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  1. Roll call
  2. Election/selection of Sub Team chair(s)
  3. Agree on which version of the Sub Team questions to use for discussion (i.e. original co-chairs’ list, or list as edited subsequently by several Working Group members – both documents posted at[]
  4. [if time permits] Commence discussion of questions
  5. Next meeting (agree on date, time, recurrence)


1. Updated Workplan - 6 June 2017

2. Proposed Additional Marketplace RPMs questions by Co-Chairs + edits by Nevett/Payne


Adobe Connect recording


Apologies: Alison Simpson, Jonathan Agmon,  J. Scott Evans, Renee Fossen

Action Items:

  • Action Items for Staff:
  1. Staff to send summary of substantive discussion on Additional Marketplace RPMs Sub Team questions to the Sub Team for consideration, and publish on the Sub Team wiki page
  2. Staff to recirculate proposed Additional Marketplace RPMs questions to both the Sub Team and full WG mailing lists
  • Action Items for the Sunrise Registrations and Trademark Claims Sub Teams:
  1. Sub Teams to compile questions that could be sent to registries/registrars ahead of ICANN 59, concerning data requirements for Sunrise and Trademark Claims Charter questions


These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.

1. Roll call (via Adobe Connect and phone bridge only); updates to Statements of Interest

  • No updates to SOIs

2. Brief progress reports from Sunrise and Claims Sub Teams

  • Sunrise Registrations Sub Team:
    • Sub Team has completed refinement and consolidation of Charter questions
    • Ongoing work on suggested data requirements to answer the questions
    • Progress made on definitions terms that the Sub Team has identified (Reserved Names, Premium Names, Premium Pricing)
    • Sub Team scheduled to hold its last call on Friday 16 June, then intends on providing a comprehensive report to the full WG prior to ICANN 59
  • Trademark Claims Sub Team:
    • Sub Team was planning on completing its work on 9 June, but was asked to do further work on proposals for non-exact matches by Michael Graham, Greg Shatan and Brian Winterfeldt
    • The Sub Team is going to propose questions to address suggested changes to the Claims Notice process regarding non-exact matches
    • Plan is to finalize work on-list, then confirm completion on a final Sub Team call on 16 June

3. Confirm scope of work/mandate of new Sub Team for Additional Registry RPMs

  • Sub Team needs to settle on a name for the Sub Team
  • Action Item: Staff to send summary of substantive discussion on Sub Team questions to the Sub Team for consideration, and publish on the Sub Team wiki page
  • Sub Team to consider questions on private protections that will better inform the Working Group on how to adjust the ICANN-mandated RPMs - should be careful to remain within scope of the PDP
  • Sub Team to recommend its own scope of work - time considerations for this are necessary
  • Questions suggested by the Co-Chairs were meant to be broad and inclusive – subject to review by the Sub Team
  • The Sub Team will begin its deliberations by considering the original questions proposed by the Co-Chairs edited by Nevett/Payne
  • Objective of questions proposed by the Sub Team should be to inform the full WG on what private protections exist in the marketplace, and how they should be considered by the WG in its review of the ICANN-mandated RPMs
  • Sub Team will need to confirm its scope with the full Working Group
  • Sub Team to consolidate and refine the questions, create a logical order for the WG to go through the questions, and recommend data requirements to answer them
  • Action Item: Staff to recirculate proposed Additional Marketplace RPMs questions to both the Sub Team and full WG mailing lists

4. Review updated Work Plan (draft circulated by staff for the last meeting, and posted at

  • Current draft workplan is still subject to change depending on progress of the WG and the final recommendations of the two Sub Teams working on Sunrise Registrations and Trademark Claims questions
  • Assumption is that WG will continue to require 3-hour face-to-face meetings at ICANN public meetings
  • Request for longer face-to-face meetings being allocated to the WG, if deemed necessary
  • Timeline predicts that Phase 1 will be concluded in early 2018
  • Coordination of conclusion of Phase 1 required with the GNSO new gTLDs Subsequent Procedures PDP, due to some dependencies on the conclusions of the RPMs review – coordination could take place via liaisons between the two PDPs (Susan Payne and Robin Gross), or via the Co-Chairs of the two PDP WGs
  • Review of URS not expected to begin until ICANN 60 in Abu Dhabi

5. Discuss Working Group suggestions for possible agenda for the 3-hour Working Group meeting at ICANN59

  • Working Group face-to-face at ICANN 59 scheduled to take place on Thursday, June 29 09:00 - 12:00 (local ZA time)
  • Poll results on Design Marks and Geographic Indications will be ready by ICANN 59 - possible to discuss
  • The Sub Teams will report back to the full WG on their final recommendations next week, so will also be a possible subject of discussion at ICANN 59
  • Would it be useful to put together a panel of registries and registrars to discuss data requirements on Sunrise and Trademark Claims?
  • Action Item: Sub Teams to compile questions that could be sent to registries/registrars ahead of ICANN 59, concerning data requirements for Sunrise and Trademark Claims Charter questions
  • In addition to questions, invitations, agreement on agenda and what the target of the discussion with registries/registrars will be should be identified and communicated to the contracted parties ahead of ICANN 59 – in order to make dialogue with contracted parties more productive
  • WG needs to take advantage of face-to-face meeting opportunity at ICANN 59 – community members who are not members of the WG should inform themselves of the progress of the WG, and not use up time for explanations during the meeting

6. Next steps/next meeting

  • WG call on Wednesday, 21 June at 17:00 UTC for comprehensive final reporting by the Sunrise Registrations and Trademark Claims Sub Teams to the full Working Group ahead of ICANN 59, as well as agree on and finalize the agenda for the face-to-face meeting in Johannesburg


Follow up notes: