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Date:  Thursday, 17 February 2022

Time: 19:00 - 20:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)


English Conference ID = 1638

Spanish Conference ID = 1638

 Zoom Room  /  Password: #CBWGWeb1!   


Action Items: EN




Zoom Chat:






Zoom Recording: EN



EN: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jonathan Zuck, Alfredo Calderon, Hadia Elminiawi, Maureen Hilyard, 

ES: none

Apologies: none

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Melissa Peters Algood,


Michelle DeSmyter

ES Interpreters: Claudia & Paula

Call Management:


Michelle DeSmyter




  1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (3 min)

  2. Adoption of the Agenda - Hadia (2 min)

  3. Review of the Action Items from previous call- Hadia (1 min)


  1. Debrief of the Intercultural Workshop: Small Talk Part 2 Workshop held Tuesday 15 February at 19:00 UTC - Hadia, Sandra & Melissa (30min)

  1. Stories 

    1. Story 1 - Marita Moll 

    2. Story 2 - Cheryl Langdon-Orr 

    3. Story 3 - Javier Rúa-Jovet

    4. Story 4 - Glenn McKnight

  2. Format

  3. Workshop: Tuesday 15 February at 19:00 UTC

    1. Email invitation 'description' required 

    1. What worked well 
    2. How to improve participation 
    3. How to make more interactive
  1. Next Workshops - Hadia and All (15min)

  2. AOB - Hadia (5 min)

  3. Next Call - Hadia (2 min)

    1. Thursday 3 March or 17


    1. March at 19:00 UTC


    1. - depending on next workshop scheduled.