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Draft Template for Charter Question - Category B Question 2 (updated 17 March)

PPSAI ­ Category B ­ Question 3 - Updated 18 March 2014


MP3 Recording:


Meeting Transcript:



Luc Seufer - RrSG

Graeme Bunton – RrSG

Tim Ruiz – RrSG

Sarah Wyld – RrSG

Steve Metalitz - IPC

Kathy Kleiman – RySG

Darcy Southwell - RrSG

Libby Baney - BC

Phil Marano – IPC

Valeriya Sherman – IPC

Roy Balleste – NCUC

Holly Raiche – ALAC

Susan Prosser – RrSG

Kristina Rosette – IPC

Justin Macy – BC

Jim Bikoff – IPC

David Heasley – IPC

Amr Elsadr NCUC

Michele Neylon – RrSG

Don Moody –IPC

Marie-Laure Lemineur – NPOC

Alex Deacon – IPC

Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP

Emily Emanuel – BC

Jennifer Standiford – RrSG

James Bladel – RrSG

Volker Greimann – RrSG

Gema Campillos – GAC

Tatiana Khramtsova – RrSG



Carlton Samuels – ALAC

Maria Farrell – NCUC

Paul McGrady – IPC

Tobias Sattler – RrSG


ICANN staff:

Marika Konings

Mary Wong

Amy Bivins

Margie Milam

Mike Zupke

Terri Agnew


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 08 April 2014: 

Marika Konings:Welcome to the PPSAI WG meeting of 8 April 2014

  Libby Baney:Good morning / afternoon

  Terri Agnew:Hello Libby

  Osvaldo Novoa:Hello everyone

  Valeriya Sherman:Morning! David Heasley is on the call

  Valeriya Sherman:also

  Terri Agnew:Emily Emanuel has joined

  Terri Agnew:Jennifer Standiford has joined

  Terri Agnew:Michele Neylon has joined

  Mary Wong:The EWG Survey Results Summary you see on screen here has been uploaded to the WG wiki.

  Graeme Bunton:

  Terri Agnew:David Heasley has joined

  Terri Agnew:Susan Prosser has joined

  Terri Agnew:Luc Seufer has joined

  Bladel:James Bladel joined.  Apologies for my tardiness.

  Terri Agnew:James I have you added to attendance

  Terri Agnew:Amr Elsadr has joined

  Amr Elsadr:Hi. Dialling in now.

  steve metalitz:Could staff circulate link to Appendix to EWG survey response summary  (see reference in footnote 1)?

  Mary Wong:On the EWG survey results, it may be helpful for WG members (and their respective SG/Cs) to indicate which (if any) of the findings they think useful for the WG to discuss or fold into our deliberations (and which category/question).

  Terri Agnew:Marie Laure Lemineur has joined

  Mary Wong:@Steve, can you clarify the document that has the FN?

  steve metalitz:The doc first posted in the Adobe room this morning. 

  Mary Wong:Ah, thanks - we will locate and send it ASAP. Thanks!

  Bladel:The first two sentences of this comment are so generally obvious as to be non-valuable.

  Michele Neylon:which comment are we looking at?

  Mary Wong:@Michele, the one by Jim Bikoff and his colleagues.

  Graeme Bunton:now on to the 2nd comment

  Luc Seufer:Basic resp. ...

  Sarah Wyld - you can scroll through the doc

  Michele Neylon:I am ..

  Amr Elsadr:@Graeme: Yeah..., I thought we were still on question 2 today. I guess I missed something.

  Terri Agnew:Phil Marano has joined

  Bladel:I'll dial in.

  Mary Wong:@Amr, the WG agreed to "park" the outstanding further issues from Q2 for further review, for now.

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks Mary. I dialled in a few minutes late.

  Mary Wong:No worries - hopefully this update will also be helpful to other WG members who may have missed it!

  Graeme Bunton:

  Amr Elsadr:+1 @Michele as well as transfer of registrant data across legal jurisdictions with a "thick" whois policy, but that's another story!! :)

  Kathy Kleiman:I think what James says makes sense

  Kathy Kleiman:It leaves room for the p/p services as they exist now (largely separate and independent) and in the future, where some may merge or there may be joint services

  Bladel:Kathy: Yep. They could become resellers of multiple registrars. 

  Volker Greimann:we require the registrant to use the data of the new privacy provider into the whois _before_ a transfer

  Terri Agnew:Volker I have added you to attendance

  Luc Seufer:I think every country has some sort of gag order

  Luc Seufer:so not sure about this distinction

  Kathy Kleiman::-) Michele

  Amr Elsadr:@James: Being too specific on accreditation may not be the way to go, but a blanket requirement of following due process as per the governing legal jurisdiction could work, couldn't it?

  Bladel:Agree with Michele.  It is up the the risk tolerance of the servie provider (and the cost).

  Bladel:@Amr:  Yes, that aligns with other policies and the RAA as well.

  Terri Agnew:Gema Campillos has joined

  Kathy Kleiman:Sanity?!

  Bladel:They registered a domain name, so they must be hiding something. :)

  Libby Baney:Good point Michele

  steve metalitz:Agree that accreditation standards should be minimum standards.


  Libby Baney:@Michele, +1

  Holly Raiche:That statement is aalready in the Final Whois Review Team Report

  Bladel:+1.  It's no more suspicious than an unlisted phone number or joinign the "do not call" list.

  Amr Elsadr:@Kathy: +1. It would be nice that p/p customers are not by default villains. :)

  Amr Elsadr:not perceived to be villains.

  Kathy Kleiman:Yeah!

  Kathy Kleiman:Can we codify or show strong support as a WG for Michele's comments?

  Michele Neylon:which one of my comments?

  Darcy Southwell:@Kathy:  Totally agree that p/p customers cannot be immediately assumed to be bad actors just because they bought the service.

  Amr Elsadr:@Steve: Agree on minimum standards.

  Kathy Kleiman:@Darcy: tx!  Let's codify that as a finding of this WG

  Gema Campillos:Hi everyone, Steve is giving some sensible ideas.

  Kathy Kleiman:@Michele: supporting operation of p/p under national laws (theirs)

  Bladel:Agree with Steve, and that mirrors the Registrars Accrditation program. 

  Kathy Kleiman:Marika: 4th point - the deference to national law (in the jurisdiction of the registrar and p/p provider)

  Terri Agnew:Tatiana Khramtsova has joined

  Tim Ruiz:A lot has been said in the past about Registrant Rights, and a document now exists explaining those rights. So it should be perfectly clear to p/p customers as to how those rights are affected or modified by the p/p provider. My two cents.

  Kathy Kleiman:Would it be possible (needed) to have a longer briefing on transfer policies and issues (for those of us who don't work on this issue regularly)?

  Kathy Kleiman:something a little more formal?

  Marika Konings:James actually provided a very good overview to the IRTP WG that we have recorded so I can share that

  Michele Neylon:Kathy - I was going to offer bribery

  Luc Seufer:If only we knew someone that has chaired IRTP WG from A to D


  Kathy Kleiman:@Michele: how much?

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks Marika.

  Bladel:not sure what I was just drafted for, but happy to help.

  Kathy Kleiman:Tx James!

  Bladel:Just ping me offline.

  Amr Elsadr:hehehe..., and thanks James.

  Kathy Kleiman:Tx Graeme!

  Amr Elsadr:Bye all. Thanks.

  Phil Marano:Thank you, goodbye.

  marie-laure lemineur:tx bye bye