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→ 10 June: Marita Moll reported on the Pre ICANN 65  Marrakesh Readout in Ottawa. Others reported as well. Evan shared a comment regarding CROPS and similar instances. Check the transcript page #12.

→ 15 July: Michael Casadevall provided a report for his trip to ARIN 43 Bridgetown, Barbados 7-10 April 2019. Other details are in transcript page 18.

Topic 026:  NARALO ALAC Members Update Reports


→ 10 June: Report was provided.See transcript page 29 for more details.

→ 15 July: See transcript page 30 for more details.

Topic 029: NARALO Education Group Update Report


→ 14 January  [Recording: 27:00]:  Nothing to report. Apologies provided.

→ July 15: Apologies received by David Morar. Will report next time.

Topic 052: EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data 


DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report on this effort

→ July 15: From transcript page 25 :: "All right. Thank you very much. On the EPDP, we are in the process right now of looking at a number of sample use cases for under what conditions would third parties get access to the confidential data. The use cases we’re looking at are selection that is being provided by a number of members. They’re not meant to be exhaustive but will hopefully give us a feel for the kinds of things we need to consider in building the general case.". More details in the transcript.

Topic 055: 2019 NomCom update report


→ July 15: Update report given.  See transcript page #22 for more details.

Topic 056: ATLAS III & North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)


  • New member: Nat Cohen

→ 15 July:   Not present.

6. Any Other Business (AOB)
