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Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript 

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar



Apologies: Philippe Fouquart


Notes/ Action Items

SSAD ODP Council Small Team – Meeting #2 – Wednesday, 16 February 2022

  1. Welcome
      • Question: need to be on the same page regarding the group’s task – thought the team was expected to consider the concerns outlined in the Board’s letter, and with those concerns in mind, review the ODA and provide the Council with feedback
      • Mission of this small team is to answer to the ICANN board letter
      • The questions in the letter were for the previous 27 Jan meeting - the Google doc questions focus on the concerns that were flagged in the letter.
      • The Council needs to understand, from its perspective, on what the implications of the ODA are – needs to decide how to engage with the Board in the context of the consultation – is there a way to mitigate these concerns or other concerns the Council has identified?
      • By the end of this meeting, we will use up significant time. If there are answers to the questions, let’s get into the google doc and answer them – would the GNSO modify the recs before the Board considers? That is an interesting question to consider

     2. Review input received on the proposed questions ( []) 

      • First email from Marc centers around Q1-3 – they center around cost and benefit. Is there enough info or the right info in the ODA for the ICANN Board to make a proper informed decision? Q3 asks about benefits not highlighted in the ODA – there doesn’t seem to be any benefits highlighted in the ODA.
      • In speaking with Goran in a leaders call and asked if the public interest test considers costs and benefits, and Goran emphatically said no – if there is a benefit, costs are not considered
      • This is a question that the Board has before it, and there has been no determination on it
      • Need to be careful not to become a subgroup EPDP revision test – should focus on answering the Board’s direct questions

    3. Proposed timeline:

  1. Complete team’s input on questions by 24 February
  2. Share any clarifying / follow up questions with ICANN org by 25 February
  3. Next meeting of small team to review input on questions #1-6 – Wednesday 2 March
  4. Provide GNSO Council with initial update on small team findings by Friday 4 March
  5. GNSO Council – ICANN Board meeting at ICANN73 (Tuesday 8 March)
  6. GNSO Council meeting to consider small team findings & conversation with the ICANN Board. GNSO Council to indicate expectations in relation to potential further work by small team.

     4. AOB:

    1. Small team input on global demand for SSAD survey question (see