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Comment: Added answers to questions
Staff and Community MembersEmail Addresses
Janice Douma

After great discussion with this Ad Hoc community group on what is currently the situation with our Budget Documents, Staff sat down and decided to take a look backward to see the progression of documents since 2008/2009.  Then, looking at structure of current Framework and Budget, came up with a couple of proposals.  Most information is below; draft Ops Plan and Budget is attached for comment that can be tracked on word document (paper clip)








STARTED IN 2008 FOR FY2009  - A BUDGET FRAMEWORK WAS PRODUCED FOR THE NEW DELHI MEETING (hyperlink to document to be provided)





Looking Back in Time:
  • Started Framework in 2008 for FY2009 Budget when a budget framework in ppt was produced for the New Delhi Meeting

  • FY2010 the format was the same as the draft Budget and Operating Plan; community feedback...document was "half-baked"

  • FY2011 and 2012 the format returned to a power point

Going Forward 


Questions to consider:
  • What is the perceived rationale and value for the current framework document?  How much time should the staff and community spend on this document if the current content is not “hitting the mark” of community expectations?  

    Answer "We have indicated that PPT format is OK.  However if it was a doc in the same format as budget would this not reduce staff preparation time?   Especially in areas like projects. Where the Framework and Budget should be the same structure. (Repeat importance of unique project title, number, staff lead, milestones, url ref to wiki or project document)    Framework and Budget, if closer inline, then the community consensus comment on framework can be seen to be input (or not) into the Draft Budget."  Chris Chaplow  


  • What are suggestions for modification of current framework content, if consensus from Ad Hoc group was that the structure was OK as is?

    Having reflected on this question since the first call.
    Closer in format to Draft budget.
    Notice how format has varied widely over last few years.
    See comment below, guidance on what sort of comment  is sought. This will need to be on section by section basis.


Looking at sections from FY13  framework  

Looking at sections from FY12 framework

Budget and Process and Milestones (5)
Priorities (2)
Composite View (2)
Core Operations (2)
Strategic Project Overview (8)
FY13 gTLD  (3)
Framework and Main Assumptions (6)
Revenue Framework and Assumptions

Contingency Fund (1)
Community Input (1)
Next Steps   (1)

Mission and Vision (3 pages)
Planning Process & Development  Cycle (2)
Budget Framework & Assumptions (1)
Revenue Framework & Assumptions ((2)
Op Expense Framework  (2)
Core (1)
Projects (1)
gTLD (3)
Non Cash Expenses (1)
Contingency Fund (1)
Reserve Fund (1)
Community Input & Requests & Feedback (2)
Next Steps   (1)


In red are very different as they are very PPT advisory. Others are more the document. Should be in different  style?    FY13 was more detailed and generally better received.

Priorities seemed isolated and lacked rationale and I now undertand was link from Strat plan. Suggest revisit FY13 comment (and set up call on this section  alone) before publish FY14
Core Operations is  lion’s share but only 2 pages.
Strategic project overview (Repeat importance of unique project title, number, staff lead, milestones, url ref to wiki or document)   
Framework and Main Assumptions  not sure why Revenue pulled out as separate section. Difficult to tie assumptions back to chart, whereas revenue was easy to tie back.
Missing ‘Non Cash Expenses’, ‘Reserve Fund’ 
Chris Chaplow 


In the current time frame that the Framework is scheduled At the time the current framework is schedule to be posted for comment, it is staff’s challenge to provide meaningful financial and operations data for community to consider.

Framework should be high level document to drive initial  discussion with community.  An example of this would be to present ICANN budget baseline for coming year based on exit run rate from previous year, an analysis of spending and forecasted strategic objectives and the fiscal year priorities that are being considered. From this, community input will be to focused on incremental work, projects, and new core activities from a high level perspective ie Does ICANN reduce fees, if there is excess or surplus, should it be added to reserve fund, what are other uses for reserve fund, input on headcount based on strategic priorities.  discussion with community; not focused on the detailed $$ but see Framework is process to suggest a direction based on strategic objectives in order  to formulate annual objectives of organization for coming fiscal year.  with adequate rationale and justification so that this information can be reviewed and potentially challenged by org, taken into account by staff to feed into the formulation of the financial implications of these strategic objectives in t a final Operating Plan..  detailed budget would address objectives

Suggestion is that this kind of information noted above Suggestion is that this information is provided to community in advance of pre-scheduled community worksessionswork sessions, as well as opportunity to comment on wiki.  As an initial consultation, this would no longer go through a formal public comment period, but we would always reach out through community leaders and ICANN staff to engage whoever n in the community who would like to access the wiki to engage in comment and discussion.



What is the perceived rationale and value for the current framework document?  How much time should the staff and community spend on this document if the current content is not “hitting the mark” of community expectations?

What are suggestions for modification of current framework content, if consensus from Ad Hoc group was that the structure was OK as is?



I.                   Intro

II.                  Strategic Overview

                     a.      Link Ops to Strat with charts and priorities

III.                Operating Plan and Budget

                     a.      ICANN Operations

                                     i.      Functional view (core and project combined)

                                     ii.     P&L

                                     iii.    Revenue & Revenue Source

                                     iv.    Traditional View: Expense Category (core and project combined)

                                     v.     Project Costs

                     b.      New gTLD  Application Processing

IV.                 Reserve Fund

V.                  Appendix




I.                    Intro

II.                  Strategic Overview of Budget Process

a.      Planning cycle

b.      Define Current Fiscal Year Strategic Objectives

c.       High level budget analysis:  vision and rational  for funds such as reserve, contingency, capital and net assets

d.      SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)

III.                Operating Plan and Budget

a.      more $$ details

b.      core vs project view in more detail and separated

c.       more financials / less words

d.      EAG to return ?

e.      Functional  view: more definition of 15 functional areas and keep at high level

f.        Traditional view / expense category: provide more detail

IV.                Appendix

a.      SO AC requests

b.      Close Out reporting

"Agree as ‘initial’ this would no longer go through a formal public comment period but not to remove formal altogether, which become formal deposit of comments developed together."Chris Chaplow

"I am not sure I fully understand the orange above ie where the framework is intended to sit,    and if I don’t understand it not much chance the rest of the community do. If so the community comments will be wide of the mark.  
Take and example. Core Operations on p11 of FY13 framework.  List without number of 14 Areas. Total was 63m$ FY13 (FY12 Budget 60m$)  What are sort of comment is expected of community if no numbers, bearing in mind that many of these topics are in parallel being discussed in other groups? (eg SSR)    Higher Lower?   Points system?
Suggest the orange above should be written into the framework document or an appendix on guidance for comments." Chris Chaplow

