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Item 2: Motion to adopt the revised GNSO Operating Procedures incorporating a consent agenda provision and updated voting results table and to adopt a technical change in proxy notification (5 minutes)

Following the Council's request, the Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation (SCI) has worked on a process for formalising the consent agenda, updated the voting results table and reviewed the current procedures for proxy voting. 

These are now being presented for Council approval.


2.1 Update from SCI Chair  (Wolf-Ulrich Knoben)

2.2 Discussion.

2.3 Vote.

Item 3: Consent agenda (5 minutes)

A consent agenda item is being added as a standard agenda item to provide for a simplified process to obtain Council approval on specific tasks. 

3.1 Approve proposed IRD-WG letter from GNSO Council to ICANN Board.


At its meeting on 6 October, the GNSO Council requested the ICANN Compliance Department to report on existing systems to report and track violations and/or complaints; improvements made since the RAPWG Report or foreseen in the near future, and: indentify gaps and any improvements that might be desirable but not foreseen at this stage. 

The ICANN Compliance Team submitted its report on 18 March and presented it to the GNSO Council at its meeting on 12 April. Refer to the report 

The Council must now decide what next steps to take, if any. 

4.1 Update from Mikey O'Connor.

4.2 Discussion.

4.3 Nest Next steps.


Item 5: Whois Review Team Final Report (10 minutes)

At its July 20, 2012 meeting, the Council created a small group to draft a letter in response to ICANN Board resolved #2012.06.23.26 (see Board resolution ( 

The August 31, 2012 deadline set by the Board for receiving input proved too short for the Council, and on August 30, 2012 GNSO Chair Stéphane Van Gelder sent Chairman of the ICANN Board Steve Crocker and Interim ICANN CEO Akram Attalah a letter informing them that the Council would hopefully be providing further input very soon. 

A draft has been proposed by the group. The Council must now decide whether to send this draft as-is or not.


5.1 Update from group (Brian Winterfeldt)
5. 2 Discussion
5. 3 Next steps.


The GNSO Council requested that a small group prepare a request for information concerning Fake Renewal Notices for the Registrar Stakeholder Group to help inform its deliberations on the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group (RAP WG) Recommendation on Fake Renewal Notices (#2). 

Once the drafting team submitted its report to the GNSO Council and the comment period was completed, the GNSO Council requested the Drafting Team to review the comments received, update the report if deemed appropriate and report back accordingly. 

The DT has reviewed the comments received and submitted its updated report to the GNSO Council on 21 June 2012 (see and the DT Chair presented this report to the Council at the July 20 meeting. 

At that meeting, the Council opted to have further consultations with theRegistrar Stakeholder Group to find out what solutions the Registrars can offer to deal with bad actors and return to the Council with proposals for options, or solutions, or next steps on this issue.

This agenda item is an update on those consultations.


6.1 Update from RrSG (Mason Cole)

6.2 Discussion

6.3 Next steps 

Item 7: Final Issue Report on Protection of International Organizations(10 minutes)

The Preliminary Issue Report on the protection of international organization names requested by the GNSO Council on 12 April was published and a public comment forum was opened on 4 June. 

The GNSO Drafting Team is evaluating possible recommendations to protect the Red Cross and IOC names at the second level and staff has now published the Final Issue Report, since the Public Comment forum has closed.


This item is an overview of that report and an examination of possible next steps. 

7.1 Update from Staff (Brian Peck)


The new gTLD program will have a significant impact on the functioning of ICANN and its structure. The Board has called for an in-depth community discussion to identify early the corresponding challenges and possible evolutions. 

A call has been put out for the community to share a one-pager on this topic to gather preliminary views and help prepare a dedicated session in Toronto. The GNSO Council has expressed a desire to respond to this call and a small group has been created to draft a response. 

Although the Board has called for a response by September 10, this is not a hard deadline so the Council will now consider whether to approve the proposed response.


8.1 Update on draft response (Thomas Rickert)


10.1 Introduction and overview of meeting (Stéphane Van Gelder)

10.2 Discussion

Item11: Consumer Metrics Advice Letter to the ICANN Board (10 minutes)


GAC, GNSO and ccNSO on establishing the definition, measures, and three year targets for those measures, for competition, consumer trust and consumer choice. 

After nearly a year of WG deliberation, public sessions or updates at the Dakar, Costa Rica, and Prague meetings, and a review of public comments submitted by the community, the Consumer Metric WG submitted its final version of the Advice Letter to the GNSO Council on 17 August 2012 for its consideration. 


Upon the GNSO Council’s deliberation and acceptance, the Advice Letter will be sent to the ICANN Board for their consideration. 

11.1 Update from John Berard (WG Liaison) and Berry Cobb (Staff).

11.2 Discussion.

11.3 Next steps.



Item 12: Management of work (10 minutes)

