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October 2017

  • ICANN 60 TTF F2F meeting on October 31 ; LACRALO mailing list tool deployed ; October 2 TTF call 

The TTF had a F2F meeting at ICANN60 - Abu Dhabi on October 31 2017

Meeting page (where transcripts and recordings are posted) :

TTF Presentation / Slide Deck for ICANN60 TTF session :

Image Added

Also, LACRALO mailing list tool was deployed October 6 - ICANN IT continuing to monitor deployment. One bug identified w.r.t spacing when using <DNT> tags

2017-10-02 At-Large Technology Task Force Call

  1. TTF Policy Tracking Proposal and discussion on Policy Management Process System   (30 mins)
    1. About the Action Request Registry project at ICANN - Liane Champagne
    2. Reference : At-Large Technology Taskforce presentaion August 8 2017 on Policy Tracking and thoughts on Policy Management Process System.pdf
  2. Review At-Large Technology Issues Page (15 mins)

  3. Update on the TTF subprojects (10 mins)
    Preliminary slides on conferencing solutions
    Looking at redesign of the At-Large Technology Taskforce Working Group main page
    How At-Large should use group chat (

September 2017

2017-09-18 At-Large Technology Task Force Call

  1. Review At-Large Technology Issues Page -

  2. Update on the Preliminary slides on conferencing solutions (10 mins)
  3. Looking at redesign of the At-Large Technology Taskforce Working Group main page (10 mins)

August 2017

The 2017-08-07 At-Large Technology Task Force Call discussed the TTF Policy tracking proposal and the ideas behind a Policy Management Process System, an ATLAS II recommendation.

Re: LACRALO mailing list translation tool, work ongoing to see the new tool deployed before ICAN60. Draft slides for a webinar and possible survey being worked on.

June 2017

The TTF had a session at ICANN59, see recording at and TTF ; Presentation: 

View file

April 2017

Held a followup call with ICANN staff on the discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues on how the issues can be resolved by ICANN59

Next TTF call will be on May 8 2017

March 2017

The TTF held a session at ICANN58 Copenhagen. The agenda :

  • Introduction to the Technology Taskforce
  • Selected Technology Issues
    • LACRALO translation
    • Adobe Connect recordings
    • Adobe Connect connectivity
  • Discussion of the Policy Tracking Proposal submitted by TTF to ICANN
  • Update on Captioning Pilot Program
  • How should At-Large use Group Chat Applications (Slack, Hipchat, Mattermost,
  • What is your Technology Issue

The recording for the TTF session can be found at

The slides of the TTF presentation (also available for download as a PDF At-Large Technology Taskforce Monthly Reports )


February 2017

New TTF Staff member Mario Aleman was introduced

Resolved some issues on the Technology Issues pages

Created a separate page to track Adobe Connect issues

Discussion of the Special Budget request and the policy tracking tool

Testing and presentation of Mattermost

Testing and Presentation of Meeting Echo

January 2017

Resolved some issues on the Technology Issues pages

Created a separate page to track Adobe Connect issues

Discussion of the Special Budget request and the policy tracking tool

Update on captioning pilot

Discussion of the meeting APP survey tool

December 2016

On the 2016-12-12 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call, reviewed the At-Large Technology Issues Page and tested the exit Poll feature of Adobe Connect.

On a 2016 Dec 14, the TTF chair had an update with ICANN staff re: the LACRALO translation mailing lists - that the developers had finished a level of bug fixes. 

November 2016

The TTF met at ICANN57 Hyderabad

  • An overview of the TTF was presented
  • Year in Review and upcoming work the TTF will be looking at
  • Mark Segall gave an update on the discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues with the developers continue to troubleshoot and test the translation tool. There was a suggestion from Anivar Arivand whether the At-Large lists should move to Mailman 3 from the Mailman 2 currently used for the At-Large mailing lists
  • There were questions re: the ICANN Meeting App and the event site

October 2016

On the 2016-10-10 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call, Josh Baulch from ICANN Staff was on the call to share with the TTF the changes to how ICANN uses Adobe Connect and Technology Issues related to Adobe Connect

September 2016

On the 2016-09-19 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call ,

August 2016

On the 2016-08-08 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call,

  • ICANN staff said a developer has been hired to fix the LACRALO-mailing-list-issues.
  • Stuart Clark, TTF member implemented on his own server the eXo platform, an open source colloboration platform (see the2 min YouTube video about eXo). eXo looks to be a possible solution for ATLAS II Recommendation 26 and a call for volunteers to help text and report on eXo will be done.
  • Guest speaker Errikos Pitsos , lead developer of Kialo demoed Kialo which allows for persons to discuss Kialo which can allow persons to debate the pros and cons of issues. This can be a possible tool for address ATLAS II Recommendation 31
  • This call offered ES interpretation in response to requests for ES translation by three or more members

June - July 2016

At ICANN 56 Helsinki meeting ( Gannon and Rafik Dammak discussed the NCUC chat platform, powered by Rocketchat, an open source group chat platform (similiar to Slack)

May 2016

2016-05-23 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call. Discussed At-Large Technology Issues and received feedback on remote participation, an update from Staff on the conversion of AC recordings to MP4 format. We also reviewed and updated the ATLAS II recommendations

April 2016

On the TTF call on At-Large Technology Taskforce 2016-04-18, discussed with ICANN Staff several of the issued noted on the At-Large Technology Issues page. This call was captioned as part of the At-Large Captioning project.

On this call, feedback was given to ICANN staff regarding the issue of "the ability to export Adobe Connect recordings from Flash only recordings to formats like MP4 which can be edited and put on video sharing websites for easier resharing and more accessible
for the At-Large community"

This issue is important because Adobe Connect recordings in Flash are unplayable on mobile and tablet devices whereas MP4 files can be playable on mobile, tablet and PCs. Also, playing an Adobe Connect recording on a PC with Flash installed is cumbersome compared with
experiences on video sharing websites like YouTube.

Based on the suggestions given by the TTF on the April 18 2016 call (, ICANN has configured their Adobe Connect account to allow for ICANN staff (at no additional cost) to export Adobe Connect recordings to MP4 format.

At-Large Staff are currently testing the process to convert Adobe Connect recordings to MP4 and to upload to YouTube. Here's the recording of the At-Large Technology Taskforce conference call on April 18 2016 on YouTube

Also, Since the call for TTF volunteers to test the new translation tool for At-Large mailing lists was posted in late Feburary 2016, several persons responded and were added to the new transbot mailing lists to
do testing. These persons are listed on the page.

Since then, several bugs have been identified. These bugs are also documented at

At the TTF meeting at the ICANN55 meeting in Marrakech (, Chris Gift from ICANN introduced Mark Segall (who was attending remotely at the time), a new person at ICANN as a
Delivery Manager, Community Services and thus would be the point person to direct enquiries regarding the issues of the LACRALO mailing list translation.

Mark Segall has been made aware of the bug reports on
and has noted that this item needs to be formally classed as a services that ICANN IT supports. So ICANN is currently putting the team needed to support, including seeking an outside developer to help with fixing outstanding bugs.

This is pretty much what the TTF budget request for ICANN's FY17 was asking for, and which was approved by the FBSC and submitted to ICANN Finance. See the approved budget proposal at

March 2016

The TTF met at ICANN55 Marrakech, transcripts and recordings can be found at and you can view the TTF presentation  At-Large Technology Taskforce Monthly Reports

February 2016

No call this month given the proximity of the Marrakech meeting. Re:  LACRALO mailing list issues, the volunteer staff person at ICANN has submitted some patches to the code for the new translation mailing lists, a call for LACRALO members to help test this code was done.

January 2016

Had a conference call on At-Large Technology Taskforce 2016-01-18 where we continued to review At-Large Technology Issues with ICANN Staff who have been made aware of several issues facing the ICANN At-Large Community.

Also, on this call, reviewed a budget proposal for submission to the FBSC for ICANN to hire a programmer to help fix the LACRALO mailing list issues. The proposal was submitted to the FBSC and can be viewed at

The Translation Tools wiki was updated to note the Skype Translator features now builtin to the latest version of Skype for Windows.

A number of  reports from participants

Captioning Project Update-Judith Hellerstein 

The pilot will begin in February.  We have received so far 4 requests for captioning for the three available slots and will be choosing the three events using the criteria developed by the captioning team.  We have submitted a budget request for FY 17 to extend the pilot and also to expand it to cover additional languages as we have gotten requests for Spanish captioning

Ebook Project Update- Glenn McKnight

The ebook  project  has  researched the various tools to create an Ebook.  One of the deliverables is the creation of  a  EBOOK: How To Manual

1. How to create an EBOOK 

A number of  ebooks have been created in cooperation with  Maureen Hilliyard of  APRALO 

Here is the link to the books  based upon the  Working Group Slideshows

2. Working Groups  Part One

3. Working Groups  Part Two

4. ALS and Volunteer Engagement Within Work Groups

5. Introduction to the  Technology Taskforce

6. IANA Function

7. ALS  Beginners  Guide

8 New Membership Guide to ALAC

9 CCWG Draft Accountability Proposal
Includes  Spanish Audio track

10 NARALO  Slideshow 

December 2015

On the At-Large Technology Taskforce 2015-12-14 call, we talked about At-Large Technology Issues with ICANN Staff who have been made aware of several issues facing the ICANN At-Large Community.

We also discussed some possible budget ideas that could be submited for FY17 and Post ATLAS II Implementation - Technology Taskforce reporting and how the reporting will be done.

Work is ongoing on the presentation/report on conferencing solutions.


November 2015

Reviewed ClickMeeting, on November 11 2015. Clickmeeting ( is a conferencing solution that shares similar features to Adobe Connect but offered additional features such as multilingual chat. Feedback on Clickmeeting can be found on the ClickMeeting wiki page.
A Google doc on the Comparison of webconferencing solutions has been started.

On At-Large Technology Taskforce 2015-11-16, we had David Goulet of the TOR Project to talk about the TOR Project. This session was well attended as the event was promoted to the At-Large, NCUC and ISOC Delegates. See At-Large Technology Taskforce 2015-11-16 for the recordings and presentations from this call.

Currently, the TTF chairs are evaluating alternative times for TTF calls to facilitate attendence of TTF members from APRALO to TTF activities.

Planned sessions in the new year include updates on the Captioning and  Ebook projects.

October 2015

We held a face to face  early morning meeting in Dublin which was  well attended. A  detailed report ( provided with Dev Anand Teelucksingh participated remotely. In attendance were two  ICANN staff persons  including the  new  staffer  Paul Hoffman who is requesting our  cooperation in researching online Conferencing tools instead of  Adobe Connect.  Possible dates January or February for Paul;s participation.

ICANN beta tested their mobile app at the ICANN Dublin and feedback given by TTF members on the TTF mailing list.

September 2015

The At-Large Technology Taskforce - LACRALO Mailing list issues - 2015-08-25 call with Josh Jenkins went well with agreement that there doesn't need to make significant changes to how the project is being developed. The goal was to try to complete testing and to have a presentation/conference call with LACRALO to discuss the changeover before September or before the Dublin meeting.

The At-Large Technology Taskforce 2015-09-21 was a 90 minute call and was a very informative session. First,  Gianina Pensky and Kevon Swift from LACNIC gave a detailed look at how LACNIC handles its Policy Development Process ( and its method of managing the Policies for public comment ( This session with LACNIC was to assist the work of the TTF for ATLAS II Recommendation 26 re: ICANN implementing a Policy Management Process System.

Also, Josh Baulch from ICANN Staff gave a detailed presentation of the ICANN Meetings mobile app for F2F meetings. Another beta will be trialed at the ICANN meeting in Dublin this year.

The  Captioning  Project endorsed by the Working Group  and one of the ATLAS ll recommendations has produced a  promotional mailcard asking ALAC  for  volunteers and  pilot locations  since we are only doing three separate tests.  A  survey with staff has also been produced to measure community opinions of the project .  Contact Judith Hellerstein for more details

Front page of the  mailcard  ( White  background)

Image Added

Page  Two

Image Added


We have produced a  Travel Tips  newsletter   with  content by  Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein .  It was translated into  Spanish by  Eduardo Diaz and we did try to get a  volunteer for the translation into  French.   Copies of the newsletter will be distributed in the  AT LARGE  folders

There will be one more TTF call before the TTF meeting in Dublin

Download  Word version

View file

Image Added


August 2015

Held At-Large Technology Taskforce 2015-08-24 where Steve Allison updated the TTF on the outcomes from the Kavi Trial with the GNSO. Given the less than positive outcomes from the trial with GNSO, the TTF will not extensively trial Kavi but continue to investigate ATLAS II Rec 26 re: policy management policy system. Updates were presented from Judith Hellerstein on the captioning project and from Glenn McKnight on the ebook projects respectively. There was an update on the discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues and there will a special At-Large Technology Taskforce - LACRALO Mailing list issues - 2015-08-25 to discuss this with Josh Jenkins.

July 2015

Held a Technology Taskforce meeting 2015-07-20 where Steve Allison presented information about Kavi Workspace which the TTF is evaluating as per Rec 26 and 31 as per Post ATLAS II Implementation - Technology Taskforce. The meeting also looked at a group calendaring solution that could help the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement to track Outreach events in the 5 regions in coordination with Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) and the Nominating Committee

June 2015

The At-Large Technology Taskforce (TTF) held its session on Monday June 22 2015 at ICANN53. Agenda page and slides can be found here:
The detailed presentation was a good measure of the work put in by the cochairs Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein and TTF members.

An electronic version of  a TRAVEL TIPS  for BA  was produced and emailed to all and hard copies distributed.

The session was well attended by various ICANN staff to give information and answer questions. Outcomes from the session include issuing a call for persons from other AC/SOs after the
chair and co-chairs draft the messaging for the call ; adding a person from EURALO to the TTF

Also, the slides and discussion received attention from two persons in the GAC who have asked to join the TTF.

Futhermore, met with LACNIC representatives at the ICANN meeting who were receptive to share information on their policy development process and associated tools) they use, with potential to contact the NRO which could ask all the RIRs for such information.

May 2015

The Technology Taskforce meeting 2015-05-18 discussed Post ATLAS II Implementation - Technology Taskforce, Update on discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues where a new approach to the issue was discussed and demoed the Skype Translator Preview which does machine translation of chat messages and voice interpretation of voice conversations with another Skype user.

March-April 2015

Technology Taskforce meeting 2015-03-16 meeting with Chris Gift to discuss Post ATLAS II Implementation - Technology Taskforce.

Technology Taskforce meeting 2015-03-30 meeting with Cory Schulz to discuss ICANN Remote Hubs.

February 2015

Had meeting at ICANN Singapore F2F meeting. PDF of Slides and recording can be found

January 2015

Technology Taskforce meeting 2015-01-26 looked at captioning tools as per Recommendation 11 for Post ATLAS II Implementation - Technology Taskforce

There will be a TTF meeting for the ICANN Singapore meeting on Thursday February 12 2015. See for the agenda

Working on a Best tools for ICANN F2F meetings page to highlight apps/software useful for visitors to the ICANN F2F meeting at Singapore

October-November 2014

At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-11-10. On this call, Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein agreed to be co-chairs of the TTF 

Amongst the Work items being looked at:


September 2014

On Joint Accessibility WG/ Technology Taskforce meeting 2014-09-08 call, we evaluated the Caption First service which allows for live transcription (via human transcribers) to appear in both the Adobe Connect session as well as a separate URL. An option from the Caption First service is the ability to switch the text from the live transcript to an machine translated version (powered by Google Translate). 

August 2014

On the At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-08-11 call, we reviewed Hall, another Group Chat service

July 2014

On the At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-07-28 call, we reviewed Hipchat, another Group Chat service,  and reviewed an update on the At-Large Social Media Strategy and how the tools used in #ATLAS2 worked

June 2014

Held conference call on At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-06-09 - looked at the Using Adobe Connect with Linux page and looked at Group chat applications - Slack was used successfully by the At-Large Social Media Working Group to coordinate updates from persons attending concurrent sessions during #ATLAS2 and the London meeting.

May 2014

Held further meetings to help create At-Large Social Media Working Group

Testing of LACRALO translation mailing lists has begun. Only one more issue to be resolved, according to ICANN IT.

Review of troubleshooting issues related to Linux users connecting to Adobe Connect 

April 2014

Presented the draft At-Large Social Media Strategy at At-Large Social Media Strategy Workspace. After approved it was forwarded to the At-Large Capacity Building Working Group , ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement and RALO Secretariats

March 2014 - ICANN 49 Singapore Reporting

Held 7 meetings since ICANN 48 Buenos Aires meeting

  • reviewed two conferencing solutions - Cisco Webex and Uberconference 
  • had call with ICANN IT staff to discuss status on Summary of LACRALO translation email list issues ; collaborating on testing new plugins with Adobe Connect ; wiki translate plugins
  • looking at suitable Adobe Connect plugins

    • The TTF tested the direct dialout plugin installed in the TTF AC room and whilst persons from North America and Europe (specifically Canada, France) were able to use the plugin to have the AC room dial them, I (living in Trinidad and Tobago with a +1-868-6XX-XXXX number) was unable to have the AC room dial to me, giving me an error has occurred. No amount of permutations of the phone number (using "+1-868-6.." , "18686...") seemed to work.
    • However, in thinking about this feature, there are some disadvantages
      - this wouldn't work for persons requesting dialouts to a hotel or office with a PBX where a receptionist operator answers.
      - this plugin uses a different bridge from Adigo, how would recording (incorporating audio from the AC room, Adigo and this phone bridge) be done?
      - this wouldn't be helpful for At-Large calls with interpretation since the person being dialled can't join a Adigo channel
      However the TTF on its calls have identified two plugins for Adobe Connect that could be of use for At-Large and we would like for these plugins to be installed for our testing after the Singapore meeting 
      1) Stage Lights - Stage Lights is a timer that helps keep presenters on time.
      2) SurveyMaker for Adobe Connect - Surveys and polls with eleven question types, built-in reporting, CSV downloads and much more. A demo is available
  • In response to the  ALS Skype video recordings.  a new page was created to provide AT LARGE Structures some guidance to do a VIDEO CONFERENCE well.   The  link is 10 Ways to Improve Your Video/Skype Conference CallThe major concerns was the poor sound quality, low resolution video, poor postioning of the video camera, shabby backgrounds for the video and more.

  • worked on the first prototype template for At-Large Working Group Pages developed : TEST - Template for At-Large WG pages

  • Troubleshooting connecting to Adobe Connect rooms using Linux - Gordon Chillcott and Bill Thanis from the TTF are regular Linux users and would be better able to talk the talk re: desktop Linux in getting the necessary information to IT staff for you and to document the problems and collaborate with you on solutions/workarounds.
    wiki translate plugins - feedback given re: the Bing translate plugin works slightly better on iOS whereas the Google Translate plugin failed to work at all. Feedback on how the wiki translate plugins will work on Android OS will be done soon. Also, feedback on the quality of the machine translation will be sought from At-Large and to be done after the Singapore meeting.

February 2014

Report of Cisco Webex conferencing solution. Planning to evaluate Uberconference on Monday 3 March 2014

Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content page was updated to give some input based on the work being done on At-Large Metrics which is using a spreadsheet to pull information from the ALAC meetings pages on the wiki. 

Input provided on the mobile effective of the wiki translate plugins from Bing and Google

In response to the  ALS Skype video recordings.  a new page was created to provide AT LARGE Structures some guidance to do a VIDEO CONFERENCE well.   The  link is 10 Ways to Improve Your Video/Skype Conference CallThe major concerns was the poor sound quality, low resolution video, poor postioning of the video camera, shabby backgrounds for the video and more. 

January 2014

Conference call with ICANN IT staff on At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014 -01-07 to discuss Adobe Connect issues, and setting up a separate Confluence wiki installation, and translation tools for the wiki and mailing list.

Did a webconferencing test of Cisco Webex on At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-01-20 - Webex testing

November-December 2013

TTF chair met with ICANN IT staff during the Buenos Aires F2F meeting to discuss issues related to Adobe Connect (Adobe Connect not working in Linux)  and setting up a separate Confluence wiki installation to test Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content

gave report during the ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part I -  (57 mins in the recording)

October 2013

Criterion for web conferencing solutions updated. Evaluated infinitemeeting conferencing solution.

deas for improving the organisation of At-Large content page and the Content created by At-Large Working Groups page updated to include issues and possible recommendations for comment. 

September 2013

Criterion for web conferencing solutions reviewed and updated. Evaluated GoMeetNow and MeetingBurner conferencing solutions

Documenting how At-Large can use the calendar page updated : Calendar

An objective for TTF would be to update the templates to simplify and enhance the presentation of announcements posted on the ALAC_announce mailing list. Several Templates for content posted on ALAC_announce have been identified 

Regarding the TTF & staff to create a central repository of video, pictures captured by At-Large members that be used by curation/editing WG to reshare/re-use by At-Large.Suggestions of content, suggestions of using for this although appears to be a better solution. Using is undergoing testing.

Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content page and the Content created by At-Large Working Groups page updated for comment.


August 2013

Having weekly meetings this month.

First meeting was on August 5 2013 At-Large Technology Taskforce 2013-08-05 to review the criterion for web conferencing solutions and schedule trials of BlueJeans and ReadyTalk web conferencing solutions for August 12 and 26 respectively. Also discussed was the At-Large Social Media Strategy and the alsocialmedia space.

August 12, 2013 - evaluation of BlueJeans web conferencing solution

At-Large Technology Taskforce 2013-08-19 -  the criterion for web conferencing solutions was again discussed and the update to the At-Large Social Media Strategy with respect to a curation WG to submit additional content and/or more developing more accessible templates of content from the ALAC announce mailing list for the alsocialmedia space.

August 26 2013 - evaluation of ReadyTalk conferencing solution

July 2013

At the ICANN Durban meeting on Sunday , gave an presentation of the LUCID webconferencing platform.

June 2013 by Dev Anand Teelucksingh

held two meetings using LUCID instead of the Adobe Connect. Members Feedback was generally positive on the use of LUCID


May 2013

had TTF meeting on At-Large Technology Taskforce - 2013-05-20

Project to re-organise how content is saved on the At-Large wiki and how such content is presented to the viewer for 
