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Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.03180418/1 


How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638


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Access code: 927 925 103


Participants: Olivier Crepin-Lebond, Andre Kolesnikov, Anne Marie Joly, Christopher Wilkinson, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Loana Stupariu, Matthieu Camus, Matthias Hudobnik, Oksana Prykhodko, Olawale Bakare, Roberto Gaetano, Sébastien Bachollet, Wolf Ludwig, Yrjo Lansipuro

Dial Out Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Olawale Bakare, Oksana Prykhodko

Apologies: Annette Muhlberg

Staff:  Silvia Vivanco, Andrea Glandon, Evin Erdoğdu, Claudia Ruiz, Heidi Ullrich

Call Management: Andrea Glandon

Dial Outs: Olawale Bakare

Action Items:    EN                        

Recording: EN

Transcript:   EN

Webex Chat:   EN



Action Items: EN                        

Recording: EN

Transcript:   EN

Webex Chat: EN



  1. Review of  Action Items March 27       

  2. Review of ALAC Public consultations – Olivier

  3. GDPR updates per ICANN's interim models and Article 29 WP discussions vis-a-vis 2nd EURALO GDPR Webinar.

    1.     and  At-Large Workspace: Data Protection/Privacy Issues Update: Soliciting Community Input on Article 29 Guidance 

  4. .  Discussion on topics for EURALO webinars:   GDPR impact on Whois, but mainly on what else GDPR means for an end-user

      See email from Olivier Crepin-Leblond .

        - Cybersecurity (especially protection of European critical informational infrastructure);

       -  The role of European Parliament, European Commission and CoE in the communication between European Internet users and CEO of social networks.

     5. Brief updates on planning for Joint Civil Society Outreach at ICANN 62  – Olivier Crepin Leblond

    6. Upcoming Outreach at meetings :  Olivier Crepin Leblond

- RIPE 76 meeting in Marseille (14-16 May 2018) See :   
- EuroDIG meeting in Tbilisi (5-6 June 2018)  See:      
- WEBIT Festival Europe in Sofia, Bulgaria: See:    
and Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)

7.  2018 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments– Silvia Vivanco 

8. AOB 

Policy / Public consultations (15 minutes)

Reference: 2018 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice

Statements approved by the ALAC

Statements in process - DraftComment or Vote

Statements that seem to be stalled

      • None 

Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements

New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions

Upcoming Public Comment Requests


      • New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) – Initial Report
      • Nominating Committee (NomCom) 2 Review: Draft Report and Recommendations
      • Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) 2 Review: Draft Report and Recommendations
      • New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Initial Report


      • Implementation of Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Program
      • Proposal for Devanagari Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
      • Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) 2 Review: Draft Report and Recommendations
      • Proposal for Gurumukhi Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
      • Next Generation Registration Directory Services Policy Development Process Initial Report – Phase I
      • Fellowship Program Review Consultation