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Sub-group Members:  Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chris Wilkinson, Jorge Villa, Kavouss Arasteh, Steve DelBianco

Staff:   Patrick Dodson, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:  Julf Helsingius, Herb Waye, Sebastien Bachollet

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **




0.  Call Administration  (2 min CLO)

1. Review of AI's from call #23 on March 2nd (2 min) CLO)[]

2.  Update from Plenary Meeting March 10th (#24). (5 min CLO )

3. Discussion,  current (draft 1.32) documentation updates,  readings and review.  (45 min CLO/SDB) 

  * Review and discuss updates to our draft documentation - the Consolidated Draft Report after its 1st reading and Plenary discussion, see emails to our list and CCWG pre and post our recent meeting CPH.

4. Next Meeting and future Meeting schedule  (2 min CLO) 

·  none currently listed for April onwards. To be discussed. 

Master Schedule is here[]

5. AOB and review of any AI's.  (3 min CLO)

Notes (including relevant parts of chat)


0. Call Administration 

1. Review of AI's from call #23 on March 2nd

Note to all - the latest version is named Plenary Draft 1.0

2.  Update from Plenary Meeting March 10th

Cheryl - very pleased with the discussion with the Plenary. Also, the slides that were used during the plenary session will be posted to the wiki.

3. Discussion, current (draft 1.3) documentation updates, readings and review.  

Review and discuss updates to our draft documentation - the Consolidated Draft Report after its 1st reading and Plenary discussion, see emails to our list and CCWG pre and post our recent meeting CPH.

Steve: As most of us on the call were present we don't need to go into too much detail, but there was a good conversation at the plenary on March 10. For track 1, there were no big issues, but a few items were noted.

Some interest to strengthen language around best practices, to change "recommend best practices" to "encourage implementation of..."

No opposition to this change.

Second point is to clarify that we are only talking about AC/SO accountability "within the scope of ICANN activity." Steve asked for others to point out where this language is in the current draft, and if not found language would be included in executive summary.

No opposition to this change.

Next was topic of Diversity and whether we should incorporate recommendations anticipated from the Diversity group of WS2.

Alan - I don't think we should, as it would be redundant to other areas ICANN has already stated regarding diversity best practices.

Kavouss - "is there difficulty to add diversity to the best practices?" It is taking time for the diversity group to establish this, so should we add it here?

Steve - don't see difficulty, it just wasn't in our initial draft. And raises the question if we include this is it our version of diversity standards, or the other diversity group or ICANN in general (which haven't been posted yet)

Alan - we don't know how such a statement of diversity best practices would necessarily be applicable to specific constituency groups.

Jorge Villa (ASO): The diversity topic can be managed in a different way between SO/AC. If we include a recommendation, it must be very general recommendation

Cheryl - there seems to be some rational for some reference with regards to outreach and participation, but that would vary across the constituency groups and would necessarily be a general statement, a single overall sentence and not a specific best practice.

"Diversity would be a best practice within an SO/AC and may enable them reaching broader diversity dimensions."

Kavouss - supports the general statement, this is consistent with similar statements made in several other areas (GAC, others)

Steve - taking it under consideration to include general diversity language regarding outreach and participation.

Alan - shouldn't we flag this as one of the items that we need to make sure matches up with other subgroup efforts when we pull all recommendations together?

Steve - agreed and will include.

Jorge Villa (ASO): I think that trying to resume diversity between SO/ACs might be a daunting task, The diversity concepts important for a group may differ from others. I think that maybe in further versions we might include something if we are completely clear of how this concept will be managed between SO/ACs

Steve - agree in general, but the language as we've discussed is broad enough it shouldn't create an issue.

Transparency Recommendation #4 - add appropriate reasons for an AC/SO meeting to be closed.

Michael Karanicolas offered up language for 5 reasons.

comments of suggestions?

Alan - #4 seems insufficient. We should get some wider language from SSAC (Alan offered to follow up with SSAC)

Steve - I think this language is often used.

Alan - ok, if so then i don't have a problem.

Christopher - appreciate their objectives but the implementation of many of their recommendations are problematic. I think the language is too specific but if this is what the group came up with then ok.

Kavouss - don't think we need to add anything, it is sufficiently broad and we ask for clarification for other reasons as needed that would be appropriate.

Alan Greenberg: If we use "normally" or some such wording, I have no problem with the list.

Cheryl - what we can do is provide this back to the plenary and emphasize that this is an example list rather than an exclusive list.

Transparency Recc. #5 both address minutes of meetings and we should be more consistent.

Cheryl - I think we should bring the language from both recommendations together so they can be more consistent. But we should avoid wordsmithing the language on the call.

Steve - inconsistency is meetings be available to members or available to all (published).

Alan - in transparency recommendation it refers to minutes, but many calls don't have "minutes" and we might want to use more general language (meeting notes). Closed sessions are rare in ALAC but in the event they occur we keep no records.

Steve - in the BC, closed meetings are then closed to members.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Minutes / Notes and any recordings as the 'term' where Minutes is used now perhaps

Kavouss - two words here are carefully used - "published" and "minutes." Language more commonly used now are "made available" and/or "posted" and "notes" instead of "minutes"

Steve - we need to come back to this one later, as we need to move on to the other points of input.

NOTE - in the chat the following language was offered up:

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Participation Recc 4 : For any meetings, be they closed to members only or open to anyone, members  have to be able to access all records of the meeting, subject to exceptions for confidentiality matters.   Transparency Recc 5: Notes, Minutes or Records for all membership meetings should be made publically available.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Does that language work for the Finn Peterson point re consistency?

Next topic is regarding continued focus on SOAC accountability after the CCWG concludes. We could amend our report to recommend that future ATRTs examine SO/AC accountability. But this would increase that review team's efforts.

Alan - I think we could add this as an option within ATRT to review best practices for SOACs, but to charge them with reviewing SOAC accountability is too far, as this is something that the individual org reviews addresses.

Steve - we can also suggest to Plenary that we are recommending one bylaws change at Sec 4.6 b.

Next topic is Track 2: Mutual Accountability Roundtable.

Steve - There was significant concern about our first reading recommendation. Many other ideas were offered by members of the plenary. One idea brought forth would be to, prior to each AGM, ask the chairs of AC/SOs whether they want to hold a roundtable.

Alan - two different groups are referenced here - SO/AC chairs and then SO/AC/Group chairs, which is a much larger group. But I support the language.

Steve - before we agree to this suggestion, I asked several leaders of GNSO constituencies, and stakeholder groups and they were firmly against this idea.

Alan - I’m good with the language we have, and having it optional is good because as i stated in Copenhagen it is a good idea but I don't think ICANN isn't ready for it.

Kavouss - I think this is a good idea, and being optional is good. But I think it should be open to everyone, not just these people noted in the language.

Cheryl - one last point - are we ok on IRP latest comment from Avri to NOT include the complaints officer in the document language.

Next steps are to incorporate these changes and move forward with a next Plenary draft for the March 29th call.

4. Next Meeting and future Meeting schedule  

none currently listed for April onwards. To be discussed. 

Master Schedule is here

Next step is to reach out to the broader group regarding timing of future calls.

5. AOB and review of any AI's.  


Documents Presented 

plenary notes

Chat Transcript

  Brenda Brewer:  Good day and welcome to SO/AC Accountability Subgroup Meeting #24 on 23 March 2017 @ 05:  00 UTC!

  Brenda Brewer:  Please mute your phone when not speaking by pressing *6 (star 6)  *6 will also unmute.  Thank you!

  Kavouss Arasteh:  Good evening dear Brenda and Yevette

  Yvette Guigneaux:  good evening Kavouss

  Kavouss Arasteh:  Yevette, Thank you for the kind assistance provided at Airport

  Yvette Guigneaux:  you're welcome Kavouss but i believe Brenda deserves the credit on that one  =)

  Yvette Guigneaux:  glad you are feeling better too

  Kavouss Arasteh:  Yes Certainly indeed

  Yvette Guigneaux:  Kavouss - do you still need a dial out or are you ok without one?

  Yvette Guigneaux:  dialing you in now Kavouss

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  Hi everyone

  Kavouss Arasteh:  Good morning dear Admiral Cheryl

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  hi Kavouss,  late afternoon here in AU :  -)


  Kavouss Arasteh:  Sorry for Cap

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  NP

  Kavouss Arasteh:  Do we have Farzi on the call?

  Steve DelBianco:  see the wiki, 03-March document is at top

  Steve DelBianco:  Wiki is slow this morning, so I have emailed the current version just now.

  Alan Greenberg:  I have a copy distributed on the 3rd but it is labeled 11.0 in the file name and 1.0 at the top of the page.

  Alan Greenberg:  I'm sure he will.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  Perfect  so PLenary Drft 1.0 is the new nmenclature  (My most humble apologies Alan and WT)

  Alan Greenberg:  To add to the confusion, the file name says 11.0!

  Steve DelBianco:  Yvette -- do you have the PDF I distributed earlier today -- the notes from Copenhagen?

  Steve DelBianco:  we'll want to load that next

  Yvette Guigneaux:  i have two docs - plenary notes sent today and the draft just sent now

  Steve DelBianco:  Plenary notes, please

  Yvette Guigneaux:  on screen

  Yvette Guigneaux:  scrolling available if need be

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  Indeed Steve  if we were all in the room we can fast track  todays process

  jorge villa (ASO):  yes, we were in copenhagen

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  Scroll  to the Heading Track 1 in the email notes  10 March Email

  Yvette Guigneaux:  on screen

  CW:  In principle, Yes.

  Yvette Guigneaux:  Kavouss - little trouble hearing you - are you able to speak up please?

  CW:  Alan:   are we sure that ICANN will produce an effective diversity policy?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  Local storms here  and my bandwidth seems effected  SOrry  my AC  is behind everyone else it seems not seeing hands up in a timely manner

  jorge villa (ASO):  The diversity topic can be managed in a different ways between SO/AC. If we include a recommendarion, it must be very general recommendation

  Yvette Guigneaux:  we heard you much better Kavouss, thank you

  Kavouss Arasteh:  May we add " Diversity2 and indicate " as being developed by other WS-2 Usub group

  Kavouss Arasteh:  "Diversity"

  Steve DelBianco:  in our report, there is one mention of diversity in the NCUC's responses to our questions.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  the AC/SO's desirable diversity dimensions   needs to be considered ... ... ...

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  with a cross reference to 'subject to the outcimes of the WS@-Diversity WT  etc.,

  jorge villa (ASO):  I think that trying to resume diverity between SO/ACs might be a daunting task, The diversity concepts important for a group may differ from others. I think that maybe in further versions we might include something if we are completely clear of how this concept will be manged between SO/ACs

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):   as footnote or otherwise

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  indeed Jorge  therefore we need to keep our BP recs very generic

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  as *examples* of appropriate reasns for .. ... ...    Yes

  Kavouss Arasteh:  could you put the text in the chat

  CW:  my mike is on

  Yvette Guigneaux:  yes

  Yvette Guigneaux:  time check - 30 minutes

  Alan Greenberg:  If we use "normally" or some such wording, I have no problem with the list.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  Minutes / Notes and any recordings  as the 'term' where Minutes is used now perhaps

  Kavouss Arasteh:  What is that Bylaws change

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  Participation Recc 4 :   For any meetings, be they closed to members only or open to anyone, members  have to be able to access all records of the meeting, subject to exceptions for confidentiality matters.   Transparancy Recc 5:   Notes, Minutes or Records for all membership meetings should be made publically available.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  Does that language work  for the Finn Peterson point re consistency?

  Yvette Guigneaux:  time check - 5 min

  Alan Greenberg:  The day we have a real issue to discuss in such a group, a public meeting will NOT be the place to do it.

  Steve DelBianco:  Note that Avri was suggesting we not mention the Complaints Officer as alternative to IRP. In our report we do not mention complaints officer.   So no change is needed to accomodate Avri's comment

  avri doria:  bye