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All WG calls – including Sub Team calls – are recorded and transcribed. Along with the weekly agenda, documents and Adobe Connect Zoom virtual meeting room chat transcript, these are all uploaded to the WG online wiki space shortly following each call:


If you are not able to be on a call, please inform the GNSO Secretariat ( as soon as possible. Please refrain from sending apologies to the whole email list J Per GNSO guidelines and practice, attendance is taken on every call – and in the WG’s Final Report these numbers are reported so being able to record who was absent with/without apologies is helpful for purposes of ensuring accuracy.


Please email the GNSO Secretariat ( with your preferred contact number and an operator will call you ten mins prior to the scheduled start time of the meeting. You always have the option to follow the audio streaming in the AC Zoom room, or to connect via VoIP with your laptop microphone.


Feel free to contact any of the staff members who are supporting this WG at any time, or any member of the GNSO Secretariat. We are here to assist you and facilitate the policy work of the GNSO community.


Where can I find more information about how to participate more effectively online?

GNSO Working Group Communications Tools classrooms are held every two months. A recording of the webinar can be found here.  Notification about further sessions will be sent out to all Working Group mailing lists ahead of time.

There are also several online modules and toolkits that we continue to develop, to assist newcomers with participation - there is a general module at (about ICANN’s Expected Standards of Behavior and Mailing List Etiquette) and Policy Staff have developed one specifically for the GNSO as well: (covering the GNSO structure, Council, and the development of ICANN Consensus Policy).
