Versions Compared


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There are currently


227 people in the CCWG-Accountability.


28 Members   |  


199 Participants

and 47 137 Mailing List Observers


Of the 176 227 CCWG-Accountability members and participants, the regional representation is as follows:

  • 43   65 North America
  • 44   61 Europe
  • 34   64 Asia/Asia Pacific
  • 25 (not specified)
  • 18 Africa
  • 12 Latin America


  •   19 Africa
  •   18 Latin America

Of the 176 227 CCWG-Accountability members and participants, the stakeholder group representation is as follows:

  • 65  78 (no affiliation)
  • 46  71 GNSO
  • 26  30 GAC
  • 21  21 At-Large
  • 13  17 ccNSO/ccTLD
  •   6 ASO
  •   2 SSAC5 ASO

In addition, there is one 1 ICANN Board Liaison and one 1 ICANN Staff Representative. 

Also, there are 4 is 1 ICG members member who participate participates in the CCWG-Accountability, including two who serve as liaisons between the two groups. 

Analysis of Members/Participants in CWG-Stewardship & CCWG-Accountability: CWG-CCWG_toOverlap_CCWG_20150216List.xlsx (as of 16 February 2015)20 March)


Meeting Statistics Through 9 February 2016

Total meetings: 221

Total full-group meetings: 83

Total hours of meetings:  419.75 (17.5 days)

Cumulative working hours in meetings (attendees per meeting * hours per meeting): 17,368.25 (723.7 days)

Total mailing list exchanges:  13,909

Please keep in mind this only includes CCWG members/participants (no external counsel, ICANN staff or observers)

PDF:  Appendix D - Summary.pdf