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Seth also reported:  We’re looking into the form of the final reporting that will need to be done.  The final reporting, of course, is the responsibility of the ALAC.  There’s no precedent.  But the Improvements project previous project plan and status report were well received by the Board and SIC, so we could consider sticking to that format, which basically was a short report covering each recommendation, with annexes containing any needed details.  But there will be some leeway, up to the ALAC and the WTs’ writers, regarding the form of this reporting.
Cheryl pointed out that the

Note that Cheryl added the following in the WT A meeting on 27 January 2011:

  • The ALAC would likely appreciate a careful synopsis by each WT that could basically be dropped into


  • its overall report on Improvements.  For some of this synopsis, the WTs could likely refer to their presentations prepared for Cartagena (and now to be delivered in the next ALAC meeting), with some updating added.

4.  Need to begin interacting with and making proposals to the ALAC – Olivier and Cheryl; 10 min
