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Recordings: AC  AC Room

Chat Transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Hi Peter, welcome!
Peter Koch:Hi!
Peter Koch:just so I pass the attention test: maybe we can adjust the slide and notes headline: "use of Emoji as _SLD_"
Kimberly Carlson:thanks Peter - just wrapped up another call. You've got my full attention now too ;)
Peter Koch:i'm scared ;-)
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome all, we'll get started in about 5 minutes
page howe:hello Peter and Kimberly, thank you for your efforts on behalf of the group.
Bart Boswinkel:Hi all
page howe:a little 2 minute treat since yesterday was world emoji day.
page howe:
Kimberly Carlson:Documents, as well as recordings can be found on the wiki:
page howe:re:barcelona extend, yes nice to not feel a too soon deadline..
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Alejandra
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Hello everyone :)
page howe:yes wonderful. going great.
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Can we please change the hour for the calls? So I can be on time?
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Thank you Bart!
page howe:might even help to start call at .15 minutes after the hour for those coming off a meeting ending at the hour.
Kimberly Carlson:PDP RoE can be found here:
jon roig:Hello... just jones.
jon roig:joined.
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Jon - I will post the AC recording to the AC room shortly after the call
jon roig:thx!
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Thank you Kim!
Kimberly Carlson:certainly
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:I can send that message to the Council, no problem. Do we have a more "realistic" deadline?
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Sure, no problem
jon is emoji friendly...
jon roig:they'd be interested
jon roig:contact is george bundy:
Kimberly Carlson:Saturday, Block 3 20 October
Peter Koch:tnx, Bart
jon roig:hope everyone had a great world emoji day yesterday!
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]::D !!
alireza:nothing adobe doesnt support emoji :)
jon roig::)
jon roig:sounds good to me
page howe:but is it still possible to use the email to perhaps make a list of survey particiapnts, etc
page howe:great
jon roig:hahaha... thx!
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Thank you! :)
jaap akkerhuis:by all
Kimberly Carlson:thank you all! bye
Abdalmonem Galila:bye
page howe:good bye and thank you.
Peter Koch:bye, thanks
alireza:thank you bye