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French Conference ID = 1838

Zoom Room: / Password: LACRALO#01


Action Items:  EN/ES          ES          

Recording: EN, ES ES, FR

Zoom Chat: EN/ES

Transcription: ENES, FR FR

Zoom Recording: ES



ES: Sergio Salinas Porto, Harold Arcos, Augusto Ho, Vanda Scartezini, Leon Sanchez, Alberto Soto, 

EN: Omir Kerry Kerr, 

FR: Derisma Queslin, Sindy Obed, 

Apologies: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Humberto Carrasco, 

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco,  Claudia Ruiz


ES:  PT:David and Claudia 

FR: Jacques and Claire 

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz 


AGENDA ES                     



1. Roll Call Asistencia  - Staff (2 minutos)

2. Bienvenida e introducción a la llamada -Sergio Salinas Salinas  (1 minuto2 mins) 

3. Aprobación Adopción de la Agenda - Harold Arcos (2 minutos1 mins)

4. Reglas Presentación de Procedimiento -  PPT Sergio Salinas – Jacqueline Morris (45 minutos)

5. Comentarios ALAC Member – Humberto Carrasco (6min)

6.  Reporte LACRALO WG Capacitación – Adrián Carballo (6 minutos)

7. Actualizacion Regional - Sergio Salinas - (6 minutos )

a. Elecciones ALAC member 2020

b. Plan Estratégico Remoto FY21 

Candidatos- Augusto Ho  (10 minutos para cada candidato para presentarse )

5. Preguntas y respuestas - Kerry Kerr (en el orden recibidos ) (30 mins)

6. Elecciones siguientes pasos - Silvia Vivanco (3 mins)8. Otros Temas de Interés 


1. Roll Call - Personal (2 minutes)

2. Welcome and Introduction of the call - Sergio Salinas (1 minute2 mins)

3. Approval of the Agenda Adoption  - Harold Arcos (2 minutesmins)

4. Rules of ProcedurePPT Sergio Salinas - Jacqueline Morris (45 minutes)

5. Comments ALAC Member - Humberto Carrasco (6min)

6. LACRALO WG Capacity Building - Adrián Carballo (6 minutes)

7. Regional Update - Sergio Salinas (6 minutes)

a. Elections ALAC member 2020.

b. FY1 Remote Strategic Plan

9.  AOB

Actualizaciones de comentarios sobre políticas

Recientemente Ratificados por el ALAC 

Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025 LACRALO Statement
The LACRALO statement was in response to the ICANN Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025. As all LACRALO countries fall under the LAC Regional Plan, a diverse drafting team from the region provided feedback on strategy topics such as security, ICANN governance, unique identifiers system, geopolitics, and financials.

ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs
As a whole, the ALAC supports the ccNSO PDP3.  From an end user perspective, the ALAC suggested two points to be considered: 1) As a user of the Internet, the removal of a TLD will mean less likelihood for confusion as usually a ccTLD would be removed to make way for a new one. This enhances Trust in the domain name identifiers; 2) As a domain name registrant, the retirement of the ccTLD could pose a problem when correspondents are accustomed to use the "old" address using the obsolete ccTLD. Some companies have built a brand around the "old" ccTLD.

Comentarios Publicos para decision


Declaracion actual (Consejo del ALAC, Comentario o Correspondencia)

Nombre del Comentario Público

Comentarios del Público Cerrar


Grupo de Trabajo Asignado


Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Final Report 




Equipo de redacción voluntario(s):

Bastiaan Goslings

Joanna Kulesza

Fouad Bajwa

Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model – Next Steps




Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone Version 4 (RZ-LGR-4)




Equipo de redacción voluntario(s):

Bill Jouris

Jonathan Zuck


Candidates presentation - Augusto Ho/Kerry Kerr ( 10 minutes to each candidate to introduce themselves)

5. Questions and Answers - kerry Kerr (in order received ) (30 mins)

6. Elections next steps  - Silvia Vivanco (3 mins)

2020 LACRALO ALAC member election /2020 eleccion del miembro del ALAC

ALAC Rules of Procedures - 4. Section B: ALAC Member Requirements and Responsibilities

Reglas de Procedimientos del ALAC- 4. Section B: Requisitos del ALAC y Responsabilidades