibé Gab-Hingonne, Etienne Tshishimbi, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Aziz Hilali,

EN: Remmy Nweke, Abdulkarim Oloyede, Allan Magezi, Annett Bonuke, Carine Malor, Chokri Ben Romdhane, Dave Kissoondoyal, Emmanuel Dabbie Botchway, Emmanuel Oruk, Frank Anati, Imrane Ahmat Souleymane, Isaac Apenteng, Isaac Maposa, Jonathan Zuck, Joseph Abandoh-Sam, Joshua Ayayi, Lavish Mawuena Mensah, Malick A, Mary Uduma, Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot, Cliff Mutegeki, Nana Kwame Gyamfi, Oreoluwa Lesi, Osei Manu Kagyah, Peter Mmbando, Princess Lovia Tetteh, Raymond Mamattah, Reynolds Nyarko Darkwah, Robert Nkambwe, Samwel Kariuki, Sangai Moliwulo, Sarah Kiden, Sarata Omane, Seun Ojedeji, Shadrach Ankrah, Stephen Dakyi, Theorose Elikplim Dzineku, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Vernatius Ezeama, 

Apologies: Yaovi Atohoun (staff), 

Staff:  Yazid Akahno, Silvia Vivanco, Claudia Ruiz, Chantelle Doerksen, Bob Ochieng, Michelle DeSmyter

Observer:  Herb Waye

FR Interpreters:  Camila & Isabelle

Call Management: TBDMichelle DeSmyter





  1. Roll call (Staff) – 2 min 
  2. Review of Action items  from previous meeting (Staff ) – 2 min
  3. Open ICANN Public Comments ( @Seun ) – 6 min


Recently Ratified by the ALAC

Open Public Comments - Summary

  1. UNDER REVIEWRATIFIED: Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Registry and Registrar Systems | Close EXTENDED: 17 31 October 2022 CPWG - (15 minutes)2022 CPWG
  2. RATIFIEDDRAFT in progress: Pilot Holistic Review Draft Terms of Reference | Close: 20 October 2022 EXTENDED: 10 November 2022 OFB-WG
  3. NO COMMENT: Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency Charter Amendments | Close: 14 November 2022 OFB-WG 
  4. DRAFT in progress: Proposed Updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures | EXTENDED: 14 November 2022 OFB-WGUNDER REVIEW
  5. NO COMMENT: Proposed Amendments to the Base gTLD RA and RAA to Add RDAP Contract Obligations | Close: 24 October 2022  EXTENDED: 16 November 2022 CPWG
  6. UNDER REVIEW: Proposed Updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures | Close: 27 October RATIFIED: Draft IANA and PTI FY24 Operating Plan and Budgets | EXTENDED: 17 November 2022 OFB-WG
  7. NO COMMENT: Proposed Amendments to the SLA for the IANA Numbering Services | EXTENDED: 18 November 2022 CPWG
  8. DRAFT in progress: Registration Data Consensus Policy for gTLDs  | Close: 31 October 2022  EXTENDED: 21 November 2022 CPWG
  9. UNDER REVIEWDRAFT in progress: Draft IANA and PTI FY24 Operating Plan and Budgets | Close: 31 October 2022 OFB-WGInitial Report on the Second CSC Effectiveness Review | Close: 8 November 2022  EXTENDED: 1 December 2022 OFB-WG

4. Reports (47 40 min)

     a. Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Africa updates  (Pierre , Yaovi, Bob) - 6 5 min

     b.  Technical engagement Update  (Yazid Akanho) - 6 5 min

     c. Recent and upcoming ALAC activities (Sarah Kiden , Dave , Raymond) – 6 min

     d. NOMCOM update   (Tijani Ben Jemaa) - 6 5 min

     e. Universal Acceptance (UA) (Abdalmonem/Malick/Abdulkarim) - 3 min

     f. PDP WG tranfer policy update (Daniel Khauka NanghakaRaymond Selorm Mamattah  /Abdulkarim) - 5 4 min

     g. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS activities and Updates from Individual Members (All)  - 15 min12min

5. Updates/Items for discussion - 22 30 min

      a.  Preparation of next AFRALO Webinar series 2022 and update on the first webinar second webinar (AFRALO Universal Acceptance Training Session 2) -  Bram Fudzulani/ Tijani ,Aziz,All )    - 4 3 min

      b.  Update on  Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Statement - ICANN75 -   ( Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong ,Staff ) - 3 2 min  

      c.  Preparation AFRALO-AfrICANN Statement - ICANN76 Community Forum-   ( Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  ) - 2 min                              

      d.  Update on FY23 Outreach and engagement Strategic plan update (Bram) - 3 4 min

      e.  AFRALO General Assembly planning-  (Seun Ojedeji  ) - 2 6 min

      f. AFRALO Social Media Working Group -  ICANN Creates a Fellow Award in Honor of Paul Muchene  ( Seun Ojedeji) - 2 (Bukola Oronti and Team ) - 6 min

      g. Update on  ICANN FY24 Additional Budget Request (ABR) (@Icann Staff ) - 4 min

      gh. Update AFRALO Newsletter (Remmy , Olivier ,Staff  ) - 6 3 min  See See Newsletter Archive

6. AFRALO Membership Matters ( Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong & All ) -  9 8 min

The African region  has 69 ALSes located in 32 countries and territories

and 16 19 individuals members and 3 observers 


New Member Individuel and Observers

Newly Certified (0)

  • Sangai Moliwulo, Liberia
  • Victor Rweyemamu, Tanzanie 
  •  Ms. Fatou Sarr, Senegal 
Pending ALAC Vote (0)NoneNone
Decertification (1)

#208 ISOC GAUTENG (AFRALO)- Decertified by vote 15 September 2022

Awaiting RALO Feedback (0)

Awaiting advice  #325  (AF) Internet Society Chapirte Togolais,

Processing Due Diligence (2)

#324 Appui Solidarité pour le Renforcement de l Aide au Développement,Mali

(awaiting GSE  feedback) 

#305 Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach Uganda - AFRALO (received GSE feedback, potential hold for AFRALO


1) Josh Agukoh,Kenya

(did not reply to questions from leadership)

2) Dorothy Mambulasa (Malawi)- pending approval by AFRALO.

  •  Sangai Moliwulo,Liberia (approved)
  • Victor Rweyemamu, Tanzanie (approved)
  • 3) Annett Bonuke (new application)

    (applicant needs to complete application)

     Ms. Fatou Sarr, Senegal (approved) 

    On Hold (1)

    #282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - may formally be put on hold)


    7. AOB – (Seun, all) 2 min


    Ordre du Jour (Français) 


    1. Appel - Liste de Présence (Personnel) – 2 min
    2. Revue des actions à entreprendre de la réunion précédente (Personnel) – 2 min
    3. Commentaires publics d' ICANN (Seun Ojedeji ) – 6 min

      At-Large Policy Resources:

    4.  Rapports (47 40 min)

        a. Dernières infos du Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Afrique  (Pierre, Yaovi, Bob) - 6 5 min

        b. Mises à jour de l'engagement technique  (Yazid Akanho, Paul Muchene) - 6 5 min

        c. Activités récentes / à venir de l'ALAC (Sarah Kiden , Dave, Raymond) - 6 min

        d.Mise a jour de NOMCOM   (Tijani Ben Jemaa) - 6 5 min 

        e. Acceptation Universelle (AU) (Abdalmonem/Malick/Abdulkarim) - 3 min

        f. PDP WG transfer policy update (Daniel Khauka NanghakaRaymond Selorm Mamattah  /Abdulkarim) - 5 4 min

        g. Activités récentes / à venir des membres ALS d'AFRALO et des membres individuels (tous) - 14 12 min

    5. Mise à jour /Sujets de discussion/ (22 min)

         a.  Préparation   des  séries des Webinaires d"AFRALO de l'année 2022  et et mise a jour a à la tenue du premier webinairedeuxième webinaire ((AFRALO Universal Acceptance Training Session 2) )   

                 (Bram FudzulaniBram   Fudzulani/Tijani,Aziz,Tous)  - 4 3 min  

         b.Mise à jour  sur la declaration Conjointe AFRALO-AfrICANN -  de ICANN75 ( Abdeldjalil ,Staff )   - 3 2 min

         c . Preparation de la declaration Conjointe AFRALO-AfrICANN - pour ICANN 76    ( Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  ) - 2 min

         d.  Mise à jour sur l'exercice FY23  du plan stratégique Sensibilisation et engagement (Bram) - 3 4 min

         e. Planification de l'Assemblée Générale d'AFRALO -  (Seun Ojedeji  ) - 2 6 min

         f.  Groupe de Travail d'AFRALO sur les Réseaux Sociaux  (Bukola Oronti and Team ) - 6 min

        g. Mise à jour  ICANN FY24 Additional Budget Request (ABR) (@Icann Staff ) - 4 L'ICANN crée un "Fellow Award" en l'honneur de Paul Muchene  ( Seun Ojedeji) - 2 min

         g. Mise à jour du  Newsletter d'AFRALO  (Remmy , Olivier ,Staff  ) - 4 3 min  See See Newsletter Archive

    6. Questions d'adhésion à AFRALO Membership Matters (   Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong ) – 0 8 min

    The The African region  compte   compte 69 ALSes  localisées dans 32 pays et territoires .

    and 16 19 membres individuels  and 3 observateurs 


    Member Membre Individuel and Observerset  Observateurs

    Newly Certified (0)

    1) Sangai Moliwulo, Liberia


    Victor Rweyemamu, Tanzanie 

    3) Ms. Fatou Sarr, Senegal 


    Pending ALAC Vote (0)NoneNone
    Decertification (1)

    #208 ISOC GAUTENG (AFRALO)- Decertified by vote 15 September 2022

    Awaiting RALO Feedback (0)

    Awaiting advice  #325  (AF) Internet Society Chapirte Togolais,

    Processing Due Diligence (2)

    #324 Appui Solidarité pour le Renforcement de l Aide au Développement,Mali

    (awaiting GSE  feedback) 

    #305 Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach Uganda - AFRALO (received GSE feedback, potential hold for AFRALO


    1) Sangai Moliwulo,Liberia 

    (awaiting AFRALO leaders approval)

    2) Oruk Emmanuel,Uganda

    (awaiting AFRALO's leaders approval)

    3) Victor Rweyemamu, Tanzanie (approved by AFRALO's leadership)

    Osh Josh Agukoh,Kenya

    (did not reply to questions from leadership)

    4) Ms. Fatou Sarr, Senegal

    2) Dorothy Mambulasa (Malawi)- pending approval by AFRALO.

    3) Annett Bonuke (new application)(awaiting AFRALO's member approval) 

    On Hold (1)

    #282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - may formally be put on hold)

