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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


This agenda was established according to the GNSO Council Operating Procedures approved 7 April 2011 for the GNSO Council. Removed

For convenience:


Dial-in numbers will be sent individually to Council members who will be physically absent. Councilors should notify the GNSO Secretariat in advance if a dial out call is needed. Removed

Item 1: Administrative matters (10 minutes)


Refer to Pending Projects list Removed

2.1 Update from Staff (Margie Milam).


2.4 Changes to Pending Projects List since last Council meeting (Stéphane Van Gelder)• GNSO activities: 9 (8 --Policy Process Stering Committee (PPSC) removed, Synthesis of WHOIS requirements and drafting team on Community Working Groups (CWGs) added).
• Other activities: 7 (9 – Synthesis of WHOIS requirements moved to "GNSO activities", GNSO constitutes reconfirmations removed).
• Joint Supporting Organisations/Advisory Committees (SO/AC) Working Groups (WGs): 7 (7 – no change).
• Outstanding recommendations: 1 (1 – no change).

Item 3: Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Working Group (20 minutes)

The WG published its final report for public comment in February 2011 and the public comment period closed on March 31.
After having considered the comments received and modified its report accordingly, the WG is now presenting its final report for Council consideration

Final Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy - Part B Policy Development Process Removed

Refer to motion 1 Removed

3.1 Update from staff (Marika Konings) Removed

3.2 Reading of the motion (Tim Ruiz)

3.3 Discussion

3.4 Vote

Item 4: Operations Steering Committee (OSC) Proxy votes (15 minutes)

The GNSO Council recently identified areas for improvement in the (see Removed) that would simplify and clarify the procedures relating to proxy voting. It tasked the Operations Steering Committee (OSC) with completing a revision to improve the procedures relating to proxy voting. The OSC submitted to the GNSO Council on 14 June 2011 recommended revisions Removed
to the GNSO Council Operating Procedures to simplify and clarify the procedures relating to proxy voting.

Motion 2 Removed

has been submitted for consideration relating to the recommendations from the OSC.


Refer to May 19 meeting action items:
In response to the action item on Community Working Groups on the GNSO Council agenda Removed, a group of people volunteered to work on this topic. Jonathan Robinson agreed to take the lead in stimulating discussions in view of presenting a report from the drafting team at the Singapore meetings.

5.1 Update from Drafting Team (Jonathan Robinson). Removed

5.2 Discussion


Refer to Board resolution: Removed

Information item to provide latest update on the group's work.


6.2 Discussion

6.3 Next steps?

Item 7: Post-Expiry Domain Names Recovery (10 minutes)

The group has sent its Final Report for the GNSO Council's consideration on June 14, 2011 Removed

Presentation of Final Report Removed

See Motion 3 for discussion only:

7.1 Update from chair (Alan Greenberg).

7.2 Discussion

Break 10 Minutes

Item 8: Joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis Community Working Group (DSSA) (20 minutes)


Item 10. Any Other Business (5 minutes)

10.1 Joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN working group (JIG)

Update from co-chair -- Edmon Chung

Item 11 Open Microphone (30 minutes)

Appendix 1: GNSO Council Voting Thresholds (ICANN Bylaws, Article X, Section 3)

9. Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, Annex A hereto, or the GNSO Operating Procedures, the default threshold to pass a GNSO Council motion or other voting action requires a simple majority vote of each House. The voting thresholds described below shall apply to the following GNSO actions:
1. Create an Issues Report: requires an affirmative vote of more than 25% vote of each House or majority of one House;
2. Initiate a Policy Development Process (“PDP”) Within Scope (as described in Annex A): requires an affirmative vote of more than 33% of each House or more than 66% of one House;
3. Initiate a PDP Not Within Scope: requires an affirmative vote of more than 75% of one House and a majority of the other House (“GNSO Supermajority”);
4. Approve a PDP Recommendation Without a GNSO Supermajority: requires an affirmative vote of a majority of each House and further requires that one GNSO Council member representative of at least 3 of the 4 Stakeholder Groups supports the Recommendation;
5. Approve a PDP Recommendation With a GNSO Supermajority: requires an affirmative vote of a GNSO Supermajority; and
6. Approve a PDP Recommendation Imposing New Obligations on Certain Contracting Parties: where an ICANN contract provision specifies that “a two-thirds vote of the council” demonstrates the presence of a consensus, the GNSO Supermajority vote threshold will have to be met or exceeded with respect to any contracting party affected by such contract provision.
