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Draft agenda:

  1. Review agenda/SOIs
  2. Status of Consensus Call for revised implementation charter for recommendations 7 & 12 (closing 26 April)
  3. Discussion of the revised implementation charter for recommendations 1, 2, & 3
  4. Continued discussion of the implementation charter for recommendations 20 and 21
  5. Discussion of the April Work Plan and proposed update to the GNSO Council on 24 May
  6. Next Meeting: 10 May 1300 UTC
  7. AOB


GNSO Review Working Group Work Plan April 2018.pdf

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 1-2-3 24 April 2018.pdf

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 20 - 21 February 2018.pdf




WebEx Chat


Attendees: Jennifer Wolfe, Sara Bockey, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben

Apologies: Lori Schulman, Rafik Dammak, Lawrence OlaWale-Roberts 

ICANN staff: Julie Hedlund, Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Berry Cobb, Terri Agnew, Andrea Glandon


Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

Action Item 1: implementation charter for recommendations 7 & 12: Staff will correct typos identified by Wolf-Ulrich (see meeting notes for details).

Action Item 2: revised implementation charter for recommendations 1, 2, & 3: Staff will circulate the revised text of this implementation charter on the mailing list. Any feedback raised on the mailing list will be discussed on the next call.

Action Item 3: implementation charter for recommendations 20 and 21: Staff will circulate the text of this implementation charter on the mailing list. Any feedback raised on the mailing list will be discussed on the next call.

Action Item 4: GNSO Council Update: Staff will circulate to the WG early next week draft slides for the GNSO Council presentation in May. 


1. Review agenda/SOIs:

-- This is a smaller group today. The call will proceed but no decisions will be made.

-- No updates to SOIs.

2. Status of Consensus Call for revised implementation charter for recommendations 7 & 12 (closing 26 April):

-- The consensus call closes today. There have been no comments or objections so far. If this continues to be the cases, the charter will be deemed to be accepted by full consensus.

-- Wolf-Ulrich identified small typos to correct (headline says “1,2,3” and should say “7&12.” Number 3 “Translation of Documents” under “Solutions” – typos in first and second lines: “translatin” should be “translating” and “transition” should be “translation.”

3. Discussion of the revised implementation charter for recommendations 1, 2, & 3:

-- Staff has completed changes suggested on the call two weeks ago (see redlined text).

-- Staff suggests putting this text out for review by the group before completing a consensus call on this implementation charter. The WG can discuss any proposed changes raised on the mailing list during the call next week.

4. Continued discussion of the implementation charter for recommendations 20 and 21:

-- Recommendation 20: The scope of the Standing Committee on ICANN’s Budget and Operations could be the structure through which the GNSO provides feedback on the strategic plan. This would complement existing activities associated with analyzing the budget.

-- In the last WG meeting, it was suggested that the WG would update the Council during the May Council Meeting. This proposal to expand the SCBO charter could be raised. The status of recommendations related to GDPR and Diversity (especially CCWG-Accountability recommendations on Diversity) could also be included in this discussion.

-- Recommendation 21: There are a number of initiatives underway to collect data. This section outlines the existing data sources and describes how the GNSO Council and Working Groups already access this data. It is not anticipated that an additional formal mechanism is needed for the GNSO to receive information about the efforts.

-- Staff suggests circulating this charter for additional feedback by the WG.

-- Regarding Recommendation 20: Rafik made a comment during the last meeting asking whether the SCBO is the right place to complete this review. Wolf-Ulrich is fine with the proposed approach, but would like to give everyone an opportunity to review and provide input.

-- An alternative would be for the Council to take on this review itself and possibly create an additional Standing Committee. This can be part of the discussion with the GNSO Council on the May GNSO Council call.

5. Discussion of the April Work Plan and proposed update to the GNSO Council on 24 May:

-- An additional item to discuss with the GNSO Council – any items with budget implications will need to be considered by the GNSO Council.

-- Staff has begun reviewing the CCWG-Accountability recommendations and cross referencing them with GNSO Review recommendations 6, 33, 35, and 36. Staff will provide this analysis to the WG for the next WG meeting.

-- The Board has not yet made a decision on the CCWG-Accountability recommendations. This must be taken into consideration in drafting implementation charters that reference CCWG-Accountability recommendations. If WG implementation charters are tied to implementation of CCWG-Accountability recommendations, the implementation will not be complete until Board approval.

-- It is also possible that the WG can make recommendations that are complementary to, but not dependent on, the CCWG-Accountability recommendations.

-- Chat from Marika Konings to All Participants: whether implementation is achieved for those recommendations may only be possible further in the future as Board consideration is still some time out?

-- Staff will gather more information about implementation of steps by the ICANN Organization to address GDPR. Once additional information is available on the details of these measures, staff will update the appropriate implementation charters (26-29).

-- Motions will potentially be needed for the GNSO Council to consider in the June meeting.

6. Next Meeting: 10 May 1300 UTC:

-- In the next meeting, the WG should finalize the material it would like to present to Council.

-- Staff will provide a draft update to the Council early next week for the WG to consider. The WG can review the slides and suggest changes in time for the document deadline for the May Council meeting.

7. AOB: None.