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ALAC Executive Committee Teleconference

Date: Friday, 30 March 2012

Time: 13:00 - 14:30 UTC . For the time in various timezones click here

Meeting Number: AL.EXCO/CC.0312/3


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Summary Minutes: ALAC ExCom 30.03.12 Summary Minutes

Action Items: ALAC ExCom 30.03.12 Action Items

Chat: ALAC ExCom 30.03.12 Chat

Recording: English 

Interpretation: No interpretation for this meeting

Transcript: ALAC ExCom 30.03.12 Transcript




Standing Agenda Items

1.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 min)

2.  Review of AIs from


At-Large, ALAC and Executive Committee meetings during ICANN's 43rd Meeting - Olivier (


40 min)

Items for Discussion/Decision

3.  Policy Advice Development Calendar -- Tijani, Olivier (


30 min)

See:  ICANN Public Comment page


a. Recently approved ALAC Statements:

i. ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project Draft Integrated Issues Report - AdoptedWHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report Workspace

ii. Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs - Adoptediii. Framework for the FY 13 Budget - Adopted ALAC Statement on the Reservation of Olympic and Red Cross Names in the gTLD Application Procedure

b. Statements currently being drafted or reviewed by the ALAC

i. IDN Variant Issues Project – Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps - Deadline: 18 March ICANN Board Conflicts of Interest Review - Revised Conflicts of Interest Policy and Related Governance Documents - Deadline: 2 April 2012

ii. WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report - Deadline: 18 March 2012See: At-Large Whois Policy Review Team Draft Report Workspace - At-Large comment period now open. Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - Deadline: extended to 17 April 2012

iii. Security, Stability & Resiliency of DNS Review - 8 April 2012

iv: Fake Renewal Notices Report - Deadline: 20 April 2012 - Alan Greenberg is preparing a draft statement

v. - Deadline: 29 April - IDN WG drafting statement

c. Current open policy forums :

During the ALAC meeting of 28 February, the following decisions were taken on the currently open public comments:

i. Defensive Applications for New gTLDs - Deadline: 27 February - No Statement

ii. .CAT WHOIS Proposed Changes - Deadline: 10 February - No Statement

iii. Further Bylaw Changes Following Adoption of Revised Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Policy Development Process (PDP)  - Deadline: 2 March 2012 - No Statement

iv. Draft Roadmap to Implement SAC 051- Deadline 18 March 2012 - No Statement

v. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Policy Development Process – Recommendation 8 Concerning Standardizing and Clarifying WHOIS Status Messages - Deadline: 25 March 2012 - No Statement

vi. Interim Report on Support Significantly Interested Parties fo rccTLD Delegation or Redelegation Requests - Deadline: 30 March 2012 - No Statement

vii. Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - Deadline: 3 April 2012 - Topic to be discussed in Costa Rica to determine whether a Statement is required.

4. Discussion of whether the ALAC should add the topics suggested by Evan to the ALAC Board meeting agenda (10 min)

a. Scope out the Board's taste for an Internet Users' Bill of Rights embedded into ICANN practise. (including its contracts such as RAAs going forward)

b. Red Cross / Olympics issue whereas the Board has agreed to a request from the GAC, that falls outside the multi-stakeholder model

5. Discussion of what Subjects to ask the Board Chair to Raise in his Costa Rica speeches (5 min)

6. Discussion of what Subjects the ALAC Chair should take to the CEO-SO/AC Chairs meeting (10 min)

7. Discussion on what subjects the ALAC Chair should take to the proposed meeting with the Board Chair (5 min)

8. San Jose, Costa Rica - Agenda Development (5 min) - Olivier

See: At-Large San Jose Meeting Page

a. Final review of At-Large meeting agendas

9. Review of the 28 February ALAC Meeting (10 min)


that the ALAC/ExCom have yet to decide whether to prepare statements:

i. Global Policy Proposal Recovered IPv4 Address Space - 4 April 2012 - No statement

ii. Review of the ASO - 6 April 2012 - No Statement

iii. .com Registry Agreement Renewal - Deadline: 26 April 2012 - Holly Raiche to lead evaluation of this PC.

4. ICANN Academy - Next Steps - Olivier (10 mins)

5. Any other Business -- Olivier (5 min)