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Adobe Connect Room:


Attendees: Pavan Budhrani, Holly Raiche, Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Holly Raiche, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Hong Xue, Edmon Chung

Apologies: Jack Qiu

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber


Transcript: APRALO Beijing Events OC Transcript 2013-01-08 




1.Roll  Roll Call (Staff)



Status update on ALS invitations, travel, visa & Beijing hotel (Pavan & Staff)

a. Request ICANN Meeting invitation
b. Local hotel update (Staff)


3. Committee updates/planning issues

a. Sponsorship & Promotion (CLO, Edmon, Jack)


g. Youth Forum (Jack, Hong, Edmon)


4. Discussion

a. Regional Inreach (ALS preparation/lead-up for Beijing) - once ideas have been discussed and clarified, add as one sub-component of Capacity Building
b. Regional Outreach - Outreach onsite in Beijing is addressed by promotions committee, but outreach in terms of lead-up needs to be discussed on the how and what and then a decision is needed on which committee takes it up as their work agenda.


5. Next Call (Holly)


6. AOB (Holly)