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Chat: Chat 18 May 2011

Recording: ENGLISH





1.  Roll call – Staff (2 min)


2.  Review of4  11 May action items -- Pavan (5 min

  1. ICANN staff will get back to us about the timing and date for the showcase event, which would be confirmed.
  2. Pavan would follow up with staff about the catering for the event and the costing for that.
  3. Pavan would outreach to the ALS’es for their information and also ask them for their video or PowerPoint presentation.
  4. Sponsorship letter was to be drafted by Pavan and put on the wiki for everyone to comment.
  5. Outreach for keynote speakers to be done by Pavan and Charles.
  6. Marilyn to get back to APRALO about the Board's schedule for the suggested Monday meeting.
  7. Reaching out to ALS’es as soon as possible and telling them the links to their Wiki space so they can go there and update their own information. Also if they do not do so, they we would be filling it out ourselves with the information we have handy (Pavan)
  8. Reaching out to ALS’es again to have them do a small video presentation of themselves so that this could be played at the background for the event (Pavan)
  9. Pavan to work with Charles for reaching out to the keynote speakers as soon as possible. (Pavan and Charles)
  10. Seth to get back to the workgroup about possible rooms at various times/dates. (Seth):  IN PROGRESS – Waiting for Meetings team room suggestions.
  11. Pavan to get in touch with Darlene to get the document they used to reach out to the ALS and do something similar for APRALO (Pavan)
  12. Cost estimate for the event to be done by Charles, figuring out the cost and see how much sponsorship is needed. (Charles)

3.  Decision of Showcase day and time – 10 min

Olivier, Cheryl, and Gisella will offer guidance.

-- Pavan (5 min)

Time/Date have been finalized:  Monday, 20 June, 2:30--3:30 pm Singapore time

4.  Report on possible rooms (from ICANN Meetings team) -- Seth (5 min)

5.  Report on possible catering costs (from ICANN Meetings team) -- Gisella (5 min) 

6.  Update on the 4.  Assignment of volunteers to tasks on Showcase to-do list and review of target dates progress -- Pavan and others (10 min)

See APRALO Showcase main workspace


See APRALO Showcase proposed event program

57 Decision of choice(s) of keynote speaker (and related matters) – 10 min

Keynote speaker suggestions

Other speakers/presenters suggestions

Should there be an overriding theme?

See (re Mr. Lui Tuck Yew) “Singapore Holds First Cyber Security Awareness Day” at

Keynote Speaker discussion – Pavan (10 min)

Professor Ang to offer suggestions on keynote speakers in Singapore region.

Charles to discuss other possible choices and how to reach out.

8. Sponsorship letter -- Charles, Pavan (10 min)

With draft now finalized, now need to figure out whom to send to.

96. Outreach to Internet-user organizations in/near Singapore – Pavan (5 min



Professor Ang to suggest which Internet-user organizations to reach out to.  

Discussion of what local organizations to invite to the Showcase.What local organizations could we invite to the showcase?  Need volunteer.
7 10.  Any other business – Pavan (5 min)

811. Next Meeting -- Pavan (5 mins)

Every Should meetings be every week or every other week?  Time and day?