Versions Compared


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  • James Bladel
  • Susan Kawaguchi
  • Wilfried Woeber


Definitions (approved 2 March 2011)

A.   Producers:  The individuals or organizations supplying contact data for inclusion in to into WHOIS data.

Maintainers:   After discussion with my Legal team, they recommend we B.    Maintainers: The WHOIS Review Team proposes to subdivide this category in to:

    *  Data Controller Data Controllers:  Individuals or organizations that define the data to be collected, require its release, and govern its use.  May or may not be directly involved in these functions.

    *  Data Processors:  Individuals or organizations engaged in the collection, storage, and release of data, according to the terms defined by the Data Controller.  They do -not- determine the nature or use of the data that they collect or maintain.

Existing Organizations:  Where do they fit?

The subteam is unanimous on the following:
Registrants = Producers
ICANN = Maintainer (Data Controller)
gTLD REGISTRY = Maintainer (Data Controller and Data Processor)
gTLD REGISTRAR = Maintainer (Data Processor)
WHOIS DATA ESCROW PROVIDER = Maintainer (Data Processor)

The subteam disagrees on the following:
WHOIS DATA AGGREGATOR = Data Processor (Susan), No Category (James)
PRIVACY/PROXY SERVICE = Data Processor (Susan), Producer or No Category (James)

We will need further information on the ASO / ccNSO equivalents for these entities, if any.