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ATLAS II Recommendation 8
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ATLAS II Recommendation 35
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ATLAS II Recommendation 36
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ATLAS II Recommendation 43
ATLAS II Recommendation 43

 The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II)  Final Declaration
       8The ALAC has the duty to keep track of action taken on all of the above recommendations.ALAC
  • ALAC
  • ALAC will be in charge of this task.
       9ICANN should open regional offices with a clear strategy, subject to a cost-benefit analysis, focusing on the areas where the access to the Internet is growing, and where such growth is more likely to occur.ICANN Board; ICANN Staff
  • ALAC
  • Staff
  • Staff to provide the Strategy document before LA.
  • ALAC to expand on this recommendation
     28The ALAC should work with all RALOs and ALSes to map the current expertise and interests in their membership, to identify Subject Matter Experts and facilitate policy communication.ALAC


     30For each Public Comment process, SOs and ACs should be adequately resourced to produce impact statements.ICANN SO & AC Chairs
  • ALAC
  • For near future ALAC discussion
  • Could be one of the hot topics in LA?
     32ICANN should ensure that all acronyms, terminology in its materials are clearly defined in simpler terms.ICANN Staff
  • ALAC
  • ALAC to prepare a follow up on this and send to the ICANN Board
     33The ALAC should arrange more At-Large Capacity Building Webinars.ALAC
  • ALAC
  • Capacity Building
  • Need to define 'Capacity Building' and possibly change the term
     34In collaboration with the global Internet user community, the ALAC shall reiterate the link between the fundamental rights of Internet users, and the Public Interest.ALAC
  • ALAC
  • To be discussed in the near future
     35The ICANN Board should hold a minimum of one conference call with the At-Large Community in between ICANN Public Meetings.ALAC; ICANN Board
  • ALAC


     36The At-Large Community should envisage conference calls with other ACs and SOs in between ICANN public meetings to improve collaboration and engagement.ICANN SO & AC Chairs
  • ALAC
  • Liaisons


     43RALOs  should  encourage  their  inactive  ALS  representatives  to  comply  with  ALAC  minimum participation requirements.ALAC; RALOs 
