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What's new?

Latest version of LGR available

Completed root zone LGR proposals by the Generation Panels

Latest version of MSR available

LGR Toolset is now available online and open source


Welcome to the Root Zone LGR Development Project

The Label The Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Root Zone determine which Unicode code points are permitted in the root zone, what variants which variant labels (if any) may be allocated in the root zone, 
and what variants and which variant labels (if any) are automatically blocked. The Procedure followed in development 
of the Root Zone LGR relies on  In developing and maintaining the Root Zone LGR, this project follows a  Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels that relies on the interaction between one or more generation panels (one per script)
 and and one integration panel , as shown here.

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The Procedure defines a two-pass process: Each community sharing a script (such as Arabic or Chinese) 
forms a Generation Panel and submits a proposal for rules governing what characters of its script are 
to be allowed into the root as well as identifying variant characters code points and their respective rules. The Integration 
Panel Panel then evaluates each of these proposals and integrates them into a coherent Root Zone LGR. In doing so, the Integration Panel considers all characters across all scripts 
which may be allowed in the root zone.

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panel considers the safety and security of the DNS as well as any interaction between scripts.

How to submit Generation Panel and LGR proposals?

Stay Informed

  • Integration, existing and prospective Generation Panel members will be subscribed to the following mailing list to facilitate communications on matters related to LGR work and submissions of LGR proposals. Public archive of exchanges taking place on this mailing list are available at:
  • Contact the Integration Panel members directly at: 
  • Use email address to contact ICANN staff on general matters related to the project, to submit statements of interest, Generation Panel proposals, work reports, updates, etc. 
  • Subscribe to the public


Learn More

To learn more about the Generation Panels and the Integration Panel, follow the links on the left or right columns.

For more information on the IDN Variant TLD Program, please visit

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