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             final number of 40-50 students, no more. Tuesday briefing room. Suhaidi as shepherd. DIGITAL certificates required 

  •  Gisella Gruber to update Meetings Team on students day 
  •  Satish Babu to write to At-Large Staff inviting Akinori, Edmon and 2 new APAC Region Board Members, Christopher Chapman and Sajidur Rahman to latter part of APRALO F2F meeting and providing an OUTLINE of what is required from them during the session 

    Incorporate ALS Presentation into the AP F2F Meeting, NOT a separate session 

  •  Gisella Gruber to cancel ALS Presentation EMS Form 


  •  Gisella Gruber to check with Jia-Rong whether any social planned post APAC Space meeting on Tuesday in KL
  •  Amrita Choudhury Aris Ignacio to finalise the ALS Slide template 
  •  Gisella Gruber to schedule students briefing on Tuesday 20 September from 09:00-10:00 
  •  Aris Ignacio to confirm Suhaidi and Ameena's availability on Wednesday 17 Aug at 06:00 UTC to discuss the Students participation 
  •  Gisella Gruber to confirm Justine's availability for Wed 17 Aug for the call 
  •  Satish Babu Amrita Choudhury to provide a note to add to the APRALO Monthly meeting invitation to encourage all to join!
  •  The GROUP to provide a TITLE for the KL F2F APRALO Session 
  •  Shah to work on the welcome videos 
  •  Gisella Gruber to present ICANN75 Activities on the APRALO Monthly call 


  •  Gisella Gruber to work on APAC Space timing to avoid conflict
  •  Aris Ignacio to send the ALS Slide template to the group
  •  Gisella Gruber to set up a single issue call for APRALO F2F Meeting and Networking Session - EXTENSION OF 11 AUGUST CALL 
  •  Gisella Gruber to provide an update on networking possibilities
  •  Gisella Gruber to confirm whether any prizes can be made available  - via Social Media group 
  •  Finalise the pins, ribbons etc to obtain quotes


  •  RALO coordination session not on Saturday to avoid clash with IDN Session 
  •  Satish Babu to write to RALO Chairs re cross RALO topics 
  •  Aris Ignacio to work with Suhaidi on Students attending
    •  background, numbers, program ...
  •  Gisella Gruber to confirm with meetings team option for meeting room at 5:30pm to project ALS Video 
  •  Gisella Gruber to provide an option for a Social Event 



  • EUS & IDNs – Justine (question) to coordinate with Jonathan on open panel discussion (to include Edmon)
  • RALO Coordination Session (Cross Ralo on Regional Policy Hot Topics)
  • Other ICANN75 At-Large sessions lead by the ICANN75 Planning Committee (meet weekly on Tuesdays, rotating times of 14:00 & 19:00 UTC)


We are now seeking to host the 150 students at the venue, rather than going to the University.

  • Students will register for ICANN75
  • Self funded
  • At-Large will provide a meeting room for a briefing
    • Day and time TBC
    • Only ONE briefing or Brief AND debrief
    • Do we need a recording for this briefing?
      • If not, we can have this parallel to other sessions but do NOT require tech staff as such. We will only need microphones
  • Students will attend set sessions
    • NOTE – they will need to REGISTER for SESSIONS, similar to The Hague
    • Social distancing in place – meeting room numbers will be monitored


  • DINNER – AP Leadership OR Funded At-Large Travellers (33 on the list) OR other?
    • This will allow me to start working on options and restaurants etc
    • We will need an invite list with set numbers to secure a restaurant
    • Once we know about any sponsorship, this will assist for budget (I am also working on additional funds)



  •  Satish suggesting to co-host APAC Space via Jia-Rong
  •  Gisella to work on any additional catering budget available (for dinner)
  •  Gisella to add Shah to the next meeting invitation
  •  Combine monthly meeting NextGen/Fellows
  •  Gisella to contact Deborah and Amrita to find best slot for the Monthly F2F - Combine monthly meeting NextGen/Fellows
  •  Next Meeting Thursday 28 July at 06:00 UTC


Friday 16 September - Public Holiday Kuala Lumpur Day

  •  Suggested Sessions:
    •  Cross RALO Discussion on key policy issues & enhancing engagement
    •  2x Policy Sessions (NOTE - topics required)
    •  1x AP Monthly F2F

Note from Naveed: Do we need a session on ways to enhancing engagement of alses and end users in the region. it's a very diverse region with issues of engagement and connectivity and awareness?


  •  Networking Event 
    •  Suggestion for all to wear local attire - reminder APRALO Color is RED
    •  Suggestion for all ALSes to submit paragraph on their engagement and experience with APRALO and publish for event
  •  Sponsorship 
    •  Any local sponsors for external dinner?
    •  Gisella Gruber to confirm if any limitations on sponsorship
  •  Outreach at local University 
  •  APRALO Monthly Meeting F2F