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2024-05-28 AFRALO ICANN80 Planning Committee Call

  •  Hadia Elminiawi and all OC members  to finish the Panelists questions, staff will send questions to the Panelist (after they accept )
  •  Bukola Oronti and Bram Fudzulani to edit the flyer (with QR code pointing to the  ICANN 80 registration link ) and start social media promotion ASAP.
  •  Michelle Desmyter to schedule the next call for Monday June 03 at 15 UTC. 

2024-05-20 AFRALO ICANN80 Planning Committee Call

2024-05-13 AFRALO ICANN80 Planning Committee Call

  •  Hadia Elminiawi and all to finalize and clean up the Panel's survey and send it to staff by Tuesday May 14.
  •  Michelle Desmyter to create the google survey, target date Wednesday 15th
  •  Hadia Elminiawi to confirm speakers for both Panels with the group and staff ASAP.

2024-05-06 AFRALO ICANN 80 Planning committee call 

  •  Jabhera Matogoro and all OC members to prepare 3 questions for Panel 1 on ALS on infrastructure and to send to staff ASAP to prepare a Google survey. Jabhera Matogoro will send the survey asking ALS for feedback by Monday 13.
  •  Panel 2 – Building a Multilingual Internet: Opportunities and Challenges. Jabhera Matogoroto draft 2 quantitative questions and send to staff to prepare a google survey. A survey will be prepared by staff with the 3 questions from the google doc “Stakeholders Perspectives”
  •  AFRALO-AFRICANN Theme Suggestion was decided.   “Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Africa through Multilingual Internet Infrastructure. Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong will draft the Agenda by Friday May 10th, so invitations can be sent during the week of May 13th.
  •  Silvia Vivanco to send a draft invitation for 2 Roundtables to speakers to Hadia for approval. 
  •  Michelle Desmyter to set up the next call for Monday 13 May, 15: 00 UTC.

2024-04-29 AFRALO ICANN 80 Planning committee call 

  •  Hadia Elminiawi and all OC members to finalize the panels descriptions and speakers by Wednesday 3 May 1 May 23 UTC. 
  •  Heidi Ullrich to reach out to Government engagement with Panels information.
  •  Siranush Vardanyan   to to ask fellows /Next Gens to prepare two questions for Panel 1 ."Enhancing Internet Infrastructure in Africa for  an inclusive Internet"
  •  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to finalize the topic of the AFRALO-AFRICANN session by Friday May 05, 23 UTC.
  •  Michelle Desmyter to schedule the next call for Monday May 06.
  •   Gisella Gruber to send calendar invites for all ICANN 80 AFRALO sessions to Siranush Vardanyan and Deborah Escalera.

2024-04-22 AFRALO ICANN 80 Planning Committee Call 

  •  Hadia Elminiawi and all OC members to finalize the session objectives of Panel 1 by Wednesday April 24.  Members of the OC to look at the ICANN 76 AFRALO-AFRICANN statement “Best practices for DNS Operations in Africa” which has elements that could be added to the definition of the first panel. Once the names of speakers are finalized, members and staff will contact the Panelists.
  •  Hadia Elminiawi and all OC members to finalize Panel 2 Description by Monday 29 April.
  •  Heidi Ullrichto contact Govt engagement staff to send invitations to high level speakers to be invited to speak at the AFRALO Roundtables (week of April 29) . 
  •   Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to provide the AFRALO-AFRICANN topic to staff  by Monday April 29. The Agenda with speakers to be sent to staff by Friday May 3.
