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Members:  Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Eduardo Diaz, Elise Lindeberg, Graeme Bunton, Greg Shatan, Jaap Akkerhuis, Lise Fuhr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Paul Kane, Wanawit Ahkuputra   (11)

Participants:  Alan Greenberg, Alissa Cooper, Allan MacGillivray, Chuck Gomes, Christopher Wilkinson, Harold Arcos, Martin Boyle, Mike Chartier, Philip Corwin, Sabine Meyer, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy ,   (11)

Guests:  Erika Mann, Kurt Rossler

Staff:  Akrum Atallah, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings, Nathalie Vergnolle, Trang Nguyen, Yuko Green, Xavier Calvez

Apologies: Andrew Sullivan, James Gannon, Maarten Simon, Jonathan Robinson, Seun Ojedeji


**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**


1. Opening Remarks 

2. Implementation Planning

    • Staff update (Trang Nguyen)
    • Bylaws drafting (Sharon Flanagan)
    • Budget process (Chuck Gomes)
    • CSC Charter  
    • PTI Board & Structure: overview of discussions by IOTF


4. AOB

    • Next meeting on 14 April at 16:00 UTC 

 5. Closing Remarks


1. Opening Remarks 

  • Quite a few developments since Marrakesh - a lot of work has gone into implementation related activities including Bylaw drafting. 
  • DT-O has been meeting as well to discuss items related to the budget. 
  • Further meetings have taken place with the other operational communities concerning IPR. 
  • Implementation Oversight Task Force was created and kicked off after ICANN Meeting Marrakesh - consists of 
    ICANN Implementation Team, Chairs of CWG-Stewardship, DT Leads, Chair of ICG and representatives 
    of other operational communities. TF to serve as a sounding board for ICANN implementation staff - any decisions 
    are brought back to the CWG-Stewardship for review. TF has two meetings a week scheduled, to be 
    used if needed. All of the meetings are recorded and transcripts will now be provided as well. Mailing list archives 
    are publicly available. All the materials and recordings are available at Those interested to join the TF as an observer, please contact

2. Implementation Planning

      • Staff update (Trang Nguyen) - see slide deck presented see slide deck presented.

  • Interim PTI Board: will the ICANN Board appoint all 5 people and then these will be replaced? No, ICANN Board 
    would appoint ICANN PTI Board members, these would not be considered interim. Further consideration will need 
    to be given to how to select the interim independent Board members (see also PTI Board & Structure item)
  • Bylaws drafting - Legal advisors where pleased with co-operation between all the lawyers. Are progressing in a timely 
    fashion. Expect to be ready to send something for review to CCWG-Accountability and CWG-Stewardship by 1 April. 
    See questions circulated by Lise. 
  • Question 1 - recommendation to go with supermajority vote. Reference should be to ccNSO Council and GNSO 
    Council (not ccNSO and GNSO). Do both Councils have supermajority defined? GNSO Council Supermajority is 
    defined in the ICANN Bylaws. What is the rationale for recommending a supermajority vote? Items are intended to 
    have a high approval treshold. Agreement to follow the recommendation for a supermajority vote.

Action item 1#: Lise to communicate agreement to go with supermajority vote for question 1, noting that reference should 
be changed to GNSO Council and ccNSO Council.

  • Question 19 - recommendation to go with 30 days. Agreement to go with 30 days.

Action item #2: Lise to communicate agreement to go with 30 days for question 2.

  • How should CWG-Stewardship go about reviewing the Bylaws? Bylaws are expected to be published for public 
    comment by 20 April so any input from the CWG-Stewardship would need to be received before that time. Consider 
    scheduling an additional CWG-Stewardship meeting for next week. 

Action item #3: Lise to confirm as soon as possible whether additional CWG-Stewardship call is scheduled for next week.

  • Budget process (Chuck Gomes) - see financial objectives for PTI as developed by DT O and circulated to the mailing 
    list. Consider what needs to appear in the Bylaws, for example in relation to reserve. If not in Bylaws, maybe in the 
    contract? DT O is of the view that there should be a statement in the Bylaws that there should be multi-year guaranteed 
    funding for PTI. DT O communicated this to Becky Burr who was involved in the Bylaw drafting, noting that the CWG-Stewardship had not agreed to it yet. Discussed in previous call that Sidley would provide a light touch approach, not 
    committing to any kind of specific resolution, allowing for further deliberations to take place. General principle should 
    be embodied in the Bylaws, the solution should be decided and embodied elsewhere. Support for this approach by those 
    on the call, provide some additional time to those not on the call to express support / objection.
  • CWG-Stewardship to consider whether to submit comments on the FY17 Budget. DT-O to expected to make a 
    recommendation to the CWG-Stewardship following tommorow's DT-O meeting. Deadline for comments is 30 April. 

Action item #4: CWG-Stewardship to provide input on the proposed financial objectives for PTI as circulated to the mailing list 
within 48 hours. 

Action item #5: Confirm on list no objections to proposed recommendation to ensure that PTI multi-year guaranteed funding 
is covered in the Bylaws within 48 hours. 

  • CSC Charter - staff working with Donna (GNSO), Katrina (ccNSO) and relevant staff to work through some of the 
    issues in relation to the CSC. For example, appointment / re-appointment procedures in GNSO and ccNSO. Status 
    update will be provided to CWG-Stewardship team following those discussions. Ensure that both communities 
    understand what the requirements are for the creation of CSC and relevant procedures are in place, for example 
    for the approval of the CSC membership. Working out geographic diversity and skills requirements. 
  • PTI Board & Structure: overview of discussions by IOTF - see slides presented during call. Suggestion to have 
    Jonathan and Lise to serve as interim PTI independent directors assuming there are no issues around conflict 
    and independence until the NomCom would be able to make the selection as originally foreseen as part of their 
    normal selection cycle.

Action item #6: CWG-Stewardship to provide feedback on the suggestion to have Jonathan and Lise to serve as interim 
PTI independent directors assuming there are no issues around conflict and independence within 48 hours.

  • All three IANA functions will be moved to PTI. This is considered to be in line with the CWG-Stewardship proposal. 
  • ICANN legal is preparing memo in relation to difficulties of transferring staff to PTI. To be discussed further. 

Action item #7: Confirm agreement with recommendation that all three IANA functions will be moved to PTI as it was 
originally foreseen in the ICG/CWG-Stewardship Proposal.


  • See document shared during meeting and overview provided by GregSee document shared during meeting and overview provided by Greg. Principle terms developed by all three 
    communities. Now being reviewed by legal counsel of other communities. Once feedback comes back, these will 
    be reviewed by Sidley, followed by further discussion and possible revision by the whole group. Following finalization 
    of principles terms, group would move on to creating the actual documents required.
  • Consider including an introductory paragraph regarding history of IETF Trust.
  • More detailed discussion to take place in CWG-Stewardship at a later stage.

4. AOB

  • Next meeting on 14 April at 16:00 UTC. (note that a special meeting may be scheduled next week to review 
    and discuss the draft Bylaws).

 5. Closing Remarks

Action Items

  • Action item 1#: Lise to communicate agreement to go with supermajority vote for question 1, noting that reference 
    be changed to GNSO Council and ccNSO Council.
  • Action item #2: Lise to communicate agreement to go with 30 days for question 2.
  • Action item #3: Lise to confirm as soon as possible whether additional CWG-Stewardship call is scheduled for next week.
  • Action item #4: CWG-Stewardship to provide input on the proposed financial objectives for PTI as circulated to the mailing list within 48 hours. 
  • Action item #5: Confirm on list no objections to proposed recommendation to ensure that PTI multi-year guaranteed funding 
    is covered in the Bylaws within 48 hours. 
  • Action item #6: CWG-Stewardship to provide feedback on the suggestion to have Jonathan and Lise to serve as interim 
    PTI independent directors assuming there are no issues around conflict and independence within 48 hours.
  • Action item #7: Confirm agreement with recommendation that all three IANA functions will be moved to PTI as it was 
    originally foreseen in the ICG/CWG-Stewardship Proposal. 




Chat Transcript

  Brenda Brewer: (3/31/2016 10:50) Good day all and welcome to CWG Stewardship Meeting #78 on 31 March 2016 at 16:00 UTC!

  Lise Fuhr: (10:55) Hello all

  Lise Fuhr: (10:55) and hi again Cheryl

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:56) seemss like ony such  short time Lise

  Lise Fuhr: (10:57) Yes indeed :)

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (10:57) Hello everyone!

  Lise Fuhr: (10:58) @Marika and Brenda - Sharon couldn't join so Greg and I will present the bylaws drafting

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:58) Hi Sabine

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (10:58) I got the saxophone waiting music! This makes me happier than it has any right to do :)

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:59) ahhh  the saxaphone...  I understand your reaction :-)

  Harold Arcos: (11:01) Hello everyone,

  Greg Shatan: (11:01) I should have gotten the saxophone waiting music!

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (11:01) Oh, sorry everyone. I had muted myself but apparently it didn't take. Hope it's fixed now.

  Chuck Gomes (RySG): (11:02) Hi all.

  Yuko Green: (11:06) IOTF call materials and recordings are available at

  Yuko Green: (11:07) If you would like to be an observer to the IOTF mailing list, please e-mail

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:22) silence?

  Allan MacGillivray: (11:22) I have lost audio

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (11:22) okay, so it wasn't just me...

  Greg Shatan: (11:22) You had me convinced, Lise.

  Paul Kane: (11:22) :-)

  Elise Lindeberg, GAC: (11:22) also lost audio

  Marika Konings: (11:25) For the GNSO the same applies - the GNSO Council votes.

  Marika Konings: (11:26) It is the Council that votes, not the GNSO (which I think it was Alan meant)

  Marika Konings: (11:27) Most Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies direct their Council members how to vote (apart from the NCSG)

  Marika Konings: (11:27) for the GNSO that is

  Alan Greenberg: (11:28) How the GNSO and ccNSO councils manage their business is up to them.

  Allan MacGillivray: (11:28) @Alan +1

  Alan Greenberg: (11:30) We were simply not sufficiently precise in our original wording.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:30) I'd say "Council", yes

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:30) yup

  Paul Kane: (11:30) The question is Are we happy for a Supermajority or a Simple - I am happy with a supermajority

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:30) and you might think this is nit-picknig, but actually it's important because when if it ever comes down to a vote, there will be some who will say they do not agree it is the council.

  Marika Konings: (11:31) GNSO supermajority is defined in the ICANN Bylaws

  Paul Kane: (11:31) Good point martin 66%% I had assumed

  Avri Doria: (11:31) apologies for being late.  had a to avert a minor personal crisis.

  Marika Konings: (11:31) A "GNSO Supermajority" shall mean: (a) two-thirds (2/3) of the Council members of each House, or (b) three-fourths (3/4) of one House and a majority of the other House."

  Allan MacGillivray: (11:32) I agreee - the two councils should define this.

  Martin Boyle, Nominet: (11:32) I agree that it is for the ccNSO and the GNSO to say what theirs is

  Avri Doria: (11:32) i though that it was alwasy the presumption that supermajority was as defined in the operating procedures of the SOs.

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (11:33) Given what Marika just quoted "the GNSO council" would not necessarily be the body conveying "the GNSO opinion" (very non-technically speaking)?

  Avri Doria: (11:33) i do not see any other construct to deleiver it.

  Marika Konings: (11:34) @Sabine - this is from the section that defines the different voting thresholds that apply to the GNSO Council

  cw: (11:34) It will become increaingly important that everyone understands how each SOs and their Councils reach their decisions in the context of the Empowered Community. Christopher

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (11:34) Thank you for the clarification, Marika

  Alan Greenberg: (11:37) @Paul, thay *might* make sense, but it is too late at this point I would say.

  Paul Kane: (11:37) Provided it is already covered great-

  Avri Doria: (11:37) yes, that wold be a change in the proposal.

  Trang Nguyen: (11:38) We should also be clear that what we're talking about here applies only to the Names part of the ICANN-PTI contract.

  Greg Shatan: (11:39) Supermajority is consistent with the proposal.

  Eduardo Diaz (ALAC): (11:40) The 30 days are caklendar day?

  Avri Doria: (11:40) 30 days seems reasonable and fits the assumptions we made in putting together the plan

  Greg Shatan: (11:40) Not only the Names part, it would also apply to sections of general applicability.

  Greg Shatan: (11:41) "Days" are typically calendar days, unless modified by "business."

  Paul Kane: (11:42) My understanding is that it is not business days

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (11:43) ...currently trying to find the wording used in the CCWG report.....All I can remember that we discussed that quite extensively...

  Greg Shatan: (11:44) I'm all hands today, it seems.

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (11:45) okay, turns out it's just "days" in the CCWG report.

  Trang Nguyen: (11:46) @Greg, The general terms of the ICANN-PTI contract will be structured to meet the requirements of the names while ensuring that ICANN is able to sub-contract the number and protocol parameters functions to PTI. So I think we have the same page.

  Greg Shatan: (11:47) Thanks, @Trang!

  cw: (11:48) This statement is entirely consistent with the long standing principle tha the PTI/IANA budget should be adequate and 'ring-fenced'. CW

  Xavier Calvez: (11:50) @Greg. All good and relevant questions. A IANA reserve is one of the potential solutions to address the financial objectives.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:57) agree totally Greg

  cw: (11:58) Agree, this should be covered in the Bykaws. CW

  Akram: (12:00) current bylaws aren't that specific about ICANN's own reserves, maybe the light touch can work and leave details outside the bylaws

  Xavier Calvez: (12:01) FYI. Public comment period on FY17 budget ends on 30 Apr..

  Xavier Calvez: (12:02)

  Xavier Calvez: (12:02) page 21 to 28.

  Avri Doria: (12:13) yes.

  Avri Doria: (12:14) it is the operations of all three functions being moved

  Avri Doria: (12:14) that is what i understood in any case

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (12:16) it might not be obvious to everybody that the operation of a function and the contractual obligation to do so can be split up. but as a lawyer I'm not sure (as it's clear to me).

  Avri Doria: (12:19) i have seen that same solution based approach in the IOTF work from the staff.  well from all of us.

  Lise Fuhr: (12:25) I lost audio

  Lise Fuhr: (12:27) I am back on audio

  Alissa Cooper: (12:30) see

  Grace Abuhamad: (12:33) Nothing missed!

  Xavier Calvez: (12:34) Thank you.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (12:34) Thanks Lise!

  Martin Boyle, Nominet: (12:34) yippee!

  Martin Boyle, Nominet: (12:34) Thanks Lise

  Allan MacGillivray: (12:34) Bye all.

  Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (12:34) good bye and thank you

  Greg Shatan: (12:34) Bye all!

  Martin Boyle, Nominet: (12:34) Bye all

  Avri Doria: (12:34) bye all

  Lise Fuhr: (12:34) Bye

  Sivasubramanian M: (12:34) bye