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1. Review agenda

2. Discussion of the proposed Registrant survey questions and suggested changes by Analysis Group:

3. Discussion of the proposed Potential Registrant survey questions and suggested changes by Analysis Group:

4. AOB


RFP Appendix - Sunrise & Claims Data Request Table[2]



Adobe Connect Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendance & AC Chatchat

Guests: Greg Rafert and Stacey Chan both from the Analysis Group 

Apologies: Greg Rafert (Analysis Group)



Notes/ Action Items


  • Staff to ask Sub Team members’ availability to join the Monday, 18 June meeting at 17:00 UTC; if low availability, staff to propose an alternative time. (Done)




  • 2nd option: the first new gTLD was launched in July 2013, so change 3 years to 5 years 
  • If the following questions do not apply to the registrants, redirect them to the potential registrant survey section.


  • Change 3 years to 5 years. 


  • Change 3 years to 5 years


  • "If Yes, did you register the domain name for which you received a Claims Notice?" is a core question. We want to know why they went ahead despite receiving a Claims Notice. We want to know qualitatively why they did so. It goes with the same set of questions below. Same rationale may apply to the second time they receive the Claims Notice, or more. 
  • We spent a lot of time asking why people did NOT proceed, and there could be a lot of reasons. We do have a set of questions asking people why they DO proceed. If they did so, they may have made some serious decisions here, and we need to know why. Perhaps provide some multiple-choice options listing possible reasons why they proceed in order to dive deeper. 
  • Suggestions for options to be included in a multiple-choice question
    • I would not be sued if I continued
    • I would not be subject to an action to take the domain if I continued
    • No one else had a legal right to the name
    • I had legitimate or legal right to the domain
    • It does not seem like too much trouble to continue
    • I consulted with an attorney and it was fine
    • I was committed to the domain name for person/business reasons
    • It matched investments names I already own in a portfolio  (going with "theme" registrants)
    • I didn't understand the notice
    • Something else [explain]
  • There are portfolio registrants and they may have received many notices. May ask a quantitative question, "How many times this has happened to you?" and let them choose via multiple-choice options. Follow up with a question "For any of the domain name that you decide to proceed with registration, check all the reasons that apply". Bearing in mind that some people could have big portfolios.
  • Is there anyway to encourage the survey taker to write a narrative and explain themselves? If we do get the response, it would be very helpful. 
  • Registrants with big portfolio might actually prefer a narrative option.


  • There is an agreement to funnel this type of questions into potential registrant survey. 


  • The structure is a bit confusing 
  • Need to be clear that this question should apply to anyone who is presented a Claims Notice, regardless whether he/she completed the registration or not 
  • Which of the following best describes your understanding of the purpose of the Claims Notice? Don’t know/Not sure -- we need a "what a heck" option there too

Q2g(ii) – Q2h(i)

  • Re - oppose to specify as people may give a false hypothetical
  • May want to specify "I plan to start a business or already have a business under that name"
  • If we specify the business aspect, how would that help us? We don't know the background of the registrant why they proceed or not proceed. 
  • We don't know what the registrants are thinking, so we are asking them, at least we will get some insight and useful answers if we give them an example to think about. If we just give them a notice, they would not know what to do with that. 
  • We did give examples on other surveys to target non-expert. 
  • How do we know there is no brand using How do we know survey takers’ level of knowledge whether it would be an issue or not? 
  • We can ask clarifying questions at the end, but ask examples first to provide some context. You may need to place the “demographic” type of questions first to get into the mindset of the survey takers, and we can get a sense of the trend:
    • Would you be nervous to register the domain name? -- provide options
    • If yes, what actions would you take? -- provide options 
    • If no, what is the reason? -- provide options 
    • Does trademark law matter? 
  • Concerned if asking those questions first may have a bad effect on the survey takers, e.g., asking them about trademark law knowledge. It may be super hard to ask each survey taker to consider each scenario. Worth asking trademark only after asking some hypothetical questions, otherwise it would trigger some negative reaction. 
  • Don't need to limit this question for the people who have not completed the registration.
  • Proposed new order:
    • Show trademark claims notice.
    • Q2g(iv) – confidence?
    • Would you consult with an attorney? [maybe also “would you talk with domain name registrar, etc?]
    • Q2h(i) – Why you abandoned?
    • Q2g(iii) – trademark law knowledge
  • We are making assumption that the user is going to assume the claims has something to do with the trademark. Most people don't know the difference between trademark and copyright. That's a mistake in the premise of each Q that the analysis group needs to resolve. Maybe this is the FIRST question and there is a matrix. so different paths of questioning need to be clarified... 
  • One possibility is to ask registrants what they imagine their use would be. If we will have enough respondents, we could sub group them. 
  • Those general Qs should appear after the more specific responses to


  • We are asking why they did not proceed, and it is not with respect to Where are we asking them what they are doing with 
  • This question is for people who have abandoned. Everyone should be asked for this question. It is doubtful that we will get a lot of registrant that receives claims notice. 

Discussion about the open-ended questions  

  • Narrative responses can become cumbersome. It is fine to have a few in the survey, but the more complicated question is, the more loaded the responses would be. To have a lot of these questions would make it difficult for the respondent to respond, and can lower response rate and increase dropout rate. 
  • Some open text questions may be better for interview survey. Form survey would not have the opportunity to redirect the answer. 
  • Wide range of responses in open text field can make the analysis of the responses difficult and it would be hard to summarize the results in a simple way. 
  • There is difference between "Other___" and the larger open text field asking very open-ended question. 

Discussion about hypothetical questions

  • Reference page 28-29 of the RFP Appendix regarding the comments for/against hypothetical questions
  • Getting into use cases is different from hypothetical. There are general categories that people fall into. Give people the general categories. 
  • If we ask hypothetical questions of Registrants, I would like to return to TM/Brand owner survey to include some hypos.  What would be the difference?
  • I feel like that is a different kind of request for information. That would be something to ask in the design phase of a project not necessarily an evaluation phase.
  • I'm ok with the page 29 scenario since we get an understanding of what the respondent is thinking when they answer. Consider the alternative to hypothetical listed on page 29
  • The questions about actual events and actions will provide metrics; hypos will prove opinions.  We must somehow separate the two if we include them.  
  • Why the hypothetical question falls into the registrant survey? Q2g, Q2g(i), Q2g(ii) are inspired by the potential registrant survey questions. 
  • We want to know the set of people who register domain name, and when they see the trademark claims notices, what they are doing with them. To provide use cases is because it is hard for registrant to understand in the abstract. There is no way to ask such question without something to think about.
  • The only way to get an answer to the question is by showing claims notice and see what they think. If you got a claims notice.... [Qs] AND here is a claims notice... [ Q]
  • AG suggestion:  
    • Keep the hypo question for the potential registrant survey
    • In the registrant survey, ask respondents did they receive claims survey, what they did to it, what was the purpose of their registration, etc. elicit the insight without providing a hypothetical scenario?
  • Is it possible that most people taking the survey are legacy domain name registrants? 
  • We account for those potential respondents and try to filter them in the survey.
  • It does not make a lot of sense to differentiate the registrants and potential registrants in two different surveys. There are a lot of overlapping paths. It should be one survey with branching paths. The people who said “I have received a claims notice, but didn't have the use case” should be given the opportunity to provide useful responses.