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A copy of the 2012-2015 Stategic Plan Draft Statement (November 2011) can be downloaded here.

ALAC Statement on the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan - November 2011 - Workspace


Request for Community Input on Formulation of 2012-2015 Strategic Plan

As part of the strategic planning process each year and per the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan Draft Development Timeline, ICANN is currently (Oct 3rd  to Nov 17th) seeking public comment on this years amendments  to last year's plan:-

Wiki MarkupThere are many elements that have contributed to this year's draft of the Strategic Plan, including; consultations at the ICANN meeting in Singapore, feedback from the recent public comment forum, ongoing review and input from Staff and Board, ATRT Recommendations report, and phone consultations with the various SO/ACs. Here are the [Clean|] \ Here are the Clean [PDF, 865 KB\] and [Redline|] \] and Redline [PDF, 934 KB\] versions of the Draft 2012-2015 Strategic Plan, [also attached.|^Strat Plan 2012-2015.pptx]

Next Steps:

ICANN will undertake the following steps in developing the Draft 2012-2015 Strategic Plan:

  1. Conduct SO/AC consultations in Dakar
  2. Continue to review and incorporate Community feedback
  3. Update the Draft Strategic Plan
  4. Post 2012-2015 Strategic Plan for Board consideration and approvalSee 2012-2015 Strategic Plan Draft Development Timeline


At-Large Statement on the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan


Strategic Plan 2012 -2015 key areas for our comments in the Amendment Review:

(Please see the current


redline version below (taken from


Page 3 of the report) and the ICANN Open Public Comments


 page.) Image Modified

Particular attention should be addressed to the amendments made to:

1) considerable amendments to the Four Strategic Focus Areas p2 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015

2) the opportunity for our Community  to work with ICANN to improve strategic metric reporting; Building on the  initial list of strategic metrics related to each focus area published in 2010.  "The community is invited to participate in the development of the measurement and reporting methods for the metrics since the range of ICANN’s influence versus control varies for each metric." p5 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015 

3) the plans  to 'Enhance International DNS Cooperation' => "ICANN will work with the community to explore cost  effective approaches to SSR solutions. Also, community work needs to develop registration data in  the Whois database to accommodate internationalized registration data and related privacy policies.  ICANN also seeks continued engagement with the Internet community and law enforcement agencies to deter  malicious conduct.    ICANN staff will work to cooperatively to build  unique identifier SSR capability in developing countries. " p7 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015 

42015 4) the plans to 'Enhance risk management and resiliency of the three unique identifiers' => "Improve responses to DNS security incidents. Security threats to the Internet continue to increase and with this increase comes the need for improvements in the processes and systems organizations use to respond to security incidents.  ICANN will continue the program for annual DNS risk assessment and systemic contingency planning and work with the community to develop effective and efficient methods of response to DNS security incidents.  ICANN will support the formation and planning efforts of a new working group on DNS risk management.  ICANN will also help initiate a DNS risk management  study with community and outside experts." p7 of the Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015 


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