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Action Items: EN 

Transcript: ENFR

Recording:  ENFR 

Adobe Connect Chat:  EN

Dial-out Participants:


FR:   Tijani Ben Jemaa,  Brahim Brahim Ousmane Mustapha,  Olévié Kouami,  Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNÉ,  Gabriel Gabriel BOMBAMBO Boseko,  Guiguemde Guiguemde Jacques Rodrigue,  Zakaria Zakaria Issa, Imrane Ahmat Souleymane,  Baudouin Schombe, Etienne Etienne Tshishimbi,  Aïcha AbbadAïcha Abbad, Dewole Ajao, Aziz Hilali, Dave Kissondoyal, Wafa Dahmani. Michel Tchonang, Adam Ahmat Doungous, Youssouf Abdelrahim, Janvier Ngnoulaye, Mahamat Moussa, Olevie Kouami

EN:   Mohamed El Bashir, Daniel Nanghaka,  Roger Roger Oteng Baah,  Vernatius Vernatius Okwu Ezeama, Ali Hussein, Beran Dondeh, Janvier Ngnoulaye, Chenai Chair, Barrack Otieno,   Esther Patricia Akello, Pastor Peters OmoragbonPeters Omoragbon,  Raymond Raymond Mamattah, Ejikeme Egbuogum,  Otunte Otunte Otueneh, Sarah Kiden,  Yaovi Atohoun, Abdulkarim OloyedeApologies: Abdulkarim Oloyede, Christiane Anaky, Seun Ojedeji, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Nancy, Apology: Fatimata Seye Sylla, Alioune Badara Traore

Staff:   Silvia Vivanco, Heidi Ullrich, Claudia Ruiz, Yaovi Atohoun, Gisella Gruber

Interpreters: Claire & Camila

Call Management:   Gisella Gruber



1.       Roll call 2’ 


Statements approved by the ALAC



Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 

New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions:

Upcoming Public Comment requests


      • Process for changes to Community Top Level Domain (TLD) Registration Policies (Specification 12)
      • .ASIA Registry Agreement Renewal
      • .COOP Registry Agreement Renewal
      • Implementation of Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Program
      • Proposal for Devanagari Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
      • Draft ICANN FY19 Operating Plan and Budget


      • Proposal for Korean Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
      • Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team – Final Report
      • International Governmental Organizations (IGO) – Red Cross Reconvened Working Group Recommendations


      • Label Generation Rules (LGR) Procedure Implementation – Maximal Starting Repertoire Version 3 (MSR-3)
      • Guidelines for Second Level String Similarity Review Process
      • Enhancing Accountability Recommendations – Final Report
      • Proposal for Updated Supported Traveler Guidelines

 3.       Reports

i.         Recent and upcoming Activities of ALAC (Seun, Tijani, Hadia) 5’


 4.       Items for information

i.         Costumer Standing Committee (CSC) (Mohamed) 5’

ii.       CCWG Accountability: Sub-Groups of Work stream 2 (Tijani, Seun) 5’

 5.       Items for Discussion

i.         Engagement of AFRALO membership in the discussion on the Hot Topics ( Daniel, Fatimata, Mohamed) 8’

 6.       New ALS Applications ( Sarah ) 10’

 7.       New AFRALO individual member applications applications (Sarah) 10’

 8.       Any Other Business(All) 5’

FY19 Additional Budget Requests - Mohamed and Tijani (members of the FBSC)


  1.     Appel 2’ 
  2.     Commentaires Publiques ouvertes: Public comment (Mohamed) 5’ 

Déclarations approuvées par l'ALAC

Déclarations en cours: en cours de rédaction, de commentaire ou de vote:

Les déclarations qui semblent être bloquées:

  • Aucune

Demandes de commentaires publics auxquelles l'ALAC a décidé de ne pas soumettre de déclarations:

Nouvelles demandes de commentaires publics auxquelles l'ALAC doit prendre des décisions:

Upcoming Public Comment requests


  • Proposal for Korean Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
  • Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team – Final Report
  • International Governmental Organizations (IGO) – Red Cross Reconvened Working Group Recommendations


  • Label Generation Rules (LGR) Procedure Implementation – Maximal Starting Repertoire Version 3 (MSR-3)
  • Guidelines for Second Level String Similarity Review Process
  • Enhancing Accountability Recommendations – Final Report
  • Proposal for Updated Supported Traveler Guidelines

3.     Rapports

  1. Activités récentes et à venir de l'ALAC (Seun, Tijani, Hadia) 5’
  2. Activités récentes et à venir des membres d'AFRALO (All) 5’

4.     Articles pour information

  1. Consumer Standing Committee (CSC) (Mohamed) 5’
  2. CCWG Accountability: Sub-Groups of Work stream 2 (Tijani, Seun) 5’

5.   Éléments de discussion

  1. Engagement d'AFRALO dans la discussion sur les Hot Topics (Daniel, Mohamed, Sarah) 5

6.   Nouvelles applications ALS (Sarah) 10'

7.   Membres individuelles AFRALO (Sarah) 10'

8.   Tout autre affaire (All) 5’

 FY 19 Demande de budget supplémentaire Mohamed and Tijani (members of the FBSC)