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EURALO Chair & Secretariat: Sébastien Bachollet  Sébastien Bachollet & Natalia Filina

Board: Anne Anne-Marie Joly, Lutz  Lutz Donnerhacke, Màté Mester(apology), Ricardo Holmquist, Wale  Wale Bakare 

ALAC Members: Bastiaan Goslings, Joanna  Pari Esfandiari Joanna Kulesza, Matthias  Matthias Hudobnik 

Ex-Officio: Erich Schweighofer, Yrjö  Bastiaan Goslings, Yrjö Länsipuro, Andrei Kolesnikov, Olivier  Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Roberto  Roberto Gaetano

Attendees: Maureen Hilyard

Apologies: Matthias Hudobnik, Erich Schweighofer, Wale Bakare Mate Mester

Staff: Gisella  Gisella Gruber, Adam Peake, Heidi Ullrich,  Claudia Ruiz 

Call Management:  Claudia Ruiz 


Action Items: EN                        

Recording: EN

Transcript:  EN EN

Zoom Chat: EN



  1. Welcome and roll call - Staff (2min)

  2. Review of Action Items 8 September 2020 EURALO Board Call  - Sébastien Bachollet (2 minutes)

  3. EURALO Monthly Newsletter (October 2020) - Natalia Filina (4 minutes)
  4. Selection for the following positions   - Sébastien Bachollet (15 minutes)
    1.  ALAC and the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee (AASC)2021.
      Can we confirm:
      EURALO - Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet?
    2. ALAC Sub-committee on Outreach and Engagement (OE-SC), Regional liaisons for 2021.
      Can we confirm: EURALO – Natalia Filina?

    3. NomCom
  5. ReadOut ICANN69 in Europe (4 minutes)
    1. ICANN with EURALO and ISOC France: En français.

      Vendredi 13 novembre 2020 / 17:00 – 18:30 CEST / 16:00 – 17:30 UTC

    2. ICANN with EURALO and ISOC UK: In English.
      Date to be confirm (Week oif the 16 of November 2020)
  6. Preparation of the EURALO monthly call on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 at 18:00 UTC for 60 (or 90?) minutes – Proposed agenda hereafter (50 15 minutes) - Sébastien
  7. Preparation of the EURALO GA call on Tuesday, 16 December 2020 at 18:00 UTC for 120 minutes – Proposed agenda hereafter (15 minutes) - Sébastien
  8. AOB (4min3 minutes)


EURALO November Monthly Call - Draft AGENDA 


  • Roll call - staff (2 minutes)
  • Review of Actions Items from 22 Septembre 2020 Monthly Call - Sébastien Bachollet (2 minutes)
  • Guess speaker: Bertrand de la Chapelle - Internet & Jurisdiction (60 minutes)
  • Feedback of ICANN69 -  Sébastien Bachollet (5 minutes)
  • EURALO and Internet Governance - Sébastien Bachollet (3 minutes)
    1. Global IG20 - Katowice, Poland. 2-20 November (Virtual)
    2. National IGF20
  • Outreach and Engagement activities - Natalia Filina (5 minutes)
    1. ALS Mobilization working party
    2. Unaffiliated individuals Mobilization WP (UIM-WP)
    3. ALS Engagement Taskforce
    4. Communication
    5. Social Media Activities (IGF20)
  • At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group - Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Co-Chair CPWG (5 minutes)
  • At-Large Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB WG) - Ricardo Holmquist, Chair OFB WG (5 minutes)
  • NomCom: Update - Sébastien (1 minutes)
  • Upcoming EURALO calls up to the end of 2020 - Sébastien (2 minutes)
    1. EURALO Board Calls
      1. Tuesday 24 November at 18:00 UTC
      2. Tuesday 08 December at 18:00 UTC
    2. EURALO Monthly calls
      1. Tuesday 17 November at 18:00 UTC
      2. Tuesday 16 December at 18:00 UTC (NO Monthly call as EURALO Virtual GA)
    3. EURALO GAs
      1. EURALO 20 GA - Virtual (not funded) - Tuesday 16 December at 2020 from 18:00 -20:00 UTC
      2. EURALO 21 GA - Funded and F2F (?) along with EuroDIG: 28-30 June 2021 in Trieste, Italy
  • AOB (1 minute)


EURALO Virtual General Assembly 16 December 2020 (18:00 - 20:00 UTC) Meeting - Draft AGENDA 


AGENDA  : (120 minutes)

A.  Standing issues (25 minutes)

1. Opening, Welcome to the Group and Guests (5 minutes) - Sébastien Bachollet

2. Confirmation of attending members, proxies and apologies (10 minutes) - Gisella Gruber, ICANN Staff

2.1 Confirmation of the Assembly Quorum - Articles 11.7 - 11.22.1

See : Articles of Association The quorum for a General Assembly, regardless of being a “Funded Face to Face Meeting”, a “Non-funded Face to Face Meeting” or an “Online-Meeting”, is at least half of the Members.

3. Adoption of the proposed Agenda (5 minutes)- Sébastien Bachollet

4. Adoption of the Meeting minutes from the last 2019 General Assembly, Berlin (5 minutes) - Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Links to transcripts and recordings  posted :  [[]]

B.    Agenda Items for Discussion (35 minutes)

6. Discussion and adoption of the EURALO Annual Report 2019-2020 - Sébastien Bachollet & Natalia Filina (10 minutes)

7. How to enhance EURALO participation within policy discussions? - Sébastien Bachollet (10 minutes)

8. EURALO's FY21 Outreach Strategy - Natalia Filina (10 minutes)

9. Any Other Business (5 minutes)

C.    Round Table: Covid19 consequences on the work of ICANN, At-Large and ALAC (60 minutes)


Sébastien Bachollet, EURALO Chair

Guest speakers (TBC)

  1. Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair
  2. Göran Marby, President and CEO of ICANN
  3. Natalia Filina, EURALO Secretary
  4. Maarten Botterman, Chairman of the Board, ICANN
  5. León Sánchez, Vice-Chair of the Board, ICANN and At-Large Board Director selected by At-Large