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Action Items: EN

Recording:      EN  

Transcript:   EN

AC Chat Transcript:  EN       

Adobe Connect Recording: EN  EN     

Captioning Final document: EN


Dial out Participants:

EN: Sonam Keba,Don Hollarnder, Marvin Woo, Holly Raiche, Yolanda, Satish Babu, Jade Aw, Nobuyuki, Bikram Shrestha, Asha Hemrajani, Michael Flemming, Maureen Hilyard, Siranush Vardanyan, Edmon Chung, Rui Zhong, Amrita Choudhury, Nikki Hu

Apologies: Ali Almeshal

Staff: Jia-Rong Low, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang,  Philadel Yeo, Jasmine LimMike Brennan,  Kelvin Wong, Terri Agnew, Samiran Gupta, Laena Rahim, Liana Teo, Roger Lim, Hyuno Kwon, Kangsoo Song, Valerie Heng, Kelvin Wong, Sumi Lee

Call management: Terri Agnew


  1. Welcome and Introduction to the webinar -Silvia Vivanco - At-Large Regional Manager Kelvin Wong - Head, Outreach & Public Responsibility, APAC, GSE - Asia (3 mins
  2. Housekeeping Items - Ariel Liang Kelvin Wong (2 mins)Pop Quiz
  3. Don Hollander (20 mins) - Presentation: UASG - An introduction to APRALO
    1. What is Universal Acceptance and why is this important?
    2. Introduction to Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) and its work    
    3. Key challenges - Changing mindsets and systems
    4. Pop Quiz
  4. Marvin Wu (20 mins) - Presentation - EAI Challenges & Actions from Coremail
    1. Community perspective and sharing. Specific examples on challenges, solutions e.g. Challenges of EAI.
    2. Call for Action: What can Internet end-users do in promoting, advancing UA?       
    3. Pop Quiz 
  5. Q&A - All (15 mins)
  6. Webinar Survey - Terri Agnew (5 mins)
