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Tuesday June 25, June 27

ALAC & Regional Leaders Working Session Part 4

  •  In the feasibility assessment and implementation plan, Ariel Liang to add a second line prior to 'high/low/medium priority' to indicate whether At-Large agrees with the recommendations or not

    Ariel Liang to give admin access to At-Large Review WP members, ALAC members, ALAC Liaisons, and RALO leaders to the google doc.


    Ariel Liang to distribute the first slide of this session's powerpoint, which indicates the timeline of the next step regarding the review related work. 


    Silvia Vivanco to coordinate with RALO leaders to include At-Large Review in their monthly meeting agenda. 

Outreach and Engagement Sub committee


At-Large Regional Leaders Meeting

  •  Silvia Vivanco and Heidi Ullrich to provide update on facilitation program  (new program)
  •  APRALO to prepare APRALO hot topic document during APRALO GA at ICANN 60.
  •  Satish Babu to lead group on discussing how best to create a durable depository archive for At-Large activities/documentation.
  •  Heidi Ullrich to speak to Ariel Liang regarding system to document errors on the At-Large wiki.

Wednesday, 28 June

At-Large Public Interest Working Group

  •  The WG to consider reviewing founding documents of ICANN for references to the Public Interest .
  •  Members to send summaries of their comments that were made during the meeting to the Public Interest WG list
  •  Staff to set up a 90 minute call of the Public Interest WG in August.
  •  The Public Interest WG to be open to all communities during ICANN 60.

At-Large Technology Task Force Working Group

Thursday 29 June

At-Large Capacity Building Working Group

  •  Tijani Ben Jemaa to work with Gisella Gruber to organize a webinar or face to face meeting at ICANN 60 with IT to discuss access for low bandwidth users.
  •  Alan Greenberg to coordinate the discussion on criteria for Individual members to be considered for travel funding to attend the ATLAS III.

ALAC and Regional Leaders Wrap Up Part 2

  •  Ariel Liang to set up an ALAC vote on whether to ratify the ICANN Fundamental Bylaws Change; ratification will require ⅔ yes votes (10 out of 15 ALAC members)
  •  Alan Greenberg to coordinate with RALO Chairs and ask a volunteer from each RALO to work with him and come up the criteria of selecting additional attendee(s) for the ICANN60 meeting. Silvia Vivanco to draft a call for volunteers note.
  •  Alan Greenberg to consolidate and distribute the data related to the registrants to the At-Large Community once the metrics have been received. 
  •  Ariel Liang to remind Christopher to produce the final draft, consolidating comments from At-Large, and put this on the wiki for review and comments. Ratification would take place electronically as usual.
  •  APRALO Leadership Team (Satish Babu) to provide ALAC with information on the candidates for the ALAC NomCom Delegate position. 

ALAC Leadership Team Meeting

  •  Maureen Hilyard to produce a sample survey to distribute among the ALSes: tell us about your organization, etc. Using the Salesforce software to produce the survey and collect the metrics
  •  Potential Interview video to be produced that explains the criteria/metrics of ALS representatives to participate in ATLAS III
  •  Heidi Ullrich to follow up with Policy Team leaders on holding a public webinar on each (or selected) public comment to introduce the topic
  •  Gisella Gruber to schedule ALT meetings one week before ALAC Monthly meetings